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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. This is very sad.

    Thanks to the checkpoints of the unarmed Royal Thai Army, the street where I live (close to Makhawan Bridge) is a safer place to be. Not 100% free of attacks, but at least the coward terrorist are not attacking during the day.

    They are providing a security to the citizens that the Police is not offering, they are very kind with the neighbours (and vice-versa), and they are also equipped with emergency medical aid support.

    This is an image of the Red Shirts dismounting the checkpoints


    That's the checkpoint?

    I was expecting a fortified position with sandbags and flower pots like others in Bangkok. I wasn't expecting a gazebo from Home Pro covered in "urbanised" jungle green camo.

    Interesting use of the verb "demolish" as well, more a dismantling I feel, but hey, it's The Nation and Hyperbole is Good.

    looks like a federal offense to me. Isn't this destroying government property?

    Try that in a developed country and see what happens.

    • Like 1
  2. says a lot about the army doesn't it?

    I guess since the red shirts got away with it this time,

    why not keep doing it?

    Who and where is the defense minister and why is something

    not being done about it?

    The head puppet wears red, I seem to remember something about being a soldier

    and dying on the field of democracy. The puppet can't even stand up for her own,

    too many strings attached. sad.png

  3. again this is the ignorant Thai government raising it's ugly head and stating to all "you are not one of us"

    You do not have the same rights as us.

    You are not free to express yourself or opinions.

    It doesn't matter how long you've been here or what you've contributed to the country you can always leave.

    You do not have those inalienable rights that developed countries have, we are a third world country with third world views.

    If you are not Thai you will always be a second class citizen or less.

    We are not America though we spew "democracy" whenever we can but we don't know what it means.

    You stay too long and can go home even if you don't have one. bah.gif

    What a load of nonsense.

    As visitor, tourists or whatever you are not afforded the same rights of abode and protection as a citizen. This is largely universal.

    Break the law and there can be consequences.

    Right, stupid law! "All men are not created equal" that's the problem.

    Thais go to America, they can work, they can protest, their rights for being a human being are protected under the constitution.

    Here the constitution and laws don't seem to have anything to do with each other.

  4. I find the most racist in America are the black population. Easy to prove if you think I'm full of <deleted>.

    You're asking about racism, you've only been here 5 months but you passed Mor4 in Thai, written and spoken?

    Were you not briefed before your assignment?

    I feel something's just not right about this? ermm.gif.pagespeed.ce.7f2Kr9k8HC.png

  5. The fact that they watch this crap speaks volumes as to the quality of their lives.

    To have to sit through it night after night just to get away from who you are and more important

    things is pathetic. I wonder how many think this stuff is real and are supposed to look like

    and act like that.

    I did see a young lady having a tantrum waiting for the BTS, I looked around for the cameras.

    It was right out of drama scene with her geeky male friend with the glasses with no lenses trying to

    comfort her all the while smiling.

    Everyone is beautiful, or handsome, rich, no one seems to work, immaculate cars, houses

    are used are gaudy as hell with the pseudo Louis the XXVI decor. No wonder

    Thai teenagers are obsessed with their looks and images.

    I have a room mate that watches this crap, drives me crazy.

    The networks need competition. Why don't they show Korean dramas at the same time and see what they

    have to do to get people to watch the Thai ones. I know... beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

    • Like 1
  6. Finally....a group of people with something real to protest. Hopefully they do not allow that clown Suthep to hi-jack their message for his own political gains. Good on the farmers to ignore the PTP trying to squash them!

    I think if it wasn't for Suthep they wouldn't be heading to Bangkok.

    I would be proud of Suthep if he assisting them in the cost of the fuel from the

    many many donations from the good protestors.

    You think the rice scheme should only be protested by the farmers and no one else?

    Who's the real clown here? dry.png.pagespeed.ce.iCXmiFQmCf.png

    • Like 1
  7. Well, I do think that Yingluck is totally right in saying that the problems of the farmers are linked with the protests.

    First because the government is now in a caretaker role, and then because the EC did not allow the caretaker government to borrow money, and last because Suthep made everything he could to avoid any solution with banks, but at the same time accepting donations for the farmers... to be used in lawsuits against the government unsure.png

    Those who don't see the truth are really blind laugh.png

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Isn't it terrible that the protesters objected to the care-taker government breaking the law?

    They have the right to object...

    But to a certain extent.

    Spraying bullets on police, throwing bombs, killing people, preventing people to vote, ... That is not objecting anymore...

    As the International community has noticed...

    And preventing millions of people to receive their due payment is hardly seen as an "objection"...

    Sent from my iPhone...

