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Posts posted by driver52

  1. On 6/26/2021 at 10:44 AM, Crossy said:

    The trees have grown a lot since this photo was taken in 2016

    **** me that's a palace!!

    OP just googled it and 1 rai is 1600 square meters, that's bloody enormous!

    Obvs depends what you're used to....I've had some 'big houses' in the UK but the size of the plots were quite small, that's what happens when the rich steal all the land lol

    1000 square meters in Europe is plenty big but some expats feel like they need to buy a field or 2 and spend all summer mowing the lawn..

    I've stopped mowing the grass to help the wildlife ????

  2. 15 minutes ago, digbeth said:

    The Wuling mini-ev has importers in Thailand already around 370k , still left hand drive

    ok, informative cheers

    have you seriously thought about a car or a motorbike from India and are you set on an EV?

    I drive a RHD in a left hand drive country AND I actually quite like how I can see how close to the ditch/curb I am and practice taking 'the racing line' ????

    If it wasn't for all this 'convid cr@p' I'd defo be interested in buying one or 2 things from India....this is a good website for 'motor related news' over there

    https://www.rushlane.com/ some interesting electric motorbikes are starting to come on the market too.....

  3. 49 minutes ago, BE88 said:

    France is not heaven on earth 10 years ago same you tell me. LOL

    it defo has a lot going for it but also full of 'miserable old French fookers'........they didn't invent 'Les Miserables' for nothing lol

    YMMV ????

    • Haha 1
  4. 32 minutes ago, Doctor Tom said:

    There is no answer to that assertion, not what that I have anyway. 

    one answer is to look at the balance sheets of the FED (a private bank) and the ECB (another bunch of robbers)

    Where do you think all the 'stimmy cheques' are coming from?

    But it's good isn't it cos it makes the stock markets go to 'all time highs'......the rich have never had it so good!! ????

    • Like 2
  5. On 7/11/2021 at 6:19 AM, sometimewoodworker said:

    this one is in the CU

    I understand Thailand is 240volt? so that RCCB at 50amps can pull 12,000 watts! ie totally crazy and if you only had a 10amp breaker you could still run 2,400 watts, which would still be enough to run a kettle and a microwave simultaneously

    you need a lot less power than most folks realise with modern devices that consume a lot less wattage than in years gone by.....ie look at modern TVs compared to old CRT stuff, you can justify a new TV on the grounds of 'money saved' lol

    • Like 1
  6. On 7/11/2021 at 5:46 AM, ncc1701d said:

    upgraded circuit breakers B5,000

    Total B160,700


    I do find it hard to believe it costs this much and I'm intrigued by Mr. Wong's post above. I think I would enjoy doing such things...

    #metoo! I've looked into building a few times but never managed to pull it off

    I do have some friends that are building a small wood house (only like 6metres x 3 metres) in the Frenchy countryside and they are doing it very cheap.

    One thing I have learnt, if you know some guys with a digger and a tractor for lifting the materials it gets even cheaper!

    Not sure why those breakers are so expensive, in Europe they're only like 20€!

    Also, have you looked into solar panels? You can pick up 400watts for not much money now, use it to charge 'phone battery packs', you can pick up like 10k-20k mAh packs for cheap now too and they can run LED lights, a radio (make that out of a raspberry pi!) a cheap computer etc

    i'd love to get out there and start building, I have so many ideas lol

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, BE88 said:

    France is also a nice country to settle in, apart from the higher cost of living due to higher taxes than other European countries.



    sure the tax is bad if you work but otherwise it is very very cheap compared to say the UK where council tax is going bonkers.....house tax in France is like nothing, electricity is cheap, wood is free lol. Weeds can be grown for free ????


    • Haha 1
  8. 40 minutes ago, Doctor Tom said:

    Ask the government

    why would I ask the government when they lie all the time?

    AND why do they collect taxes when they can print infinite money? Therefore tax is theft

    So not only do they lie but they steal as well! ????

    • Confused 2
  9. 10 minutes ago, norfolkandchance said:

    Please supply a link that all of Italy is Mafia Land.

    I knew an English lady who had trouble selling her house for many years AND had to grease some palms to finally sell it! She will never go back.....

    Have you seen who is in control now? The man formerly from 'the vampire squid' and racked up sh!tloads of debt buying corporate bonds 'in the name of the plebs' whilst head of the ECB......most of Europe is now run by 'the mafia' sadly ????

  10. 1 hour ago, Doctor Tom said:

    The Thai Government has announced a crack down on fake news and statements, that may be made on all news outlets and social media platforms, or passed on as reliable news, so some maybe need to take note.   

    how can we be sure what is real and what is fake anymore? let me know your tips please! I may be getting cynical but I think all governments and their rich friends just want to lie and control us all the time ????




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    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Things wont get back to normal until the virus has ceased to exist , which will be when the majority of the World has been vaccinated

    strange that folk who have already been 'doubled jabbed' are getting the delta variant, what sayest thou on that 'Dr Fauci'???

  12. 7 hours ago, BE88 said:

    Also consider Italy where the kitchen is much better and the climate is less hot, not the north but more towards the south after Rome and where you can buy houses and land like all of Europe without problems.


    you might be able to buy easily in Italy but then try selling, it is not called Mafia Land for nothing lol

    France is actually not too bad a place to live, some very cheap housing if you like being in the countryside and the infrastructure is very good indeed

    Shame Macaroni seems intent on behaving like a fascist and enriching his rich pals ????

  13. 6 hours ago, Crossy said:

    I'm not convinced the Alibaba unit is the same spec. cheap unit for the Chinese market perhaps?

    yeah don't think I'd be buying a car off Alibaba!

    I'm still not convinced by electric vehicles myself, you can get some lightweight cars with really good 3 cylinder engines now

    The Suzuki Baleno with a 1 liter Boosterjet is one that springs to mind, it might only have about 110PS but it weighs about 950kg!

    OP have you seen this one? they start at about 3500USD lol


  14. 6 hours ago, DBath said:

    We've decided to move to Spain

    have you been there before? An old friend spent some years in Northern Spain and hated it. It was brrrrr freezing in the winter, ok he was a few hundred meters up but he left for France

    quick q please, how does Hua Hin compare to Koh Chang?

  15. 20 hours ago, RobU said:

    Brand new quality build for less than £12,000

    Good job! Any chance of another thread with some pics please? I'm currently selling up in Frogland and that sounds interesting

    FYI, dunno if you're already into 'pension drawdown' and I'm not an expert BUT a SIPP is very interesting in terms of passing on the benefits

    quote 'All proceeds from a SIPP are paid tax free to a nominated beneficiary on the death of a member if they were under the age of 75 when they died'

    PS Good luck!

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