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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. I am so ashamed that the Thai people actually voted for this charade government. That the Thai people actually can accept a dangerous idiot like Chalerm to be a DPM. That this government has the nerve to tell us that what they discuss in the cabinet meeting is secret (<deleted>). I am so ashamed.....

    keeping things in secret sounds like they took a cue from Dick Cheney. if you watch the government meeting, the room is totally empty, where is the government? in a time of crisis the government is still working on putting money in their pockets and bringing back the master scammer. hopefully the people will wake up, but somehow I doubt it. chok dii muang thai. man jam bpen :jap:

  2. Give the foreigners a green card, let them try to work where ever they wish. Obviously if they don't speak the language they won't get a job at the 7-11, but if they can get a job, any freaking job then let them have it. Pay them whatever the Thai people make doing the same job, and if the boss doesn't like their performance they can be fired and have a nice day. The Thai that go to English speaking countries to teach Thai, if that ever happens I don't know, I'm sure would not be making 2 and 3 times what the westerners make. This might raise some hackles, but why do we get paid so dam_n much? If you can't afford to live here, then you shouldn't live here. The Thai manage, why can't the foreigners? The problem is for the most part teaching sucks. The students don't care, the teachers don't care, the school doesn't care as long as it looks good to have a Farang on the premises. The realization is for most, that if you don't teach, you can't live here, and knowing that is the reason I chose to pursue internet marketing. But until the Thai get off their high horse about only people from India and Orientals can work here easily, they are shooting themselves in the foot.

    Without diversity there is no strength. Thailand is such a homogenized country, it's no wonder they are behind in so many areas like maturity.

  3. I question any and all of these tax payer funded "projects", perfect opportunity for the corrupt to pocket as much as they want. Maybe it is a good idea to do some beach restoration, but should that be considered a priority over the many needs of the Thai people? A strong Thai community will make Thailand prosper way better than focusing on a few foreigners handing over money to the few. :ermm: Amazing how health awareness, health care and education are still not taken off the back burner. :jap:

  4. This is nothing new, and good for Woody for exposing the hard truth. Sex sells and that's all there is to it. Nong Ja said that she did what she had to do to make it in today's industry, that I think is what the ministry is having a hard time about, the truth. Some things still stand in Thailand and actually nothing to get all worked up and hot about. :blink:

  5. I can't get over the hypocrisy I see on threads such as these.

    Never slipped a copper 200 baht?

    Never bought ripped off software or movies at Pantip or on the street?

    Never taken bar-fined BG? (where do you think a portion of the bar fine goes?)

    Never bought her a 'real-fake' hand bag for her?

    You've all benefited from the same corruption, yet you come on here and whinge.

    actually, none of the above

  6. I'm pretty sure these issues where thought of when Yingluck made this promise, but she just didn't want to debate whether or not it would work or be fair with Abhisit who would have eaten her alive. She did the right thing, she straightened her spine and acted like a coward, and stuck to it so as to not lose face. satire

  7. A recent World Health Organisation (WHO) report has pegged the number of female prostitutes in the country at 2 lakh.

    can someone enlighten me? how much is 2 lakh.?


    1 lakh is 100,000 so 2 lakh would be 200,000.

    song san = 200,000 song lan= 2 million

    They can advertise all they want, but what's going to happen when they get Thailand? False advertising claims against the tourist industry maybe. They'll have to provide things for kids to do other than beaches and tiki huts.

  8. This is more of the pot calling the kettle black. Those that came to Bangkok to terrorize the people and the government in order to get their way call those, the government that tried to stop them terrorists. It seems in politics these days that if you call somebody else something you are it makes it right and justifies the actions. Take the US and their occupations of other countries based on false claims and profiteering for example. The 10 million baht compensation is a scam that will encourage families to send their members to the next "rally" in hopes of hitting the jackpot, no shortage of people can be expected.

    Why is it that authorities are not called in when dead bodies show up? Aren't these temples assisting in crime if nobody is notified, or were they told not to do so?

    In developing countries, the mind seems to be the last thing to develop. :annoyed:

  9. the problem here is the new government is dead set on bringing Thaksin back. Yingluck said she's not working on it, but her Thaksin appointed foreign minister is. The next mob will be even bigger and more aggressive if people get paid to get on a bus to Bangkok and know their families will get 10 mil if they die. Send all the boys and girls to Bangkok. Impeachment should not be out of the question, nor should the watchdog agency sit back for 6 months, ooops, change that to 1 year and just let the new government "prove" themselves. That would be too late in my opinion. :jap:

  10. I think a crackdown on newspapers and journalists that post team competence type articles and even suggest which team has a better chance of winning is long overdue. If these kids, all 18 of them are gambling because the newspapers are suggesting easy money by doing what it is that people love about sports, stats and hoping their team will win, let's get right to the source. We know kids just don't know any better and are rarely disciplined for fear of embarrassing the family. Any bets this will change? Anyone? :blink:

  11. Yingluck said the issue will be left for the Foreign Affairs Ministry to oversee and that she will not interfere with the process, but has asked the ministry to treat everyone fairly.

    wasn't a guy with zero experience in foreign affairs appointed to that position as a payback favor by Thaksin who is by the way not involved in any way with appointing positions in the new government's cabinet? :blink:

  12. I guess now Thaksin can say some in the world don't think he's a criminal because if he was then he wouldn't be allowed to travel to Japan.I don't understand how he can be re-issued a Thai passport if he declared he wasn't a Thai citizen anymore, and did that by showing passports from other countries although I know that has nothing to do with going to Japan.

  13. What's up with this headline "Japan 'plans to allow visit' by ex-Thai PM Thaksin"?

    All they did was receive a request and the response was "Mr Yukio however said, "We must have thorough discussions with the Thai government on this matter."

    No one said "plans to allow" It looks to me like Thaksin is trying to downgrade his international status as a terrorist and criminal by being accepted in a country that forbids convicted criminals from entering the country. Smart but tacky where only the ignorant will have this go over their heads. Why does he want to tour the damaged areas anyway? He doesn't, he wants to step foot in Japan and show that he's not all that bad because he was allowed to do so.

    Now how in the heck does this do anything for foreign relations between Thailand and Japan? it only does if the foreign minister is a Thaksin crony. :bah:

  14. here's another thought, you didn't mention if you've every been to Vietnam before. when going to Vietnam,you either have to have a visa which is obtained from the Vietnam embassy, there is one in bangkok, or use the services online, you get a letter that you print out and you take that to the airport in thailand in order to get on the plane. when you get to vietnam you go to get the visa, you pay $25 in US cash and they put the visa in your passport. The letter you get online costs just under $22, I always use paypal when paying for this service. If you don't have the letter, you probably won't get on the plane. you have to submit a picture when you pay the $25 for the visa as well. The letter take 2-3 business days to get, you can pay much more and get it rushed to you quicker. I think I use vietnam-visa.com. works everytime. Paying for the letter and then $25 in the vietnam airport is less expensive than going to the embassy and getting a visa there, but quicker once you get there. I don't mind waiting and saving 1000 baht.

  15. Either in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City, to the Thai Embassy, fill out an application, pay the $35 in US currency, make sure you have your plane tickets with you to show them, and pick up your visa the next day on or after 3PM. very easy, no lines, no fuss and easy to get to. Hope that helps.

    Just a note, make sure the days you are going do not fall on Thai and or Vietnamese holidays, that could screw things up. Saigon Green beer is awesome.

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