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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. He said he wants an unelected Assembly system of government ruled by selected individuals that he sees as worthy. This is by its nature not a democratic system of government. His vague assurances that it would eventually lead to a new electoral system are just that - vague and sketchy assurances. The system he proposed in the meantime is by its very nature anti-democratic and is full of exploitation loopholes that makes Swiss cheese look solid by comparison.

    The "elected" government appoints people to positions in the government that were not elected as well, not sure it's that much different.

    Every cabinet reshuffle is appointing someone to a position of power they were not voted in to do as well.

  2. do people make the same stupid responses when reports come out from those that

    get killed from friendly fire? Why is this "infighting" or something do to with fascists?

    I don't think most have any idea what they are posting, just posting something

    negative for the sake of getting "something" out there regardless of whether or

    not has anything of value, unless of course that's the idea and it's deliberate. beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

    • Like 1
  3. Monk now supports torture as well as breaking most of his other monkpromises.

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Where does it say the monk condones torture? It says the men were brought before him where he talked to

    them and they confessed. No where does it say the monk said "torture them".

    What other "monkpromises" has he broken?

    No need for spin, just keep it real.

    • Like 1
  4. You/we (westerners) represent less than 0.3% of the population, you get to live here, eat inexpensive food, pay almost no tax, enjoy a warm climate and have frequent sex with beautiful women, what do you want next, voting privileges! Quit whinging.

    Quit that patriotic primitive rant, will you? Thank the foreigners for helping develop your miserable country and thank the foreigners got allowing your compatriots to work in their countries and send money back home so that their families can drink beer and bang the rest of the women in the village

    Apparently you have no idea why Thailand is so much more developed than the neighboring countries. The reason being the development

    was a trade to use Thailand as a base to have a "police action" aka the Vietnam War. Thailand has been built with blood money

    and if wasn't for us foreigners, it would probably look like Cambodia.

    We developed your miserable country in trade for allowing us to have an easier time killing more orientals. bah.gif

  5. Shows that you have no rights as a foreigner in Thailand, no matter how long you have lived here.

    Why should we have rights? You have hit the nail on the head, we are foreigners

    I wish the UK government would take this stance with foreigners instead of changing everything to suit them and stuff the rest of the population

    Exactly. These people crying foul on here would be the first ones thumping their chest and demanding deportation if a non citizen behaved the same way in their own country.

    actually not at all........

    Thaitown protesters forced Thaksin to cancel Los Angeles talk event

    Thaksin Shinawatra was forced to cancel a dinner and talk with red shirts on Sunday night in Thai Town Los Angeles after over 1000 protesters gather in front of Thailand Praza Restaurant. The gathering was peaceful. According to Siam Town USA, Thaksin's supporters had to pay $200 ticket to have live dinner with Thaksin. There was no sign of Thaksin,instead of meeting Mr. Thaksin, the dinner guests got booed instead as they left the restaurant.


    • Like 1
  6. CNN and BBC showing proof of Suthep's guards firing at civilians and news reporters.

    I can't wait to hear how he's going to defend that tonight on stage.

    show the proof please.

    red shirt terrorists are civilians if not a part of the military.

    Shooting at reporters? For what reason?

    Just show the proof please.

    I see a lot of pro government people want the protest zone to gun free,

    we've seen what happens in those cases.

    Gun free zones get people killed.

  7. Condolences to the man's family, but if you knowingly and willingly engage in illegal and undemocratic practices, you're going to make enemies, and should expect illegal and undemocratic repercussions.

    the right to protest is illegal? He wasn't blocking anything and if he was isn't that what the police are for?

    You're justifying this murder? How about the men beating on the woman in the back of the truck shouting

    paw leaow!? bah.gif

    • Like 1
  8. "Thailands embattled government has offered to call off an election set for February 2 if protesters end their rallies and promise not to obstruct or boycott a new one within months."

    Do they really think this is what the protestors want? How will this meet their demands for reform? Clueless.

    What Suthep wants, is not what the country wants, kindly refer to the poll on this forum, that state 79% of Thai's polled plan to vote!

