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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. Not sure why it's totally acceptable for men to urinate in public, but a woman sunbathing topless is not. It's OK for a Thai to openly sell child porn, and even have the police look through them on a regular basis,(I saw it in one of Thailand Undercover's videos) but again, it's the foreigners that are second class to every Thai. Double standards mean no standard, and class division means no class. <_<

  2. O boy. A fantastic pretext to be able to tell peoplke what to eat where to go & how to go there.

    I am pretty sure the day is coming where eating meat will be classed as "Eco terrorism".

    Too much dust? Well we could wet down construction sites OR force everone into electric cars. I wonder which choice the environmental nutjobs will choose?

    Actually the meat industry is a major cause for more than pollution, but mostly directly polluting the body with pharmaceuticals, the ground water and the depletion of the ozone layer. It's a poor return on investment considering the energy put in compared to what you get out. The cooking of meat is very toxic. I find these street vendors that constantly pump chemical laden smoke into the air worse and far more prevalent than second hand cigarette smoke, plus it stinks. Until there is a vehicle inspection system, I can't see much change, nor do I see the Thai government invoking any "hardships" like regulation upon the Thai people. Not sure I saw mentioned above the accepted practice of burning trash, nor the evaporation of petrol chemicals from any of the shops that sprawl onto the sidewalks that deal with working on motors. Sabai sabai does have it's consequences, everybody can acceptably do as they please, especially if it means making money.

  3. So if they topple the gov't, then what are they going to do, storm Cambodia, set up tarps and loudspeakers and have speeches and party for a few weeks? I'm not sure the Thai army wants to get involved in this kind of thing nor do I see why it can't be resolved in a peaceful way. I'm sure enough excuses can be thrown in and lies so that nobody loses face, the people that have had land titles for 30 years can be compensated etc. The people might have to face the fact if true that previous governments may have not acted upon this border issue, being a convenient non-confrontational issue and Abhisit is not responsible for their ways.

    so if Abhisit says stick we me and we'll resolve this peacefully vs the red/yellow mass-holes "we'll take up pitchforks and plow shears" I wonder who'll they'll go with? :ermm:

  4. The way I see this is it's a refuge for refugees, and what does fallen on hard times really mean? Does "hard times" equal being ripped of and beaten by a tuk tuk driver, the jet ski scam, being stabbed and robbed by a bar girl? After going to the police I've heard many say they were told to get out of Thailand because the mafia knows who they are, so better pay now and get on your way. This is not comparable to a place to seek shelter from a storm, but a place for victims after the wrath of some of the Thai locals which does include the police. What a great advertising campaign, "we have a place to keep you safe". Zoo's are to keep the animals safe. The zoo is seen from inside the cage, not from the outside looking in. This is not a remedy to the accepted practice of abusing tourists by the accepted presence opportunists. :(

  5. I almost find it hard to believe that the Thai eat considerably less eggs than most countries. Personally I have never seen so many eggs eaten anywhere. A very common 10 baht meal is rice and a fried egg, they seem to put them in everything or add them on top. I wonder where these facts are coming from. I don't have a problem with nutritional studies considering all the stupid stuff the west puts money into. If smaller eggs are more nutritious, I'll certainly point that out to my friends that do eat them.

  6. Speechless...... But as someone else has alreay said. It really does make you think. What do they really think of us?


    My god, that's opening not just a can of worms but a whole bloody shipping container-full !

    Seriously though, i reckon that any Thai who hasn't been closely involved with a farang, sharing

    a common language to a well-developed level, hasn't got a clue about 'us' outside of the usual

    run of racist-ish stereotypes.

    This is actually a very good point. I truly believe the Thai think we are just the same as they are, racist and cowardly behavior for reasons of saving face is acceptable. For some reason it still shocks me when someone says, "his parents are very rich" or even quite openly admit racism is OK. The Thai are elitists in their own minds, the life of a foreigner seems to be taken in the same light as foreign money, just an endless supply. I hope they prosecute this "cop" for the crime of the Canadian, and maybe should go forward in taking away the accepted practice of people snubbing their noses at orders from the courts to testify. God forbid causing a Thai person the inconvenience of being accountable for their actions. The "chief" of police has no business being in the position he is in now as one of authority. You would think that in order for Thailand to "save face" they would enforce the laws out of respect. <_<

