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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. Stand up straight, throw your shoulders back, stick out your chest, note you have a backbone, assert yourself and let them know you don't take any crap and have a great year. Nobody wants a whiny teacher. Worse case scenario take two Growacet and give them a piece of your mind. You're being bullied, you're going to let that happen?

  2. now that I think about it, yeah, i've been a victim or bigotry. Thanks Obama for bringing that to my attention, I would have never thought of that.

    Now the real question is, what can I do about it and are there any reparations to be paid.

    I never realized all those white people hated me, never saw any signs of it, nor any of my asian family or friends.

    We want to vote in your country, but come to ours, go home farang, you stay too long!

  3. But CP products will continue to come in air tight, factory sealed plastic containers from the factory. And when you order CP meats at the meat counter we'll put them in plastics bags and wrap. But kids, I ask you to stop using plastic bags.

    It is hard to get away from plastics in everyday life. I'm just a little surprised biodegradable plastics haven't caught on more but I expect that's due to it costing a little more.

    make the plastic bags out of hemp oil. Hemp costs nothing to grow and the yield is incredibly high.

    Biodegradable plastic and a whole lot of other benefits from hemp as well. You can use it to cure cancer

    as a by product.

  4. ...with trucks, vans and personal cars being the most common vehicles involved in accidents.

    Good thinking Sherlock. Could this be because these are the most common vehicles on the road? Also, what about motor cycles? The "official" statistics all point to them as being the main source of deaths.

    the high rate of motorcyclist deaths is because the Thai law states that motorcycles are not allowed to ride on the right side of the road where

    the least amount of traffic is. Motorcycles must stay in the first two left hand lanes and compete with the buses, vans, songteaws, taxis, vendors,

    cars entering and exiting businesses etc. Safety doesn't seem to be the issue here, it's what makes it easiest to extort money from the motorcyclists.

    Motorcyclists can't use the tunnels where there may be very little traffic, they have to exit and sometimes make a left turn, then a U-turn and then compete with

    the commercial vehicles. Motorcycles and roundabouts are particularly scary if you ask me. Stupid is as stupid does and it seems like the fact that Thai roads

    are the second most dangerous in the world is just a fact and nothing can be done about it. It just is what it is, sad. sad.png

  5. I think the reason that Thailand has the second most dangerous roads in the world is not because the roads are bad,

    or the Thai people are so much more incredibly stupid, but

    because the law states that motorcycles cannot ride on the right side of the road where there is less traffic and much safer.

    For some reason motorcyclists must compete with the buses, songteaws, taxis, vans, cars entering and exiting

    and other things like vendors.

    Why can't motorcyclists be treated like every other vehicle and ride where it's safest???

    The only reason I can come up with is on the left side of the road, it's much easier for the police to stop motorcyclists

    and extort money from them. I'm tired of it myself. If I ride, my video camera is rolling as well.

    The high death toll is because of Thai law, nothing else IMHO. facepalm.gif

  6. I'm wondering what he knows about droughts and water conservation and why the trip in the first place.

    Should he be sending the experts instead?

    I'm wondering how or why he doesn't look up and say, I wonder what those planes are spraying?

    What is that stuff that covers the skies from horizon to horizon? http://go.nasa.gov/255ZCS5

    What is this geo-engineering so many are talking about?

    Why are there treaties that state weather modification cannot be used as a weapon.

    What are these chemtrail summits being held around the world.

    Why does he not ask, what in the world are they spraying?

  7. if people want to teach then let them teach.

    You want to work, they should give you a green card.

    Whoever hires you then great, you get to work.

    You make what everyone else makes. Thai wages. This is Thailand.

    If the school likes you, then great, you have a job for a while if not, they fire you

    and the next person that comes along with a green card gets hired.

    Being a great teacher has nothing to do with degrees, no one should make twice as much

    as a Thai certified teacher for any reason, it wouldn't happen in your country.

    Make it easy to work here and maybe people will enjoy the quality of life and security of not having to leave. wai2.gif

  8. I'm tired of the police rather than being helpful, they try to find ways to extort money from us.

    I just found out that we have the right to ask for ID from them before we give them ours.

    I don't like that they hold your license and if you want it back you have to pay for it.

    I want to see that change to the point I'm ready to create a page about it and make some noise.

    When I ride, it's all recorded.

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