    That doesn't mean that it's the protesters fault that the farmers are not being paid. They are not being paid because the care-taker government can't legally borrow more money while in care-taker mode. That is the fault of the government and no one else.

    My question is why should they government have to borrow money? Doesn't Yingluck have a degree in business?

    Wasn't her business degree and experience the reason she gave that made her qualified to be the PM when she

    had zero political experience?

    What kind of business has to borrow money to pay the workers? Show us the money, where did it go?

    Where's the transparency? This is the real problem, not that they are not in a position to borrow money.

    The focus on having to borrow money and not being able to is just absurd! Just what I'm thinking, probably means nothing. coffee1.gif

  8. So anyone who doesn't share your view of this is a troll and you claim the USA is riddled with corruption, so you live in Thailand. Why does BBC, CNBC, CNN, ABC, SBS, Deutche Welle , NHK, ....<deleted>, even Xinhua, take exactly or very similar position to the trolls? Everyone but you a a few Suthep-mad feral thugs is wrong?

    because the US and UK support the corrupt government, there was a whole article written about why they support Taksin.

    Taksin is their "in". Torture prisons, Merck, other pharmaceutical companies, Monsanto, Lockheed Martin, many of the war

    companies from the US have been allowed in under Taksin. They support him.

    Do a Google search why the US is claiming to support democracy in Thailand when they know damn

    it's not even close. The US needs this corruption, just look up once in a while. See the chem trails?

    They were turned down but under YS they're up there. I don't know if the other stations you posted, it's a great

    list, I don't know if there is a list of stations out there that support Taksin, but I do know why the US and the UK do.

    Is there fluoride in your water? You better check, it's not something the Thai people would do. dry.png.pagespeed.ce.iCXmiFQmCf.png

    • Like 1
  9. What so many seem to miss here is that the amnesty bill was the trigger, and the rice scheme is the bomb that will eventually explode and destroy this government. Say what you want about Supthep, but things will never be business as usual in Thai politics again.

    IIRC there has been one PM since the 1950's to finish his term.

    So no, this is Thai politics as usual. rolleyes.gif

    No, I disagree. (I think you should have used the plural of term) Regardless of that; what the Shins have done in order to control the country and its resources has led to an uprising of the people that be. It has happened before, but it didn't achieved the same amount of political awareness that has been seen of late.

    I think every day of the protests has been a victory. The people are finally waking up and will hopefully save their country before it's totally lost.

    Suthep is still very significant like it or not, what he's doing needs to be done and good for him for doing it.

    I don't think any of the name calling newbie shills here would have the guts to do what he's done.

    Since Taksin's visit to Burma there seems to be new red money floating around. More "cops" in running shoes and more

    newbies posting 50 posts a day with nothing more than name calling.

    The Shins are going down, this government is going down and the only reason one would think or not actually think

    but post otherwise is if there must be some kind of compensation going on, I can't imagine anybody would be that stupid to support

    this blatantly corrupt government.

    Suthep does not want to run the government, so get off that broken bandwagon.

    He's paving the path to save his country because it has to be done, not because he has nothing better to do than to risk

    his life or jail time. He's not a coward, like so many we've seen and he'll be recognized as a hero for saving the country

    if he survives, which I hope he does. Good for him, he has my support, for I can't stand corruption which is why I don't live in the US.

    • Like 1
  10. The pro-Government actions are directed by Thaksin. Thaksin is a sociopath and has no boundaries about what he will do in any given situation. It is not beyond reasonable doubt, given his track record and the known behaviour of sociopaths, that this story has no truth. There appears to be no photographs of the police being dragged out of the bus and beaten. And given that the police are armed and could have shot their assailants, I think this story is another Thaksin propaganda lie. He will stoop to anything to grab power in Thailand. And Chalerm, desperate to replace Yingluck as PM and desperate to be seen as the Golden Boy in Thaksin's eyes will follow Thaksin's behaviour and stoop even lower. Those who see this cock and bull story - as well as the made up stories of police having found weapons and drugs in the protest areas - as legitimate are seriously deluded. Thaksin really believes that all is fair in love and war and this is in his eyes the final putsch. So let's understand the context, all you red supporters. We are not as easily fooled as you are. At the end of the day, I have always stood up for what is correct and decent and honest. I see non of that in the red camp.

    of course Taksin is directing their actions. Does anybody really think he was in Burma making merit and people went to visit him because he was so close to Thailand?

    I believe this was nothing more than a front to pass the money to pay the thugs to start the war, just like he's done in the past.

    Funny how nothing happened until Taksin came into the picture, they were waiting for the money. Thus in my opinion the men wearing police uniforms

    as well as sneakers or aka running shoes.

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