  7. it's a terrible thing to die of exposure from the elements, but there is something about this I still find disturbing. I've been all over thailand and have seen racks upon racks of jackets for sale for 50 baht, or even less, quite affordable i would think. but what bothers me the most is, is this the first time it's ever been cold? Have these people never in their lives had to deal with being cold? I'm wondering is everything considered disposable, even a jacket you don't need when the weather is hot. Somethings missing other than warm clothes here. :huh:

  8. This article does not surprise me at all. I for the life of me cannot figure out why the Thai are so oblivious to the burning of toxic plastics, chemicals and trash, and even how common and acceptable it is to litter! I see businesses here that take all their plastic wrappings for the aluminum building materials jsut to mention one the really urks me, and pile them outside in a concrete pit and burn it on a regular basis. They pick up my trash on the soi I live on about 3 times a week, is there an extra charge for businesses that they justify burning it instead? As far as polluting the land with chemicals, I'm not surprised. More is better here. More salt, more sugar, more MSG, more volume blasting music or advertising at the markets, more in your face advertising on Thai TV shows, and certainly more chemicals on the plants must be better than less as well. Granted for some reason there just doesn't seem to be many trash receptacles around, certainly not around bus stops or piers, but still no excuse to just toss it in the river or along the side of the street.

    What really bothers me is the disrespect. The way I look at it is, this is the Kingdom of Thailand. The land, rivers, air and everything within the disputable borders belongs to His Majesty. How dare anyone disrespect His Majesty by trashing what is rightfully his. If someone threw trash in your house or burnt a styrofoam bowl in your house I think that would be disrespectful.

    Make littering against the law, make burning trash against the law, make law enforcement accountable for not enforcing the law. I honestly don't think it's against the law to trash the Kingdom unless you're a foreigner.


  9. I think this is a good thing. There seems to be an inherent arrogance and disregard and respect for the laws here. Not only just just the suppliers, but the sellers that that might just be working any job they can get, but go after the force behind those that employ them and the police that are being paid to look the other way. Any politician that is caught being a part of these kinds of schemes should face serious charges for misuse of power and stealing from the the country. Charge them with theft and make restitution mandatory. Over 100 billion baht is lost in the lined pockets of the corrupt every year, that should be going towards the good of the country.

  10. I order them because they can be delivered to your home but I'm always dissatisfied and disappointed with the taste and quality.

    but there isn't many options for home delivery food.

    McDonalds is sh*t :bah:

    Burger King don't come to my area :(

    and although Subways are delicious and healthy :whistling::rolleyes: they aren't what's always on my taste buds menu.

    I know about JJs but they severly p :annoyed: ssed me off so I fired them

    P.S. no I'm not fat :D

    and although Subways are delicious and healthy :whistling::rolleyes: they aren't what's always on my taste buds menu.

    tonight I feel like something non-delicious and unhealthy... (did I get that right?) :lol:

  11. my condolences to the family, this is totally uncalled for and pathetic. Again we see that because people have a certain title, either as a policeman or an MP, they seem to have zero consequences for their actions. What is sad is the total lack of recognition that foreigners are humans as well. Foreigner do have family's, do the things the other humans in Thai form do, and for that reason are pretty much exactly the same as the Thai, but still treated as lower entities. This attitude towards the foreigners really needs to change. Still people point and say "farang"! The other night, twice by the same person, I was deliberately given a smaller portion of food than my Thai friend that went before me. Fortunately I do speak Thai and let the jerk have loud and clear. This is so sad about the murder of this man, and pathetic that the guys wife was murdered through leniency of the courts. I blame the courts for her death. RIP :jap:

  12. As long as it's legal for bikes to weave in and out between the cars they are going to get hit, don't blame the cars for that one. On the other hand, it seems the location of choice for so many of these drivers is to straddle the line in the road which must seem easier than deciding to choose either the left side or the right side of it. So as long as people are going to use the road, not drive responsibly on them, make them wear seat belts, and helmets, or at least make the children be buckled in and wearing a helmet if on a motorbike. If there is no helmet for an infant, then maybe they don't belong on a motorbike. :huh:

  13. To all of those well-meaning farangs who want Thailand to be the same as your country...

    If Thailand were to become as law-abiding as the country you've left, what would be the point of staying here? IMHO one of the more endearing facets of the Thais is that they choose which laws they obey and which ones they flout. We pathetic farangs are servants to every new law that the greedy politicians put in place to extract more money from us.

    Indeed this is the very reason some of us "escape" to the LOS. I for one defend their right to wear a helmet or not, to live or to die by their own actions. That is what has made any country great, not robotic adherence to law, nor efforts to corral, bully and threaten individuals into compliance, however well-meaning those efforts might be.

