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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. I don't think the problem really has anything to do with jobs "foreigners" are forbidden to do, it's more like jobs Caucasians are not allowed to do. Diversity is strength. What's missing is a means for anyone willing to work to be able to work, even if it's 10 hours a week, to pay taxes and contribute to the Thai economy. The more working, the better the economy.

    Why can't Thailand do like other countries and provide a means for anybody that can get hired by a Thai business, provide a service, and contribute like anyone else? If a Thai business wants to pay someone, anyone, and people, Thai people want to pay for that or those services, why can't they? If the Thai people pay a foreigner for a service, that should be their choice and by paying foreigners willingly should be proof that those services are of value. People don't pay for things that have no value.  Why can't Thailand create a "green card" system where it's up to the business owner to hire whomever they wish and pay those people whatever is a fair market wage? Competition is good, but this is not really competition as much as it is capitalism. Governments that try to micro-manage people's lives has proven time and time again to fail. Let's move forward, shall we?

  2. I don't eat chicken nor pork, or any meat for that matter, but it would be a travesty if Thailand was pressured into importing ractopamine, GMO fed meat, bird flu and the massive doses of antibiotic resistant bacteria not to mention the massive amounts of antibiotics fed into the meat industry. I would rather see Thailand go back to organic than invest more in a poisoned system.

  3. On 7/12/2017 at 6:26 AM, JAS21 said:

    Now you've spoiled someones dreams and his project .... 

    if you watched the video, 2 car batteries will produce 5 liters per hour. 12V or even 6V will work, just produce less.

    It's actually a very simple system. If you check out YouTube, there are many systems out there, and if you don't want to build one, you can buy a kit and install it on a bike or car.

  4. Kill three people while driving drunk and get two years in prison, Get caught without a work permit and get 5 years?

    Am I missing something here?

    If a "foreigner" kills three Thai people while driving drunk, would it also just only be two years as well? Is there a book somewhere that houses these penalties or is it a case by case kind of thing, depends on who you are I guess.

    It's disturbing any way you look at it.

  5. controlling the amount of migrant workers in the country, as well as foreigners

    can a migrant worker not be a foreigner? Does this really mean orientals from neighboring countries as well as Caucasians?


    and again...

    "Under Thai law, some foreigners are prohibited from working in certain professions such as manual work, agriculture and secretarial work. In total there are 39 occupations prohibited to foreigners. "

    I see lots of migrants every day working manual labor. It's been a while, but I've women from the Philippines working as secretaries as well as Japanese in language schools. "Foreigners" really means other than Asian doesn't it?

    Is the government going to offer a solution considering those working are being paid and by logic must be providing a service. Is the government going to take away these services from the Thai people that are paying for them, or offer a solution like a "Green Card" like they do in the US? It's always "us" and "them", that is a hindrance to progress and prosperity.

    Diversity works and is needed, otherwise people would not be paying for it. The real problem is that taxes are not being collected. Make something illegal, you create a black market. Make something legal and you benefit by taxing it if you want to go that route. Don't do things that make the common Thai citizen a criminal, that in itself is criminal.

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  6. 1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

    Happy to help you out there. Trump is first and foremost an outrageous liar, who just seems to come out with whatever rubbish he feels like, simply ignoring the truth of the matter and then repeating his lies that the uneducated and dumb blind followers mindlessly soak in and repeat.

    He is mean spirited and a bully. He is an idiot, with no idea what he is doing. He has no respect for the Constitution and law in general. He has no true grasp of world politics, the Environment or how a President is supposed to behave. No decorum, no tact, no manners.

    He is an embarrassment and is a laughing stock around the world. His ignorance also makes him dangerous.

    In short, he is considered by myself and pretty much everyone else I know as the worst, most poorly qualified person to ever become President.

    I had though G.W. was the worst President possible, but he now looks amazing in comparison.

    God must truly hate America, if trump is the best they could come up with.

    Now if this doesn't define a troll post I don't know what does!

    No facts, no opinions stated, no sources, not even anonymous unnamed sources.

    This looks to me like typical radical left wing extremist rhetoric with all the name calling of course taken right out of the DNC play book

    with footnotes by Saul Alinsky. Why are we still seeing this kind of trash, does it really work and on who?

  7. I'm still waiting for one of these so motorcycles won't have to compete with all the nonsense of double parking, illegal parking, motorcycles going the wrong way, vans, vendors, songteaws, taxis, buses, cars entering and exiting businesses, markets as well as intersections etc etc etc!

    What is the difference between a car and a motorcycle, it's certainly not that one is faster than the other?




    keep right.jpg

  8. I guess one reason this is going on is it's difficult to catch the perps that actually hold the fake documents.

    The police don't have to show you any ID, they don't even have to show you that statute you supposedly violated.

    When is it going to be law that when an officer of the law is asked for ID they will have to show it?
    Commissions for writing tickets, not having to show any ID, not even presenting the statute is an invitation for corruption.

    This is isn't rocket science, but then again it seems that in Thailand commonsense is not too common.

    Just change the law, it would be so easy to do! Why is that not being done? Does the public have to formally tell the public servants they pay for with their tax money to change the law? The police force is nothing more than a legalized mafia. How is this acceptable on any level? Why stay "3rd world"?

  9. It's time for the Thai government to start issuing Green Cards so more of this can happen legally and taxes get collected.

    Time to let the Thai people decide who they want to hire and where they want their kids to learn. Why is government meddling with

    the schools and kids educations? Let the schools and parents decide, the government has enough to do as it is.

  10. The question that should be asked is what are the police doing to reduce the number of deaths on Thai roads? What is Thailand doing to not the considered the 2nd most dangerous roads in the world? The answer is nothing, it's corruption, I mean business as usual.

    So worried about finding a way to charge tourists more money, insurance, but nothing to protect their own people. Why is this not being dealt with? Where is the concern for the Thai people?

    Why are motorcycles considered different than a car and therefore subject to different laws placing the most common vehicle on the road in constant danger, but easy to fleece using their drag nets.

    Take away the commission structure from writing bogus tickets and start policing, start saving lives, and start making Thailand not only safer but not the laughing stock of the world.

    This should be the easiest thing to do to save lives, but here corruption reigns! We see it, the Thai people see it, it's so "in your face" it's considered normal at this point.

  11. So when the cop pulled him over, how could he have seen the red plate. The police just pull   everybody over and look for some reason to write a ticket. I'm sure the bike was pulled over before the police officer could see the plate because police do not patrol and do not chase.

    This does nothing to reduce the number of deaths on Thai roads daily. This is about writing tickets for commissions. When is the safety of the Thai people going to take precedence?

  12. In the video I can hear a whistle, would that be a police officer or a parking attendant?

    The problem is, the police that write tickets do nothing to promote safety. They find the easiest way to make money. This concept of writing a ticket and getting a commission needs to stop.

    Ticketing motorcycles that pose no danger while doing nothing with all the cars parked illegally that do pose a danger is ridiculous. What are the police doing to promote safety and bring down the number of deaths each day? The answer really is nothing. People can complain all they want about having the 2nd most dangerous roads in the world, but setting up "nets" to check registrations does absolutely nothing for the people. Why don't the police actually "patrol"?


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