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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. Is it me or have I not heard from any Americans with their caning experiences if any? If caning has anything to do with how men behave later in life like they do in the UK at football matches, maybe caning did have an effect. Want a better way to get children to behave? Get them to respect you, be their friend, show integrity. Anyone can beat an animal, and I have no respect for "teachers" treat children like animals. Everybody teaches something, you don't have to get paid for it; what are they teaching? :angry:

  2. I thought it is common practice to cane children in Thailand?

    It should only be a last resort.

    Spare the rod and spoil the child, was the maxim in my day.

    I find it disturbing that it's even considered a "last resort". This is purely abuse in any sense of the word, and maybe it's time for parents to get more involved. It should not be up to the school to raise the children. This "teacher" needs to be dealt with severely. :angry:

    I also find it disturbing that a comment made about "the students know I won't hit them" and therefore they misbehave. If physical punishment is all they know, then these kids have been raised much like one would raise a animal. Beat the buffalo and it does what you want, beat the child and it develops into a decent respectable human being. <deleted>? :bah:

  3. I'm not sure it's an either or both scenario with the punishment: "according to officials, faces four years in prison, a 40,000-baht (1,280-dollar) fine or both for possessing and smuggling an endangered animal." Reads to me that she gets up to 4 years and there could be a monetary fine added to that. Nowhere does it say one or the other or maybe both. As far as eating unborn chickens. Sadly biology is not a strong point here. Chickens "menstruate" and pass an egg about every few days, they are not fertile unless there is a cock around to fertilize it. Other females pass an egg somewhere around every 28 days, and they are also not fertile as well. Just an egg. It takes two to tango. :ermm:

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  4. This is a very funny statement: "After consideration of his action the court found that he is guilty but because he is a foreigner he may not have understood the law," Judge Somchart Lertlikhitworakul said. I"m not sure what this means, maybe foreigners are just not that smart, or possibly he thought it's not illegal to take part in riots and demonstrations that take away from others quality of life? I do think it's a good thing that he is out of jail and out of the country, no reason at all for the Thai to have to support these kind of people. Good riddance, I hope this means he won't be allowed back, but wouldn't count on it. Thai and Australian soldiers are brothers? Oh brother! Maybe they deported him for thinking the Thai people are stupid. :unsure:

  5. Good for you Benny! It's so easy for the Thai justice system to throw away a foreigners life. It would just be way to much to ask for someone to admit they were wrong, it would take a real man to do that. This gov't seems to do things in order to save face and avoid becoming a laughing stock, but instead it does just the opposite. The made is Thailand Laughing Stock being used here doesn't have the head exposed to hear the laughter, but rather it's been stuck up a dark spot of ego and ignorance where all it hears is itself. You go Benny, good for you!

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  6. Strength comes from diversity, and as long as Thailand maintains it's long list of double standards, the vehicle to move forward remains stalled.

    The education system needs to be improved first, their needs to be an incentive for becoming educated, not just to compete for the chance to take an exam. The media needs to stop stressing rich is where it's at and put something of substance on the television. The ever persistent push for kids to read cartoon books and wear Disney paraphernalia is nothing more than illusion as to what is really important. Take the cartoons off of late night tv, educate about nutrition, and raise the standard of integrity and teach respect for all people. Shouldn't have to be said. The molding of decent children starts with the parents, focus on them first.

  7. Until Thailand cleans up it's act and stops allowing the blatant "sex" industry to thrive, these kinds of stories will continue to mar their image. I'm not sure this is part of a clean up Thailand thing or the police doing something they just 'have' to do. It's just another way the industry pulls in revenue for a select few. The beat goes on...

  8. If one notices what the Thai people buy, everything comes in a plastic bag, and every plastic bag goes into another one. I frequently mention to the clerks at stores after I decline a plastic bag and why, that sai tung mai ka/khrub should be said at every transaction. Laws are not enforced, and suggestions or just background noise, and this pertains to educated and non educated alike. There has to be a penalty and it has to be enforced, but then again geng jai comes into play and it won't be. It has to be a part of doing business, paeng gwaa. If it doesn't cost more, there is no deterrent. Sad but true, to do it because it's the right thing to do is not even part of the realm.

  9. My wife says it's a Thai thing...

    God I hate it when people say that "Oh, it's a Thai thing", corruption - "its a Thai thing", lateness, "its a Thai thing" or, my personal favorite, Greng jai (being considerate) "its a Thai thing" - as if no other nation has the concept of being considerate towards other people - 555555


    it is a Thai thing. I have a friend that sells magazines newspapers etc, she said, it adds value, the Thai people want that free bag, and she is Thai. It's a Thai thing, some things are.