    We need fewer laws not more. Decent people don't need them, and bad people don't obey them.

    Long live the defiant spirit of the wonderful Thai people, and shame on us for letting our own countries degenerate to the point where we wish to live elsewhere in order to be free.

    I can assume from your post you're here because of the lax respect for the law, don't assume I am. <_<

    This helmet laws has nothing to do with extracting money from servants to the tax system. :o

    If you are of a certain age, then you should not have to wear a helmet. I totally agree, stupid is as stupid does. :blink:

    Making a child where a helmet and eye protection is not bullying nor threatening, but protecting the rights of the child. Don't the children have a right to be protected even if their parents are not smart enough or too lazy to do it themselves? One of the first things i noticed when coming here years ago was the amount of eye damage among the Thai people, it must mostly come from motorbikes. B)

    Fewer laws? then people wouldn't be breaking the law because their wouldn't be one, and therefore let the people be responsible for the maimed or parent-less children. :huh:

    long live stupidity! it is one's right regardless of who it affects! This might be the dumbest post I've ever seen. <_<

  14. Where are the responsible parents? that's laughable. there is no reason for them to be responsible if they don't have to be, there are no responsible police. There is no consequence for one's actions in this country, the parents don't have to be bothered with enforcing laws that are supposed to protect the children because nothing will happen if they don't. Until action comes starting from the top, nothing at the bottom is going to change. The Thai have become like spoiled children, and at this stage of the game, change is not easy to do but does have to be done. Rather than imposing a fine on one's family, better to take the chance of them being maimed or killed, think of the now. <_<

  15. apparently this is how the Thai treat mentally ill people. Just two weeks ago in the Sunday Bangkok Post was an article about an Islamic run insane asylum, the "patients" were chained like animals and sleeping on either the floor or wooden boards. Upon asking a Thai friend of mine her opinion regarding this, "it's OK" she said "this is how to look after those kind of people". You tie up an animal when you can't look after it, and it seems this Brit was considered just another animal roaming the streets of Thailand.

    This is really pathetic behavior on the part of the Thai, this chaining up of people. Frequently is it included as a theme or plot in the sorry Thai TV dramas. I guess it is real. If it's on TV, it must be OK. Fortunately there will be no repercussions for the Thai police and nobody will lose face. Just another day in Thai life, probably should have never been here in the first place. :realangry:


  16. Very sadCondolences to the families.When a driver "runs" after an accident caused by him/her sentence should be double that which would normally be applied. That would make them think a bit!

    I couldn't agree more, although maybe it should be a mandatory 15 years or so. If someone gets 18 months for beating a 2yr old to death, I can't imagine an "accident" even if caused by stupidity would warrant much of a sentence. How about a crackdown on the judicial system in the name of protecting and enhancing the quality of life for the subjects of the kingdom? :huh:

  17. the underlying problem here is Thailand is the land of no consequence. The police seem to do absolutely nothing other than ticket motorcycles and small trucks. I have noticed that ticketing in the BRT lanes is easy work and popular. But no police seem to do anything about the most dangerous of all which is the bus drivers. These drivers think these buses are something to speed around in and get in as many "laps" as possible. There is nothing polite about the bus system here. This idea that Thai people cannot be inconvenienced by their actions is weak and easier to "gengjai" than to create a safer more polite environment. RIP

  18. So a person gets the money to finally leave the kingdom, gets to the airport with ticket in hand and some pocket change to "go home", then immigration throws them in jail, their ticket is no longer any good, they are stuck in Thailand with no money nor a place to stay perhaps, so another one dives off an advertisement billboard or the top floor of the airport. that'll work! :annoyed:

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  19. I can certainly see banning smoking from the indoors section of the market being that it is such fire hazard. The only people I've ever seen smoking in those sections are the shop owners themselves. Smoking should be restricted to outside areas only, or make a smoking section with ashtrays. This is just another way to capitalize on ripping off the tourists, and bad news travels fast. Another double standard in the making, amazing, smiles, hospitality and go home. raff out roud! :annoyed:

  20. Nuclear is not clean energy by any means, what does one do with the non-biodegradable waste? Don't these reactors need a lot of water to keep them cool? Let's put a nuclear reactor on a river that recently just about went dry, and that they blamed it on the Chinese. So let's put a bomb in a populated area, and give China the means to set it off. The whole thing sounds stupid. Nuclear energy is not progress. More "healthy white" propaganda from the ignorant. <_<

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