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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. I wonder if it has to do with your computers.

    Download Speed: 4406 kbps (550.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 623 kbps (77.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Latency: 48 ms

    Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:58:09 PM

    Speed test to Singapore. I live across the river in Nonthaburi.

    I've never had an Internet problem. This is True

  2. i know others havee said it but i cant see it happening for anyone outside of the greater bangkok area. what benefit does it bring? does it help grow rice - no

    I am really sick of the only in Bangkok mentality. There is a considerable proportion of the population of Thailand which live outside the metropolitan area. Besides if you provide the people in the North and Northeast of Thailand access to a high speed network (and unblock some types of websites) maybe they will develop a preoccupation with something other than the current political situation.

    Seems to be a business decision and not one to be taken personally. Seems to me things start in the most populated areas and then spreads to the outskirts. Would it really make sense to start in the rural villages with a project like this?

    I don't think a business such as CAT would consider limiting themselves with an "only in Bangkok" decision.

  3. I think it's great that many people here feel they can publicly post their illegal behavior, and even seem to flaunt it. The curfew is there for a reason. If the gov't didn't do what it did when it did, then I think Thailand would have been rapidly moving into a dictatorship. Shouldn't be so hard to just do what they say, regardless of other people's behavior. I fear this attitude that everything the Thai gov't does is stupid comes from lack of respect for who the Thai people are, or ones self fabricated image of being somewhat superior even if by associated through illusion. There is a curfew, respect it. The gov't says do something, do it. become a model citizen, better than your Thai neighbors if you think necessary. Some idiot was flaunting his bad behavior and ended up on YouTube, and everyone called him a dumb ass. I don't see the difference here. :)

  4. No actually I said "I don't think he was acting or repeating anybody's words in my opinion".

    What part of that is confusing to you?

    None of it confuses me, you were quite clear. You said you don't think he was repeating anybody's words which suggests to me you think these are his own words and he wasn't just repeating something he had heard. So if he wasn't repeating something he heard from the stage / the redshirts then it must have been his own idea.

    I feel it's pretty safe to say he wasn't repeating anybody's words and fabricated those sentences all by himself. This means that I think "these are his own words and he wasn't just repeating something he heard".

    I'm sorry this was so difficult for you, I didn't mean to put you on the spot nor make you say something, err nonsensical. :)

  5. bye bye Jeff. I don't think he was acting or repeating anybody's words in my opinion.

    Wow so you think it was actually his idea and him who burned it down and looted it ?

    Even though this was announced on the main demo stage many times you think it was his idea ?

    No actually I said "I don't think he was acting or repeating anybody's words in my opinion".

    What part of that is confusing to you? Do I think it was his idea? I have no idea. Do I think it was him that burned it down? I have no idea. I do think he wasn't acting nor do I think he was on drugs.

    Isn't he from that country where the fans start riots at football matches? I don't know, I'm just a foreigner and I get my news from the television, but I did hear from a Brit here in Bangkok one time say about the fighting at the matches "isn't that what it's all about?" Kind of reminded me of that. A whole lot of adrenalin going on there. What fun! :)

  6. hopefully the red shirt "protesters" will tell their stories and quite possibly the truth will come out. The people don't have a clue as to what really happened, they don't seem to remember the soldiers just pushing back and using unbelievable restraint. The army did not just attack the people, and the people found shot in the temple were probably dragged there to safety. I find it very hard to believe that any soldier would shoot into a temple. Drag someone into a temple for safety sounds more feasible. Let the truth be told, flood the tv stations with the truth, start with education, and start with the truth. I've been reading the tweets @taksinlive, and they are not very supportive of him at all. Most are calling him a white shark and for his death. And the beat goes on...

  7. The good people of Thailand do not deserve the viciousness of Thaksin's red horde. May they all rot.

    I would like to thank the Thai visa forum and the farangs who post here for their support for certain sections of Thai society. Your incessant rants on Thaskin the past several years have certainly made an impression on the minds of the yellow shirts, elitist, military generals, and poser wannabees polarizing the country here as impressionables consider the farang who post here so much more educated and higher status with their white skin and money. Little do they understand the posters here have their own agenda to maintain the status quo ie. Poverty among the poor for the cheep beer and cheep women. Where would Bangkok be without this forum for these posters to come here? OH Yea - BANGKOK BURNING

    Do you really think we

    "made an impression on the minds of the yellow shirts, elitist, military generals, and poser wannabees polarizing the country"? :) We don't need to vote, we're better than that! :D

  8. Covards. Proves they are terrorist.

    Used to symphatize with the red movements but all that is now gone.

    I sincerely hope that all foreigners and thais take all this in consideration and do NOT vote for the reds in next election. That would be a clear signal.

    Foreigners cannot vote. All we can do is sit back and bitch.

    Or we can marry a Thai

    Or have a Thai girlfriend

    As Thaskin said money can buy most things

    and a Farang looking after a Issan Family will have a lot of influence on their votes next election

    My Thai wife says thousands of Thais will now be hurting as their family can not send money home

    You think they are going to say Lets vote for the reds


    you offer is 500 baht but you took from us 30 ,ooo baht

    Give them enough rope and they will hang them selves

    Up till now Issan people did not really care as everything was in Bkk

    Now its in their own back yards it will start effecting them

    Come harvest time

    Time to sell my crops

    where do they sell the crops

    no wholesalers

    no buyers

    Do I need to go one

    who are the red shirts really hurting ?????

