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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. The government states fake numbers of Covid infections to calm down everybody . The reality may look very different . Ask the rural doctors .
  2. Btw , just seen a report about Amsterdam and it's red light quarter ... it is so packed with tourists that the locals want to move away ... What attracts all these tourists ? The excitement and entertainment they get over there ... It is not really the ' happy holiday for a family on a beach ' prospectus that attracts people , it is excitement and entertainment as well . Let's face it : a mayor attraction of Thailand was it's sex workers ... even a family of ' normal ' tourists want to have a look at this at least , to have something to show and tell when back home . If Thailand is killing this business , it shoots itself in the foot . Spend a day on the beach or sightseeing , in the evening , go out for a good dinner in a restaurant , send the kids back to the hotel , and then go for a drink to a 'red light ' quarter , that is what many want . Make Patts the new thai Las Vegas , would , f.e. be a huge money maker ...
  3. To win foreign tourists ... so , a foreign tourist is a prize to win ? If they want to be the winner , need to make the country and it's people more attractive to foreigners then . Much more attractive . And stop all that bad behavior against foreigners . By the government officials and the local xenophobes as well .
  4. Foreign tourists as well remain divided by the idea if it is worth visiting Thailand now . Thai rak Thai , 55 , from foreigners they only love their money ... It became more easy by now to spend a holiday on a beautiful caribean island , or Cost Rica , Belize , Colombia , Mexico , or , for Europeans , Morocco , Capverdian islands , Canary islands , Azores , Portugal etc ... Why come to Thailand , beautiful beaches are within easy reach elsewhere ... and the girls of Colombia f.e. are known for their beauty ... thai girls become too fat ...
  5. Scaring . That person has really lost it all . His mind as well . How low can one go ? I hope that there is someone able to help him , I would not even come close .
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