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Everything posted by StayinThailand2much

  1. Same for NZ and Oz. Too old to get a backpacker visa, I had to limit my travel experience in NZ to 90 days. Would have loved to stay longer and spend more money. (Yes, I could have flown all the way to Oz and back for another entry, but I didn't bother.) And yes, the same applies to Thailand; if it's too bothersome, there's plenty other countries to spend one's money...
  2. Here we go again; the two eternal obsessions of Thais: 1. Why don't more foreigners travel to Thailand, and stay longer than just the average 9 days? 2. Why do foreigners stay (that) long in Thailand?
  3. You guys need to get a hobby. He's living in your head. Not everyone is 'glued' all day to AN. Sometimes you have to give people a bit of time to reply...
  4. True. I had a METV in 2019. Arriving for my last possible entry, the IO seemed to give her supervisor a signal, then said something to him like 'never mind'... - Repeat visitors, arriving often over the course of one year, or staying for an extended time on any tourist visas, or VFEs seem to be more and more unwelcome in Thailand, which explains the TAT's hype about populous countries like China and India... 'Come and visit once, leave all your money here, but don't come back anytime soon.' - Hub of hospitalty? Well...
  5. I have to give it to the Thais that they don't need to be 'reminded' about their country's hostages. If I were a hostage, I'd be worried though, as my country gives a rat's a** about their own abroad...
  6. 'Pooh the Bear' in China, possibly starting WW3.
  7. These "rules" were enacted almost 20 years ago, and only a few years later abolished. Still quoted by unscrupulous IOs, though, particularly at the Bangkok airports.
  8. Covid extensions and education visas/extensions are, for some reason, a red flag for these people. Doubtful that a new passport would help, as everything is in the computer system, and considering how long Thai IOs usually stare at the screen.
  9. Then you're in 'no-man's land', and need to get permission from country B (e.g. Laos) again to enter. They might cancel the exit stamp, but Thailand cannot, as, contrary what some Thais may wish for, Laos is not part of Thailand...
  10. How can an IO of country A 'cancel' an exit stamp of country B?
  11. Just look up 'LBJ and JFK assassination' on YouTube; plenty of videos of former cops, authors, etc., who have been investigating this for decades. He knew about it well in advance, dug in the car before his limo even entered Dealey Plaza, secret service agent already covering him, when Kennedy was still waving at the crowd... Plus, he even admitted it to his girlfriend Madeleine Brown...
  12. And, possibly, death, and losing a leg or two... What is it with Thais preaching "soft powers" and chastity, but practising the exact opposites, then denying and lying about it...
  13. Most people are not 'good', or 'bad', e.g. Lyndon B. Johnson might have done 'good' things in civil liberties issues, but, at the same time, he masterminded the JFK assassination, and, most probably, was also involved in other murders (not to mention corruption and bribery). John F. Kennedy, on the other hand, I would call a mostly good person, who not only genuinely cared about people, rescued many sailors of his boat in WW2 while risking his own life, and who wanted to end the Cold War. At the same time, however, he was a womanizer, unfaithful to his loving wife, and also got elected thanks to mob involvement in the presidential election 1960.
  14. Funny, I've heard the exact phrase many times, uttered by Thais, particularly Thai women...
  15. Well, having been on dating sites for three years and longer, this doesn't seem too farfetched... A large percentage of freelancers, not only in Pattaya, but also Bangkok, and any place upcountry, 18 year-olds, grannies, and any age in between.
  16. Possible. I stayed a few nights at a hotel on holiday. Perhaps I should stop travelling in Thailand, and spent my time in only one place... LOL
  17. Doesn't mention anything about visas.
  18. And who's fault is that? - School administrators, and consecutive governments over the past eight decades...
  19. What is the latest time that I can present my TM47 in person at Chaengwattana (e.g. if the form says 10th Jan., and my last report was on day X at 9AM)... (a) 17th Jan. until 9AM, or (b) 17th Jan. until 4PM? (Before anyone suggests the online option, it didn't work out for me.)
  20. In a country where policies flip-flop on a whim, and where there's zero consideration for the future, any investor should be wary to take anything for granted.
  21. I'm not much into animated series, but "Krapopolis" (Fox) is not unfunny. Re-watched "Uprising" (2001) yesterday; always moving, plus half the cast of "Friends" is in it.
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