    Thais are well known for shooting themselves in the foot all the time.Have you ever seen a thai regretting something he did.I never have.

    That is a very good point, although I have no idea as so what they think on the inside, surely they won't admit it.

  9. It would seem that arresting these people is now not an option, and I fear the just shooting everybody and anybody that is out causing mischief is the only answer. It's something they have brought upon themselves. When the dead start to pile up, maybe going home might seem like a better option especially if they have families. Force is used when the brain no longer works and pain is the only way to convey a message. A very sad time indeed for these poor slobs that have been suckered into this as the pawns of a power hungry self absorbed egomaniac. It's just a game to some, my condolences to the families that will be the recipients of bad news. :)

  10. Certainly more proof that it is no longer about democracy or anything that is for the betterment of the country. These people are nothing more than thugs with nothing better to do except be destructive just for the fun of it. A curfew is a good idea and should be strictly enforced. Is there any reason the world community is allowing the instigator/financier to not be arrested for some inciting terrorism? I fear the world doesn't take the Thai integrity seriously and doubt the accusations. :)

  11. Does anyone know what happened to the Yellow Shirt leaders, after they closed the airport in Dec 2008? I have not heard of any of them serving jail sentences right now (I could be wrong) if so, seems a bit unfair to me that they can close down the airport and get away scott free. Or could be something to do with the fact that their side came into government afterwards, so they escaped punishment?

    It will be interesting to see what happens to the Red Shirt leaders

    I'm sure anybody with an inkling of commonsense can conclude on their own that what the yellow shirts did and what these people did are exactly the same. :) I'm not saying that what the yellow shirts did was the right thing to do, or how they did it, but you can't compare this event to taking over an airport. What relevance are you insinuating? :D

  12. I can agree with the stop killing of innocent people. The bystanders, the soldiers that are given orders and are doing their jobs, and anyone else that is not involved with trying escalate the situation. The children that are their by no choice of their own, are innocent, the police should be considered innocent as so should the army. So if that's the case, it's OK to kill the non-innocent. And I agree with the monks, stop killing the innocent, and start killing only the trouble makers out there. Yesterday on the news they showed a group of men, young and old "playing" with gasoline bombs, or Molotov cocktails. Funny thing, not one "worked", they merely broke in the street, they weren't being thrown at anyone in particular, even lobbing them a few meters just to get one to ingite! Pathetic. I guess good clean innocent fun to be had by a group of men. So stop killing the innocent, and start killing the obvious ones that are not. How can you tell the difference? The non-innocent are not going home. :)

    you are a sick man. the army is not innocent, nor are the police, the government is very sick like you. all killing is wrong thai against thai is wrong.

    I'm sure if someone tried to kill you or your family you would let them do it because all killing is wrong. By your statement no one has the right to defend themselves, their families or personal property. The right to bear arms has no business in today's society nor one's right to defend themselves against a rogue government. The current government is not rogue, the red "peaceful" "protesters" are not rogue, they are unarmed as they say, they only want democracy, and the killing they have done is probably totally justified by your statement because the gov't is protecting the Thai people's rights. Killing should never take place even if it means defending your God given rights as a human and right to prosper. I hope you get the help you so desperately need, and find a place to live where mob mentality rules by violence. I fear it is only until then shall you find real peace. I think you should go down there and convince the people to continue their peaceful demonstration for democracy and equal handouts/rights. If the aggressors are not dealt with by the same force at which they do unto others, what would this world be like? You accomplish nothing by posting such opinions here. Chok dii na ka :D

  13. A couple of weeks back while everybody was waxing vitriolic about the intrusion on their little cabbage patch by bugs wearing red shirts, I did point out that those bugs and their sympathisers amount to a little over 65% of the Thai population and that excludes the Monks.

    The unfortunate decision of the self appointed elite to pursue a military solution after dabbling briefly with the only sensible option (for them that is) of establishing some form of government of national unity, is tantamount to offering Thaksin and the protestors the moral high ground.

    How long are the protestors going to remain unarmed and unprotected while the military play hide and seek with live rounds? How long will it be before the insurgency becomes ten times or a hundred times larger than at present? At the moment it is hardly under control.

    It is really annoying that the "string pullers" behind the regime are so insensitive they have failed to read the runes. Don't they realise what they have done? The best thing for Abhisit right now is to do a runner and leave these people to their fate. I am sure he has been forced kicking and screaming into this untenable situation as his previous record has been remarkably unsullied.

    The most amusing comment so far concerns rejection of UN arbitration out of hand. Why??? Sorry, say that again!

    Answer from the bold and underlined above: they are not unarmed nor unprotected, nor is the military playing hide and seek. LOL! As to "how long"? until they go home. pray for rain. Your analogy to Bangkok being a cabbage patch and the reds as "bugs" could be demeaning, but in this case and point defines pest. 65% of the population, I don't think so, but then again in all fairness I don't have the stats. I would like to see the actual facts on that, please post a link, thanks :)

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