  10. <br>As long as this plan is put into action I think it's a good idea. Doesn't seem to me to make that much of a difference if the dam is built on the fault line or a 1/2 mile away, it's going to break, although I'm not an engineer. I'm seriously considering a large building project, homes and schools, and I've already decided concrete is not going to be a part of the plan, other than pillars or something. An earthquake in or around Bangkok would be disastrous. This cheap design creates slums waiting to happen, or they might just fall before they get to chance. life is cheap, and consequence is not even in the budget.<br><br>just a quick edit here, reading about from those that have never heard of an earthquake in Thailand. Just yesterday walking home from the market, I was noticing just how many cracks in the buildings, and walls and gates etc. anything made of something that is not flexible has a crack. We don't feel everything the earth does, but take a look at the buildings. <i><b>what's with all the cracks?</b></i><br>
    <br><br>Cheap concrete/cement used, along with cheap labor, so someone could put some extra money in their pockets.  <br><br>Just for amusement, there really is a very old Buddhist text that "claims" that this year BKK will "sink beneath the ocean and be no more."  Now THAT, IMHO, would be GREAT!  Especially if ALL the politicians just happened to be sitting in Parliament when it does. lol <br>

    Fortunately you are only just one voice, and i find what that voice resonates quite disturbing. I have a lot of friends in Bangkok, and even if I didn't, the suffering would be hard to imagine. On the other hand, if everybody on the planet was taken right out of the picture, including you, and me of course, I wouldn't have a problem. But to say; let one area be destroyed because of the satisfaction or enjoyment you would get from the event is not something I would post. Do you really want people to think of you that way? <_<

  11. As long as this plan is put into action I think it's a good idea. Doesn't seem to me to make that much of a difference if the dam is built on the fault line or a 1/2 mile away, it's going to break, although I'm not an engineer. I'm seriously considering a large building project, homes and schools, and I've already decided concrete is not going to be a part of the plan, other than pillars or something. An earthquake in or around Bangkok would be disastrous. This cheap design creates slums waiting to happen, or they might just fall before they get to chance. life is cheap, and consequence is not even in the budget.

    just a quick edit here, reading about from those that have never heard of an earthquake in Thailand. Just yesterday walking home from the market, I was noticing just how many cracks in the buildings, and walls and gates etc. anything made of something that is not flexible has a crack. We don't feel everything the earth does, but take a look at the buildings. what's with all the cracks?

  12. I hope this poor lady has not become infected with HIV

    Are you mad? Tell me one case of a human getting HIV from a monkey. If you honestly believe that the epidemic of AIDS comes from lonely travellers or locals lost in the jungle and making love to primates you need to go back to school!

    HIV did not come from making love nor having sex with monkeys, but it did come about from keeping many different breeds of sick monkeys in one caged area when doing vaccine research. HIV was an accidental bi-products of trying to prevent diseases. Do the research.

  13. Maybe someone said something because they were warned, and the weather dept is broadcasting it. Taking out Thailand would be a major blow to the food chain and create havoc. Been done before, it'll be done again. Check our HAARP and see for yourself. The earthquake in China deliberately destroyed an underground nuclear facility. There are plans and workings in place, and all with come to "order" when the "new world" becomes a reality. We'll all be begging for help and allow any imposition to possibly get it. Keep an eye on the skies, watch for aurora borealis effects. Have a nice day! :D

    Can you explain exactly how an earthquake "deliberately destroyed an underground nuclear facility"? I didn't know that earthquakes were sentient. rolleyes.gif

    Look it up for yourself. Tesla discovered this technology years ago. "Where ever this enormous vibration ends up it creates extremely low frequency (ELF) waves which travel down to the earth. (It can also send down LF, HF, VHF, UHF) Using this method, HAARP is capable of extremely deep earth tomography: basically "x-raying" the earth." It was recently discovered by accident when x-raying the ground while looking for oil and gas, technology developed by the oil companies. Think of it as a huge sub-woofer that causes something to shift. A lot more potential energy with in the earth's crust than around here. :D

    Earthquakes are made by HAARP, and yes they can be predicted , and have been, like the Nagano quake in Japan 2 years ago.

    watch the HAARP vids on youtube.

    Aliens. Thur real. I seen 'em.

    Ok, all joking aside, come on, you can not possibly believe this BS about HAARP and being able to predict earthquakes! I sincerely hope that this is just a case of my sarcasm meter being dull today.

    HAARP does not predict earthquakes, it creates them. do the research. So many experts without having done an ounce of research. :)

  14. Maybe someone said something because they were warned, and the weather dept is broadcasting it. Taking out Thailand would be a major blow to the food chain and create havoc. Been done before, it'll be done again. Check our HAARP and see for yourself. The earthquake in China deliberately destroyed an underground nuclear facility. There are plans and workings in place, and all with come to "order" when the "new world" becomes a reality. We'll all be begging for help and allow any imposition to possibly get it. Keep an eye on the skies, watch for aurora borealis effects. Have a nice day! :)

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