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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. 1 minute ago, robblok said:

    I did this.. had a translated copy of the road act.. and its there just a few sections further.. there is a lot to be debated about and in the end they will win or waste your time for hours.

    do you have video? I always have video recording and they know it.

    They don't waste your time for hours, they tell you to move one so they can extort money from someone that won't give an argument. Make sure it's only in English and not Thai.

    Extortion is not legal, therefore you don't let them get away with it.

  2. 37 minutes ago, seahorse said:

    In my opinion the two motorcyclists are at fault for travelling too fast and overtaking on the wrong side.

    this is not unexpected as  they say it is the law that motorcycles must ride on the left side of the road which is the most dangerous. To have motorcycles be required to ride in the other driver's blind spot all the time is just stupid!

  3. Why not do as the best school system in the world does? The problem here is that  change is very difficult if not impossible and will remain that way until they can change their mindset that change may be a good thing.

    Take it from the best school system in the world: http://www.smithsonianmag.com


    Teachers in Finland spend fewer hours at school each day and spend less time in classrooms than American teachers. Teachers use the extra time to build curriculums and assess their students. Children spend far more time playing outside, even in the depths of winter. Homework is minimal. Compulsory schooling does not begin until age 7. “We have no hurry,” said Louhivuori. “Children learn better when they are ready. Why stress them out?”
  4. Drunk driving is not the main cause of motor vehicle deaths in Thailand in my opinion. Here's a quick fact: 14,059 reported road-deaths per year, 24,237 actual deaths says WHO, 70% on motorbikes, lack of traffic law enforcement.

    The real killer and reason for so many deaths are the laws. These are laws that kill. For some reason, opposite of what those of us that were raised in western cultures, is defensive driving and to stay out of other vehicle's blind spot. The law in Thailand for motorcycles is that we are required to ride in the blind spot. Us riders are to stay to the left of the road, the blind spot for all other drivers, and compete with the taxis, buses, vendors, cars entering and exiting businesses and pedestrians. Not to mention buses on busy roads stop, load and unload blocking the 2nd and 3rd lanes rather than pull over to the left. But then again they may take out a motorcycle in doing that.

    For what reason would it make sense to have motorcycle riders having to drive in the most dangerous section of the road, the far left? Another thing that slows down traffic and causes accidents is motorcycles are prohibited from using the flyovers. Wouldn't it make sense to encourage motorcyclists to stay out of the intersections if possible? What is the point of having dozens and dozens of motorcycles filtering to the front of the line at a traffic light when all the other cars have to wait while the motorcycles are all jockeying and cutting in front of other cars? It just slows things down as well as knock people off their bikes, its just crazy.

    The expressway would be the safest place for motorcycles if they have the speed, and really all of them do. No stopping, no cars pulling out in front of you, very few buses, no songtaews and no taxis picking up customer and definitely no vendors. When I talk to the Thai people about laws that kill and what is the reason for them, the majority reply it's so the police can stop motorcycles and extort money. Safety is not the real issue in regards to Thai roads and their laws, it's about extorting money firstly.

    Change the laws! Treat motorcycles like any other vehicle and let us ride in the safest parts of the roads here, usually the far right lane. Let us use the flyovers for our own safety. Most of all let's stop these dangerous road blocking police stops. There is nothing more frustrating than coming over a hill only to find cars illegally parked on the left, a truck that has been stopped by the police in the second lane, and a cop in the 3rd lane waving you over to stop. This is very intentional and highly resembles entrapment. Change the laws, stop the bloody deaths.

  5. 22 hours ago, robblok said:

    Never did i Imagine that so many on this site were so liberal. I am shocked that only 2 voted against it. 

    Maybe we are conservatives and don't want the government in our private lives. Being dependent on the government and having them tell you what to do is a liberal leftist ideology and stupid for that matter.

  6. I've often wondered why these people are allowed to work. Obviously they are working illegally because any Thai person can sell nuts.

    Interesting that they are offended by the term Kaek when I myself have been turned down for an apartment even after knowing they had ones available with "no farang".

    The Thai don't consider themselves racist, for them this is normal.

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