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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. of course they said they did a good job and "We work based on the principle of transparency and fairness," he said.

    What are they going to do, admit they were wrong? That would never happen, better to execute two innocent

    young men than to act like real men. Shame and disgrace will never be felt here because that would mean loss of face.

    You've already lost by thinking you've won. It's times like these I hope there is a god and pray for judgement.

  2. maybe a "title" like "tzar" will make a difference, I don't think so.

    The problem is Thai culture. Everybody passes so as to not have the parents

    lose face. We don't need discipline in the schools other than beating them with a switch

    like a buffalo, which in my opinion never works. The teachers are not respected, the students

    pretend to respect them, they act respectful in some cases.

    The rich buy their kids an education certificate, they pay tea money to get them in, tea money to pass them.

    The exam system is ludicrous where it's not an equal opportunity and the poor often get left out.

    Basing an education system on testing is just stupid. The best thing any parent could do is home school if they

    even have the education to do it. Kids waste so much time memorizing so much trash they don't care about nor

    will ever use.

    If there is a purpose behind what you're being taught and you can actually use it and see benefit, they will want to learn it.

    Teach them business, teach them entrepreneurship, teach them how to think, show them how imagination created some

    of the world's most amazing products and tools we have today.

    Regurgitation via a #2 pencil scored by a computer is not education. IMHO

  3. the whole problem with this is it's a farse. There never was any global warming, it's actually quite the opposite.

    Then they had to create an excuse for the planet not warming so they called it "The Pause" LOL! It's just stopped

    warming for some reason, but we still have global warming. They must think we're idiots.

    Then they had to create the "climate change" to cover their tracks with their weather manipulation.

    This is to try to cover their weather warfare attacks like the floods 4 years ago in Thailand and the floods

    happening right now in India. Let's not forget the drought that started soon after they started spraying the skies

    over the kingdom. This is what they did to Syria, dried them out, no food, then civil unrest, and you know the rest!

  4. The world bank should stick to banking, poverty is caused by many factors none of which have anything to do with climate

    that's not true at all. The reason for the "climate change" crap is because it's actually climate manipulation. Those that control the weather, spray the skies etc cause droughts and extreme poverty, that's what they do. There is no natural climate warming or climate change, in fact they changed the global warming BS story because the planet has been cooling for the last 18 years and the polar caps have more ice on them now more than ever. they even had to create a term called "The Pause" which means 'global warming' had taken a break. In other words they want you to think we have global warming but it's not warming right now, utter BS!. Poverty is caused by climate change when they change the climate, look at Syria, that all started when they dried them out. You can also look at Africa, They've devastated that continent.

  5. Meung Thai or Thailand means "land of the free". Maybe these people that call themselves the "government? need a history lesson

    and take a good look at what made or used to make Thailand so special. It's always been a very free country, now not so much.

    What a shame, the Thai people suffer because the government wants to do things to restrict tourists or maybe to create ways to fine them. TSK TSK!

  6. It doesn't take long to understand why Thai girls wear jeans and t-shirts while swimming in the sea...

    It's called decency and sun protection. As a society we decided long ago to cover our body and move on from sex, hunt, gather to better things

    Walking around naked is not what society is about(especially in Thailand). Might be enjoyable for some when the woman is hot but most of the time its downright upsetting because its the ugliest whales that cover the least.

    The police are not using the word decency because the western civilization that mostly visits thailand have never heard of that word. Safety makes it easier for them to understand why they cant walk around naked and makes them a bit more scared to act out for attention by being naked in public.

    this response might be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard!

  7. True-H Internet has been very very slow the past few days, I thought it was my new phone.

    I noticed that it just went up to 3.5G about an hour ago after a week of 2G and "E".

    My True cable at the house is fast, they did some upgrading the other night.

    My wifi through my phone is just over 30mb so that's all good.

    Hopefully the 3G 4G issue is fixed, I'm sick and tired of thinking it's my new phone. blink.png

  8. that will bring happiness to the people.

    We don't need solar energy, water powered cars, non GMO food.

    Let's concentrate on hiring more American companies to do what they don't any more like fracking which destroys the water and farms while their at it.

    I think this government has overdosed on the fluoride they've been scammed to use.

    While other countries are going with clean energy Thailand is just getting dumber. What is going on here?! sad.png

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