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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. 3 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

    Great more Cheap Charlie's arriving soon.


    If 1000 measly baht is an inticement I can't wait to see these quality tourists.

    maybe for a family of 6 to save 6000 baht is a pretty big deal which may cause those taking a vacation to consider countries that are more "friendly" without any fees.

    Times are not great for everybody nor does everybody travel as an individual.

    There are things for families to do here.

  2. 4 minutes ago, skatewash said:

    This sounded like a good deal to me so I looked into it.  The savings account doesn't come with an ATM card so you must be referring to the money market account, which does come with an ATM card.  As an online only bank it's true that they allow you to make unlimited deposits and withdrawals, but it appears to limited to the US:



    Also, it mentions a foreign transaction fee (which a withdrawal using the ATM card in Thailand would incur) of up to 1%:


    Are you saying that currently their cross border/currency conversion transaction fee is 0%?

    The information quoted above comes from:  https://www.ally.com/bank/money-market-account/

    open a checking account, not a savings and not a money market account.

  3. 5 hours ago, yellowboat said:

    Attaining word power proficiency in English is not trivial.  Father use to remind us that there were 20,000 words in the English Language, but his children chose just a handful of off colored ones to express themselves.  Learning to speak well is also not trivial.   

     not sure where your father got his facts, but is a bit more accurate, this doesn't include medical or science terminology.

    Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, together with its 1993 Addenda Section, includes some 470,000 entries. The Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition, reports that it includes a similar number.

  4. ask why you were pulled over,

    ask the officer for his ID.

    Do not speak any Thai,

    break out the book of all the driving laws.

    And you'll be on your way.

    There is no law that says you have to ride a motorcycle

    in the blind spot of every other vehicle, that would be stupid.

    This setting up road blocks where two lanes turn into 3 lanes because a lane on the left magically appears is entrapment and dangerous.

    Carry a video camera mounted to your helmet and let them know you want their name and ID and speak clearly for the camera.

    Any  Thai will tell you the ridiculous laws that pertain only to motorcycles are not for safety reasons, but rather for purposes of extorting money.

    Change the bloody laws, they kill!

  5. this is great, but this was news last week. It's not like the Thai can breathe a sigh of relief because they won't have to deal with it, Thailand was not offered to be a part of the TPP because it doesn't have a government. The last thing in the world Thailand needs is to sign their country over to foreign western corporations with unelected officials dictating what they can and cannot do in the market. Good riddance TPP, now to make sure to tell the other stupid trade treaties that are coming down the pike to shove it. The TPP is not the only one, the NWO wants total domination.

  6. when raising children, we praise them profusely for doing very simple common sense things that we consider proper. Pretty much the same thing here, many people here have  not yet developed or may never, so when one does what we from western cultures know and do which we consider proper, they need to be profusely complimented. "that's a good boy, you didn't run away like a coward. You stood by to take responsibility for your actions". Things take time. Now don't go cutting in line either.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Publicus said:


    Is the thread and topic about the MSM?


    Inquiring minds want to know.


    Seems the angry winners have a long list of self-defined severe grievances over a long time and that the sore winners have the MSM at or among the top three. There definitely are a lot of scores to settle over there on the radical right.


    Stephen Bannon and Breitbart are flat out racist and the record shows it.

    any examples of their "flat out" racist acts? The proof must be everywhere but I can't find any. Share your proof please.

  8. 1 minute ago, Publicus said:


    Let's accurately look at the reality of it, to necessarily include U.S. history...


    Philip Klinkner and Rogers Smith: “Donald Trump’s election as president startled many Americans. A number of observers commented that Trump’s campaign represented a set of illiberal values and policy positions far outside of the United States’ political traditions of individual rights, equality and democracy.”


    One can have little doubt that in 1789 when the Bill of Rights -- the (first) ten amendments to the Constitution -- were adopted, Donald Trump would have voted against had he been present at the time.


    Others in the present time would have done the identical action back then too.

    Actually the only thing that surprised me was in spite of all the corruption and voter fraud, lying by the media and false narratives, enough people are so sick and tired of the BS that they beat all odds and won. No one thought the "machine" could be beat, but it was. We're tired of the corruption and the false idea that some corporation is our government and has our best interest at heart, they don't. Go Trump, he won more than fair and square, he beat the cabal without cheating which should speak volumes! Now the media is spewing to beware of the "alt-right" media which is providing false information. Main street media is dead and they know it but can't let it go and do the right thing, become journalists again.

  9. some of us tried to get away from the NYT bullcrap radical left wing extremist pseudo nationalistic

    socialist fascist no idea what any of these terms mean copy and pasting cool looking words like narcissistic and misogynist play the race card when all else fails only to have it being puked out by the BP and TV. Hopefully the world has learned how dangerous and stupid it is to use the media to push an agenda rather than keep the government in check.

    Most Thai people have no idea about American politics because the Thai media is no better than the US media when it comes to reporting the truth.  Where is my safe zone? :passifier:

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