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Everything posted by StayinThailand2much

  1. Arai na?...... Correct. Over the years I have met few Thais capable of critical thinking. The ones who were had travelled extensively abroad, or even studied overseas. Critical thinking is not favoured in the Thai educational system, the media, or in society. Most Thais don't care much about international news or events, with the exception, perhaps, of betting on English football scores. China, as is widely known, has/had the highest population in the world, so the TAT probably presumed that tour operators could potentially make the most money from Chinese tour groups, which actually turned out to be true in the 2010s. However, this is 2023, not 2019, and Chinese people's incomes, on average, are declining. Not to mention, that more and more Chinese travellers want to travel individually these days, preferring to discover other destinations, rather than being herded around Koh Larn, or Walking Street...
  2. Perhaps they reduced the package weight (like everyone else), and just couldn't be bothered to update the new weight on the label. (Often when I buy groceries, I pay more at the check-out than what the shelf labels indicate.)
  3. It's already AUKUS, so adding Thailand would result in (out of) THAUKUS. Anyway, if other interested countries were to join it might become JAUKUS or NAUKUS...
  4. Has tax been paid on that 65k in country of origin ? Does country of origin have a DTA agreement with Thailand ? No-one still seems to know whether any such transfers (monthly, or lump-sum) will be taxed at source (the receiving bank), requiring one to claim it back, or via filing a tax-return first. And who knows whether DTA agreements will be 'followed' like other laws in Thailand, i.e. "up to officers' discretion"...
  5. At least, getting a frigate, the sailors have a chance to save their lives, should the Made-in-China vehicle suffer from Tofu-dreg...
  6. ... that stare at the screen, and need, at least, twice as long compared to IOs in other countries. What is it - slow computer system, the data in unfamiliar language, English, or why does it always feel like one could order a coffee while waiting?
  7. I absolutely believe them, but still would like to see a pic of both packages and medicines out of curiosity...
  8. That's because they behave like little kiddies at a candy store, except they reach for the most visible money rather than lollies... Hordes of Chinese, and they favour them. Russian tourists, who, for whatever reason, have money to throw around, and they give them longer visa exemptions. Indian tourists walking around with gold necklaces on the beach, and they get all excited. - If Hamas, Islamic State, Al-Shabaab, or Al-Qaeda came here, throwing around money, they would roll out the red carpet for them...
  9. On the few occasions when they tried to scam me at 7-Eleven it was always middle-aged women.
  10. There are scams going on at a few 7-Eleven stores, but it's rare. I remember buying stuff at 7-Eleven on Khao San Road several years ago, when the police station was just opposite. Looked on receipt, and saw an item I had neither bought nor received, but that was billed to me. Then there are rare occasions where they try to short-change you by a few coins, while not giving you the receipt. If you tell them, they will just give you that change without even apologising, which is telling. - Again, most 7-Eleven staff are honest IMHO, but there are a select few stores where staff try things. Paying with big notes for small amounts is a bit risky, so it is advisable to keep an eye on what's going on, and complain immediately if there is a discrepancy. Human errors happen, but having staff count the banknotes in the till, and telling you 'no have' doesn't sound like you're going to get it back, as the cops will most probably believe the staff over you. Live and learn! Also, are you sure it wasn't your mistake, perhaps?
  11. Are you seriously comparing that Muppet Show (with the puppet master holding the strings while staying at the luxury wing of a hospital) with the Westminster system?
  12. Maybe they will copy their Chinese friends' business tactics for tour groups ('forced' shopping tours); spend a minimum of X baht at each shop, or risk being kicked out of the hotel, and have your transportation tickets invalidated... That would teach those pesky tourists to spend more!
  13. So, what's the problem? Higher yields, more income for the farmers, who can pay back their enormous debts quicker... Ah, I see, Thailand 'losing face' because their own is inferior to the falang rice. - Who cares?
  14. Years ago they wanted to get rid of the snowbirds who regularly spent 6 months a year here in Thailand. Then they started to favour tourists from China and SE Asia (e.g. day-trippers from Malaysia). Consequently, the average duration of stay, as well as the income per tourist went south... Perhaps time to repair those TAT calculators to bring the message home that a Chinese tourist staying one week in Thailand, spending 5,000 baht a day (i.e. 50,000 baht) spends LESS than a snowbird/expat who spends 2,500 baht a day, but for 180/365 days (i.e. 450,000/912,500 baht)...
  15. Hoping for the best, but being prepared for the worst. Bring it on, Thailand...
  16. Welcome to Thailand, where we blame everyone and everything, but never ourselves (and our incompetence)... How dare Chinese and Western tourists not to come (or send their money)? - Hospitality is something else, and people who have been to the Land of Sc**s know that, choosing other destinations instead.
  17. Sad, but true. Never about the tourists in Thailand, but only about their money. No wonder, that many only visit once.
  18. Not to worry, as the TAT is predicting an economic boom thanks to mass-tourism (with the bets currently on 'domestic travellers')...
  19. Wonder, if the patient was a foreigner, whether they would allow monthly installments too...
  20. Well, this is Thailand, where the first question is: "Do you have money (or insurance)?", and the second is: "Are you Thai, or a foreigner?", and the answers to both questions will determine if/how they treat you, and 'how much'...
  21. I wouldn't be surprised. Salivating, while punching 27 million × 4 into their calculator - voila, 4x the money...
  22. Damn! Thai shenanigans taking hold in France...
  23. Semantics... Yes, of course do IOs in any country have the last word to grant permission of entry, but I still have to travel to another country where I'm not only asked 'why I come so often', but also, in an unprofessional way, are subjected to a moody IO.
  24. Always when flying into Bangkok, at best half the counters are manned. I don't expect IOs to speak Russian or Hindi, but being fluent in English would be a start.
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