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Everything posted by StayinThailand2much

  1. Headline tomorrow: "All a misunderstanding. Actually the target was announced as '40 billion foreign visitors'"...
  2. Yes, skipping my breakfast, but instead going to a beer bar at 8 a.m., having to order and drink beer at that time... Call me old-fashioned, but I don't drink beer before late afternoon. - I am lonely too, but I don't sit in a beer bar early in the morning, just staring ahead of me...
  3. LOL. That's a different story. I very much doubt that China wants to transport their aircraft carriers via such a Land Bridge to the Indian Ocean, nor do I think that, in case of a war, they could transport meaningful oil, or food supplies that way to China.
  4. Bangkok and Phuket airport IOs have become stricter in recent years (definitely from 2019 on), so trying to enter six times in a year for VOA would be pushing it. You might be lucky to succeed, but be prepared to be denied after the third or fourth time. In any case, please report your experience.
  5. Yes, for a long time the same few rich families, keeping the lowly masses uneducated and impoverished to eternally preserve their feudalistic society... Then a nouveau riche family turned up; first despised, before being removed from power, but now accepted and welcomed to join in the rule and exploitation of the masses for the sole benefit of the couple hundred families at the top. No way that any progressive newcomers that want to bring the country 'forward' for everyone will be allowed to take over the government easily.
  6. That train has long left the station; until the next general election anyway.
  7. Yes, I got almost used to not drinking much beer in Thailand. Saves money for overseas holidays. Thank you, Thailand!
  8. So, Thailand is doing this for Malaysia's economic benefit? - Isn't the economic benefit of visa runners to neighbouring countries enough?
  9. It has been reported (and experienced by myself) that zebra crossings, perversely, are the least safe places to cross a road in Thailand. As you mentioned, vehicles, instead of slowing down and stopping, frequently continue at the same speed over zebra crossings, even when pedestrians use them. Also, I have never seen as many traffic accidents as near schools in Thailand, mostly caused by vehicles that have no connection whatsoever with the schools (i.e. not by students, parents, or teachers)...
  10. Depends how you define old. They weren't teenagers, but retired guys.
  11. ... a lot of which is used for pointless schemes and, almost daily occurring, press releases about ever higher tourist arrival and tourism income projections, reminiscent of Grimm's fairy tales.
  12. Saw this earlier this year in Pattaya too; several old guys (15 to twenty years older than me) sitting alone every morning (after 8 or 9 a.m.) at the same beer bars, nursing one beer over an hour and longer, while staring at the empty Soi in front of them... But no, they weren't there since the night before, but arrived at the bar as soon as it opened to have a liquid 'breakfast'.
  13. Yes, I'm always surprised to see that many Thai women on dating websites, some of them very young, are single mothers, sometimes of two or more children. And yes, it is not uncommon that they mention that they are 'freelancers', or work as bargirls.
  14. I finally understand why those BTS and MRT fares are relatively high (compared to other places in Asia). They need to factor in, and save up for potential Tofu-dreg events of any of their Chinese-made equipment.
  15. Yes, just saw that; Big C full with Chinese tourists, buying the cheapest instant noodles and snacks... (And before you mention me; I sometimes shop at Big C, being an expat, rather than on a 1-week holiday as the Chinese tourists are.)
  16. Would like to see a reenactment. How can one hit someone with a 'hidden firearm', unless the firearm was hidden in his shirt sleeve...
  17. Wonder, how many foreign tourists (out of the 28 million Thailand travellers, incl. migrant workers) visited Pattaya in 2023. Seems that they are primarily after domestic travellers in Pattaya (incl. the numerous freelancing tourists). - Yes, the number is large, but what is the income?
  18. Honestly, whenever I travel to Pattaya, all these places or events is not what I'm interested in. I don't think all those Indian single travellers are. And the Chinese tour groups usually just follow the flag to the island, and around sunset up and down Walking Street... On the contrary, when there are big events, I usually avoid travelling to Pattaya.
  19. Yes, that's the question. Will they... (A) Patiently wait for lodged tax returns by Thais who invest overseas, and foreigners, possibly resulting in very little extra revenue (after all, they don't have contact addresses of expats, or Thais who never lodged a tax return), or (B) Go after transfers, forcing the account holders to lodge tax returns, and provide whatever proof of earlier taxation they have/don't have, resulting in large extra revenue for the RD. (A) would indicate that they just want to comply with international regulations, while (B) would generate a lot of income which the government is keen to get their hands on.
  20. So, according to this, who has no income in Thailand doesn't need to lodge a tax return. Who receives transfers or cash from abroad, and has been staying for 180+ days in Thailand, should lodge a return if they think there might be tax liability in Thailand. And the RD will wait for any tax returns in the mail. Sounds good to me.
  21. Yes, any other country they would have clarified 'when', 'how', and 'who'. But this being Thailand, only an informal press release that 'all foreign income will be taxed'... Just like a restaurant advertising: "Come visit us! We have food."
  22. 2024 already; waiting for reports of members who had transfers to Thailand this year...
  23. I lived in China 2015 to 2017. Even back then restaurants were quite empty, and big supermarkets often deserted, despite big discounts offered on imported goods. People, even back then, seemed to have a low buying power, and were careful with their money. (Theft was rampant, however.) I didn't see much of a 'middle class', or wealthy people. A large part of the rural population has only a very low income. I think that most economic growth in China is due to property speculation by local governments, and large infrastructure investments by the central government. With more and more provincial governments, as well as people, highly indebted, and the central government preserving cash for an upcoming war, no doubt that the house of cards (of speculation) will soon fall apart. Already China's economic growth has slowed considerably (to 2.99% in 2022, and barely 5% in 2023), which, for such an underdeveloped, but rich (central government only) country is abysmal. Where does that leave Thailand? I think, for the foreseeable future, at least, Chinese arrivals have peaked. Most people keen to travel after the pandemic have done so. There is a chance of a slight increase in Chinese arrival numbers this year, but the historical 2019 numbers are just that, history.
  24. 100% agree. I doubt that the other party can enforce the return of the deposit. If people are unable to travel, a gentleman and good businessman should return it, if only to not lose a potential customer for future business. (During the pandemic, 99% of companies refunded, one way or the other, my numerous cancelled travel bookings, with the exception of one black sheep; an airline based in Kuala Lumpur with the word 'Asia' in its name, still owing me to this day 13,000 baht for flights they cancelled. I wouldn't fly with them again if they paid me to.)
  25. Watched fireworks in both, Auckland and Sydney. Both awesome; of course the ones at Sydney Harbour Bridge a bit more spectacular. Happy New Year, all Kiwis and Aussies!
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