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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Kill for profit ... it's in their nature .
  2. Rolling back the decriminalization of Cannabis will create much more problems than the legalization did . People are mostly happy with the regulations now ( except some doctors who do not profit enough from it ) . Just leave it like that , time will show that it was right to decriminalize it .
  3. That's right . But Putin is not Russia . Many Russians do not agree with him anymore . Best would be to permanently remove him . Nawalny for President !
  4. It depends on the building quality of the pool . If they used a lot of steel to build it , it will be difficult and expensive to remove ... may be keep it as a fish pond ?
  5. He is 70 years old now , he would be 90 then ... no fun . Why did it take 26 years to find him guilty ? What happened to him and where has he been these 26 years ?
  6. Yeah , i've seen that in the news ... climate is changing rapidly to the extremes . But I am sure that someone in Canada would offer her a place to hide it out ...?
  7. That's the way to do ... no more shooting and killing , let them fight against each other in a FAIR fight .
  8. Even if Prayut returns , it will hopefully be for only a few month until the elections next year ...
  9. Good luck to her . Canada is still a nice place to live . Much better than Myanmar .
  10. It seems that those who predicted that the virus will wane or fade away were finally right ... luckily . Still , the reasons why it appeared in the first place have to be eliminated .
  11. Back to ' normality ' might also mean back to 40 mio tourists or even more per year . High Inflation in western countries makes Thailand and it's still quite low prices more attractive as well . The war in Ukraine is helping Thailand in this regard too . More Russians f.E. and more jobs for thais in the tourist industry ... A big boom in tourists will affect about everyone here is some way , hopefully for the better ...
  12. Detaining a critic of a murderous junta is a move that can damage Thailand's reputation . Sidelining with the non elected junta in Myanmar is something better to avoid for Thailand . It would lead to the so much feared " loss of face " in the eyes of the international community .
  13. Myanmar government seems to be composed of (war)criminals . That is a pariah state by now , worse than North Korea . That high ranked officials on both sides seem to be involved in illegal activities comes as no surprise here ...
  14. Suddenly it became a suicide ? She went to police to report that she has been forced into prostitution by a chinese gang . Soon after that she was found dead ... Conclusion suicide ? I doubt that !
  15. How is it possible to become a " Miss Hooters " without even showing them ?
  16. What became much worse after the legalization ? Nothing . People are happy with the way it is now , except , may be some doctors and others who do not profit enough from it .
  17. Where is the " dislike or disgust " emoji ? There should be one .
  18. Just need to find volunteers to go into the water ... preferably non- thai . Survey them , if they float = electricity on , if they make it back , everything ok ...? may be can use prisoners ? Sorry , bad mood this morning ...
  19. Just stupid . No intelligence , no foresight , no care ....
  20. Wrong move . The forest needs protection from people . BS . This guy got something wrong ... useless politician . May be he is a friend of Bolsonaro ?
  21. Hmm ... no comment . The ugly dog haters are out again ... You think you are nice people ? You are not ! Just spreading hatred ... Get what you deserve .
  22. Perverts , druggies , drunkards , criminals , mentally disturbed , rapists who rape their own 6 year old ( step ) daughter .... Yaba addicts who not hesitate to kill their own mother if she refuses to give money to buy drugs ... macho drivers who think they have a right to do whatever they want ... 4 on 1 motorbike without helmets at night without light driving on the opposite lane against the traffic ... Just a normal day ... in paradise ...?
  23. Meth and mental problems ... got in the car from the back door , out from the front ... lucky he had no gun ...
  24. Free quality education should be available to all . The key to a better future .
  25. With the disastrous effects of man made global warming accelerating faster every year , something like this will not be worth mentioning anymore , soon .
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