    Finally, the elitist lapdogs on the Court realize they have no authority to make such a ruling on postponing an election under the constitution. And referred to the Army cancelling the 2006 election,in their decision that it had been done before! (very thin legal grounds)

    It places the Government back in control of the situation, Yingluck offered reasonable conditions that all parties must agree to prior to such an agreement. If they refuse to agree on the reasonable offer.

    Then is by there refusal, to end the protest, that the election was not postponed.

    Ball back in your court, Suthep!


    How does calling an election without agreeing to discuss the protesters calls for change change anything? All this "offer" does is change the date, nothing else.

    suthep's fascist council isn't the solution but the protesters feel there does need to be change and some sort of framework created to bring it about.

    Changing the date won't do this.

    As for polls, a poll gives the answers the pollsters want it to.

    What part of the "Majority Rule" in a democratic system, do you not understand, A democracy is ruled by the vote of the majority, not the illegal acts of the minority.

    Yes I know a common tactic is to question the validity of a poll that does not favor, your opinion.


    but then again a true democracy represents all the people and a party system represents only those that like that party, and even then,

    usually the party represents the members of the party and has nothing to do with those that actually voted for said party. That's the problem,

    the government doesn't even represent the people that voted for them.

  9. Where are you drinking these beers?

    If you're at home and you cook for yourself then it probably is the beer.

    If you're eating out and consuming massive amounts of MSG, then I would say the MSG

    is the problem. Just a tad of MSG and I get a massive headache which is why I cook

    for myself.

    MSG....the blight of Asia.


    Bullshit. If you eat processed/packaged farang food (crackers, potato or corn chips, salad dressing, ANY Western fast food, etc.), you're getting a TON of MSG, at least as much as you get in Asian food, if not more.

    There's nothing wrong with MSG (we criminalize it in English by insisting on calling it by a chemical name...think about it, do we call table salt "Sodium Chloride"?) as long as it's in moderation, it's just a spice. No research study has ever proven a link between headaches and MSG (and keep in mind, as I said, that the people--Westerners--who usually report this only report it when they've had Asian food, while MSG is just as plentiful if not more in Western food). It's an imaginary ailment.

    Thanks but I don't eat processed or packaged farang food and any other thanks, but you are right, there is MSG is just about everything as well as they use different names to disguise it.

    MSG is not a spice and never was, it's an exitotoxin that was created in a lab. Do some foods naturally contain glutamates, yes, daikon or the white chinese radish is one of them.

    To say publicly and strongly that there is no research about MSG and the effects it has on the body, was pretty darn ridiculous.

    when you disagree with the expert here, please post your credentials and published documentation, thanks "Ajaan"


    • Like 1
  10. Where are you drinking these beers?

    If you're at home and you cook for yourself then it probably is the beer.

    If you're eating out and consuming massive amounts of MSG, then I would say the MSG

    is the problem. Just a tad of MSG and I get a massive headache which is why I cook

    for myself.

  11. Let me get this straight. Thirayuth says that the PDRC is the people's voice? How can that be? What about those who do not agree witht he PDRC? Aren't the also part of the "People"? Don't those others (who do not agree with the PDRC) also have a voice? Or does Thirayuth prefer to disenfranchise them?

    The same thing can be said for the PTP not being the voice for all the Thai people.

    Any system that has parties cannot represent all the people.

    If the PDRC can create a system where the people are the government and the

    all the people's voices are heard, I would welcome that. But, you'll never see that

    with party systems that only represent their party and not the people.

  12. doesn't seem to be much faith in the Thai people here stating they would attack their own people.

    We have seen in the past the red shirts commit great acts of violence so it's easy to assume from their

    past record they did it again.

    I hardly think the protestors would attack their own people, to me that's just unfathomable.

    As far as the "respect my vote" anthem going around, why is it not "hey government, respect my vote"?

    The government has not respected the voter's wishes one iota.

    This government does not represent anybody other than their party members, that's not democracy, in fact,

    any system that has parties that represents the people is not a democracy because no party can represent

    all the people. The only true democracy is when the people are the government and they make the decisions.

    A vote does not constitute democracy. The "government" is there to protect the people's rights and nothing more!

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