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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. Thailand just sent a special envoy to Russia to talk about trade, I don't think they are anxious to join this scam.

    If they sign the TPP, they will basically be giving away their trade rights to the banking cartel and empire builders.

    I say don't do it!

    "understand implications of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)" what a great way to put it!

  2. why talk about drought like it's some natural climate change phenomena when all you have to do is look

    up and see unmarked tankers spraying aerosols all day covering the skies.

    Why is Thailand allowing geo-engineering or as it's commonly known as chemtrails

    to be sprayed over the kingdom? The drought didn't start until the spraying started.

    Weather warfare is not fiction, it's very real and Thailand is under attack as far as I'm concerned.

    What are they going to do about it, pretend it's "climate change" which was created after the global warming

    was proven to be a farce? The "climate change" scheme is to cover the deliberate changing of the climate for

    profit and nefarious purposes. Look around, do your research, Thailand has caved to the devil and is now paying for it. sad.png

  3. if there was ever a time to form a militia to fight the ever growing tyranny coming from the US of A Inc.

    it's now. Obama is set on destroying America and he's doing a pretty good job at that. Anyone one that thinks

    gun control is a good idea, go to Chicago or do some research as what happens to the people of a country when

    the guns are confiscated. Obama is building a private army with the so called "refugees" the $hit is about to hit the fan

    and I'm glad I'm not going to be there in the middle of it.

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