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Everything posted by StayinThailand2much

  1. So do I. Songkran is always the time when I stay at home, spending hardly any money. Party time is after Songkran...
  2. And definitely way more on these things than the Chinese do.
  3. A 20%-deficit... Wonder, what morons will lend them that kind of money, or will they just print it? - Seems that massive private-household debt won't be the only economic headache in the future...
  4. It would, but they like to go after easy targets and low-hanging fruit, not to mention that only 'foreigners are bad', but never Thai people. And if foreign tourists really were to stay away thanks to the valid points you mentioned, then they could always 'double the prices to make good for the shortfall'... TiT!
  5. Yes, saw large numbers of young people and families from Europe, the Americas, and Asia travelling after the pandemic to Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Malaysia. Higher flight prices, 'lack of flights', or 'negative economic factors' are clearly not reasons why people are not coming to Thailand as they used to. (An exception, perhaps, over the past few months, is the rapidly deteriorating economic situation in China.)
  6. "Cambodia retirement visa eligibility If you want to get a Cambodia visa for retirement, you need to satisfy the following conditions: Your age must be 55 or older You must prove you are retired (get a pension or social security documentation) and have sufficient financial funds (bank or retirement fund statements) You must be unemployed" Is there a way around the 'pension documentation'? (I'm still years away from receiving a retirement pension.)
  7. Or the tourists with their numerous complaints...
  8. True. That Japan is more popular, despite not having tropical beaches, or the draw of the infamous Thailand nightlife is telling. Perhaps it beats Thailand in regards to hospitality, service, infrastructure, and lack of scams...
  9. LOL. How do you know that "his English is still better than your Thai"? Also, if I paid for my news, then certainly not for news coverage in "The Thaiger"... I'd spend my money more wisely.
  10. "Kanya’s English skills were more than enough for communication. The cabin crew received the note and nodded once to let Kanya know she understood the situation. by Petch Petpailin..." So I guess, Petch Petpailin's (at "The Thaiger") isn't either, and "The Thaiger" can't afford proofreaders...
  11. The OP was in English. How well do you play the saxophone?
  12. Yes, while in Bangkok one has to buy at least two different tickets/cards (no discounts whatsoever), not to mention long and time-consuming transfer distances between the different providers (MRT to BTS, BTS to Airport Link, etc.) - No need to go to the fitness center, if one has to walk twice between BTS and MRT stations... I enjoyed travelling in Hong Kong where it is so convenient.
  13. Lots of horror stories about Thai taxi drivers recently (incl. the foreign woman on Phuket kicked out of a taxi)... They must be working overtime now on a BIG story of that "jai-dee" taxi driver returning a briefcase with dozens of Rolexes, jewellery, and a wallet stuffed with tens of thousands of dollars, yuan...
  14. Sadly, having used taxis in Thailand over the past 26 years, I'd say, at least 85% are! - Many scammers, and also many who couldn't find a hole in their socks, never mind a destination (other than 'Aee pot', or a few select landmarks)...
  15. Thailand is the #1 country in the world; best products at best prices...* *Beware: sarcasm!
  16. Damn! Those pesky foreigners again! Exporting their cheap stuff to Thailand...
  17. In Bangkok very common; driving like a zombie (appearing like he's on drugs), loud music on, checking 35x (or so) the GPS, but still no clue how to get from A to B...
  18. This ship has long sailed... At least since the aftermath of the tsunami 2004, when taxi drivers demanded 3,000 baht and more to go to the airport... "No? Okay, you walk..."
  19. What difference would that make? Wouldn't an expired passport... 1. Lead to refusal of the airline to let him board? 2. Refusal by Immigration to let him leave the country? 3. Consequently, his arrest? He'd need a new passport.
  20. Didn't know one can "buy" bags on a plane... LOL.
  21. Yes, the most troublesome issue is the (intentional?) vagueness, and the possibility that this has not been thought through. It may, or may not cost Thailand way more than it is supposed to bring in.
  22. I wonder what would make such a 'land bridge' attractive. - Cargo transported, say, from Japan to Chumpon, loaded onto a train or trucks, then overland to Ranong, where another ship would have to wait in the harbour to take over the same cargo... Doesn't sound logical, unless, of course, you're striving for business from the PRC, which, in the case of a military conflict, might want to circumvent the Strait of Malacca... Have they asked the CCP whether they want to invest?
  23. You were probably sent to the 'TM.30 counter'. Were you charged an 800-baht fine there?
  24. I heard, the Pink Line will be renamed 'Tofu-dreg Line', but that's probably just a rumour...
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