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Everything posted by KiChakayan

  1. 4. He will have a criminal record [unless he can pay the bribe fee], So, "NO", he will get deported [unless he can pay the bribe fee].
  2. Beg to differ, it is paramount for our planet that air fares stay high. The cheap USD 700 Geneva/Bangkok must stay a thing of the past. And remember, they were essentially subsidised by First and Business class. Tourism must be domestic if we want our kids to have a future.
  3. Where did the OP say he was on a diet?
  4. Reminds my being called in for a new IT by the Department of transport in Canberra. Was in the mid eighties. So we sit down and the guy started "We want you to build a register of seamen", me blurting is this "Transport or Agriculture"...
  5. Totally unwoke, there is plenty sex on board these days. And plenty females sailors as well. We are in 2023 mate.
  6. My vision for my children is to work and retire in Europe, New Zealand or Australia. I keep their passports up to date and let them make their own choices as regard to study and career.
  7. Read this, don't panic mate.
  8. Means colectomy an operation that can be done laparoscopically in Thailand. Most likely to survive well into his eighties.
  9. Cancer of what? They can be very different, if it was Prostate. at 76 you may be wise to ignore it, stomach, oesophagus or lungs would require immediate attention.
  10. My point is that in any "civilised" the Finn would be charged for "disturbing the peace" while the members of that mob would answer the charge of "aggravated assault". You don't take the law into your own hands that's all. Now the point about someone's wife being insulted is moot as it all ended up in a classic Thai gang bashing. I'd assume she didn't have half a dozen of husbands. And lastly, xenophobia definitely comes into play as they all knew that the authorities would take their side since their victim was a foreigner.
  11. He probably deserved to spend a few hours at the police station to be charged for disturbing the peace.. I you come from a lave where justice relies on corporal punishment, flogging, stoning, etc..
  12. Broken jaw? Yeah right you believe he tripped and fell on his face.. You are definitely not an apologist. Also, you may argue, even though you negate the obvious, about Thai xenophobia, so feel free to substitute "xenophobic, savagery" by something like "uncivilised savagery". I'll leave you now with the pleasure of pointing out the pleonasm.
  13. So, what we have here is some drunken, dumb, Farang arrogance met by Thai unrestrained, xenophobic, savagery leading to serious injury. A very minor misdemeanour met by what could have ended up death. If that's ok with you we are not living in the same world.
  14. Don't you see this as a good thing? You only have to travel three times less. And the planet will love it.
  15. Don't think this can be pertinent to most applicants who have been living for years in Thailand and aren't considered as resident for tax purposes by their country of origin. I know that for US folks this is somewhat different...
  16. Thailand is well known for BFFS (Bare Foot Full Service).
  17. Totally incorrect, my Dad and my uncles never stopped talking about their war experiences. They built meaningful lives dedicated to raise their families.
  18. "When in Rome, do as the romans do", so I should probably join in and make my contribution to the beating. LOL.. i'd most certainly run.
  19. And have you noticed his puny squirt? So much for a display of power...
  20. The Greatest generation came back from the wars and went on with their lives... Wonder what happened?
  21. Bisoprolol 2.5mg daily. Didn't seem to help at all for about a year. I was about to switch to a Calcium channel blocker when my PVC burden dropped dramatically. I'll contact Bangkok Hospital, or possible Vejthani once the come back.
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