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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. 3 hours ago, jaltsc said:

    "All Thais are invited to join the international community in the “60+ Earth Hour 2017” campaign to help save energy power by turning off the lights for one hour on March 25, starting at 8.30pm. "


    I hope they don't turn off the street lights too. I'd hate to have to walk around in the dark and trip over all the strewn rubbish.

    Why don't they honor the earth every day and stop dumping trash for other people to deal with it?

    I have the video of this A-hole dumping this mattress around the corner from my house yesterday in broad daylight.


  2. 1 hour ago, Scott said:

    The person who grants the visa is a counsel officer at the embassy in Kabul.   It's possible it could have been granted in Pakistan, but highly unlikely.   The counsel officer has the right to reject almost anyone, for almost any reason (or no reason).   If the officer is going to approve a visa such as this, then the approval would have been reviewed by numerous people in the Embassy.   The Department of Homeland Security would have also vetted the person.   Oh, and that's screening includes all members of the family, including the children.  


    Counsel officers have huge discretionary powers to refuse the granting of a visa and there is no appeal process.   Applicants do not any constitutional rights until they set foot on US soil.   Anyone who has attempted to get a visa for a spouse/fiance knows how difficult it can be.  


    Nobody in Washington, D.C. can force a counsel officer to approve a visa application.   Their discretionary powers are HUGE.



    you actually said this? "Nobody in Washington, D.C. can force a counsel officer to approve a visa application.   Their discretionary powers are HUGE." 

    Maybe you missed this huge story on every network - https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/indian-athlete-who-overcame-the-travel-ban-arrested-for-sexual-abuse-in-new-york/2017/03/03

    Maybe nobody but Sen. Charles E. Schumer has that force to reverse discretionary powers! Beware of "Chuckie"

  3. One has to consider who may have authorized the visa in the first place. Obama appoints Fatima Noor to special assistant in Office of Director for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in DHS. So America would have a Muslim with no experience  and apparently no qualifications other than a few volunteer gigs and a hijab to secure our country and screen out the bad ones??? So many that Obama has appointed have ties to radical Islam and don't need to be nor have the right to be in the US in my opinion.

    I would say these people have to be vetted extra carefully because of Obama and because of where these people may have gotten their visa. The fact that they do have a visa might make them more dangerous because someone wanted to guarantee that they got in.

    These people are not guaranteed legal council and neither are Americans for that matter, it's call the Patriot Act. If you want to come to America, jump through the hoops. All those that immigrate legally do.

  4. the TTP would not benefit Thailand or any other country other than the US and the EU leaders and banksters.

    The TTP would give corporate control over Thailand's businesses and set the toxicity levels of chemicals and other pesticides, GMOs etc.

    This is Germany's main concern. The toxicity levels in the US are way higher than in Germany, and with the TTP, Germany would have to raise them to meet the US Inc's ridiculous "standards". The German people don't want more poisons in their environment, the US Inc doesn't care. Join the TTP and you don't have a choice any more. The TTP is designed to take the sovereignty away from participating countries.

  5. there is a dangerous misconception that motorcycles are better off on the left side of the road, where that theory came from I have no idea.

    Personally I don't like to ride in the blind spot of other vehicles, compete with buses, vans, songteaws, vendors or cars entering or exiting businesses.

    Illegal parking is an issue, but never enforced. Motorcycle taxis frequently go in the wrong direction out of convenience.

    Theory is great in theory, but what about being practical and common sense?



  6. I'm not surprised this doesn't happen more often. People driving cars don't seem to give a crap when driving through puddles.

    Where I live it floods terribly. Whether people are ploughing through the streets on bicycles or walking, SUV's, vans and trucks look

     go fast because they can and it's up to you to get out of the way. Same on the major roads, they don't care if someone gets splashed.

    It's part of driving right?

    It's just the way it is. This woman's excuse she couldn't slow down because of traffic "behind" her is ludicrous.

    How do you deal with it? The cop says you can't smash people's car windows. How do we deal with it?

  7. interesting that they need to study the medicinal effects of cannibinoids considering the US hold many patents for medicinal use already.

    The benefits are widely known, nothing to study other than maybe the market. Just take a look at Colorado and the revenue they've generated

    from legalizing it for whatever you want. Now that state has tons of money to invest in projects such as education that benefit the people.

    No need to reinvent the wheel.

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