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Posts posted by torrzent

  1. 1 minute ago, scorecard said:


    Perhaps you should read the whole thread before you rush to your keyboard.


    Read the part about the farang getting very angry because the 2 Thai men didn't protect his beer (at that point this was not in a bar or similar it was at an outside market staff nothing to do with beer etc.)  In reality the two Thai men didn't know the foreigner and had no responsibility whatever to protect his beer.


    How's your reading and comprehension skills?



    How credible is the witness testimony?  A good trial lawyer would tear this apart.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:


    Do you really think calling someone 'scarred and angry' isn't an ad hominem attack?

    No but you obviously do


    2 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:


    Happiest person I have ever known drinks himself unconscious every day.

    That is different from most people's definition of happiness.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Justfine said:

    Chile has the lowest level of corruption in Latin America, as well as the strongest economy, highest standard of living, and lowest level of poverty. You can drink water from any tap in the country, and it has modern telephone and cell service, high speed Internet, and cable television. The primary and secondary roads are well-maintained from one end of the country to the other.

    And Chile is especially well-suited to North Americans and Europeans, partly due to its clean and honest culture, but also because its seasons are reversed from those in the northern hemisphere; so expats with a second home in Chile can enjoy their favorite seasons twice a year.





    International Living largely debunked as a credible source.  Most countries have internet and cable nowadays.  Chile has a very recent history of horrendous human rights, including under Pinochet.  What goes around, comes around. Just ask Victor Jara (or his ghost), or the people of Venezuela who saw a similar paradise turn to hell for the same reasons.  Very few expats have chosen to follow this advice which speaks for itself.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 11 hours ago, AlexCanada said:

    I can up the budget to 15k no problem but the main reason I was trying to just get something really cheap is I figured it will be less likely to be stolen or stripped down.

    As long as you have secure parking and a decent lock, the risk isn't that great for a 15k investment.  A high end carbon fibre one with expensive components is a different story.   I still wouldn't leave a cheaper one in a public non-secure area for any length of time, even with a lock.

  5. 1 hour ago, bwpage3 said:

    No cherry picking here, maybe you do not know how to research?


    Thailand at 120 which you fail to mention is behind at least 6 Latin American countries


    Where exactly do you rank Thailand since you like to cherry pick and bash Latin America?


    Rank Thailand or read below






    Lets talk world ranking not Mexican Citizens Council...


    Amazing you haven't even realized Thailand is not the safest place in the world


    120 says it all, no disputing way behind 6 Latin American countries


    Thailand not ranked as green safe on the 2017 Global Peace Index


    So don't go off tangent and address the fact that Thailand is not any safer


    You should learn more about the country you live in and not worry so much about Latin America





    You sound like a very angry person, scarred by your failed experiment in Thailand.  Rather than ad hominem attacks against successful happy people, you should move on, or get therapy.    The fake news site you reference should be taken with a grain of salt.  So-called "think tanks" (this one with an Aussie tech entrepreneur at the helm) usually have some sort of political agenda (as do you). You also failed to address the independent and verifiable data presented to you.  In short, your entire thesis is rejected, and would definitely not pass muster as a high school research project.  I wish you well, but I recommend you purchase a good flak jacket and and APC if you do follow up on this Latin American dream/nightmare. 

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, ericthai said:

    Sorry you are wrong!  Medicare is for over 65, again Medicaid is for low income!!!  I did medicare insurance for 10 years in the US, I do know what I'm talking about.  My wife and I built a nice house in her hometown for allot less than what we would pay to build a house in the USA.  If you get out of BKK and tourist areas costs of housing is low and construction costs in Thailand are much lower.  

    Good points.  I think I will have to go with you on this one, as you definitely know what you are talking about.  The other guy seems a bit jaded by his failures in Thailand and wants to blame everything on that.  He would be better advised to move on.

    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, soistalker said:

    Ah yes! The old "this problem happens in other countries too" argument. 

    No. It does not. Thailand is devolving into an anarchy where Thais can cheat, hurt, and steal without getting caught.

    like monkeys in the jungle.

    This is hysterical fearmongering and fake news.  The US is a great place to visit and live in spite of some pockets of crime, occasional shootings.  Europe is also great in spite of several world war and regional conflicts.

    • Like 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

    The Global Peace Index (GPI) gauges global peace using three broad themes: the level of societal SAFETY AND SECURITY, the extent of ongoing domestic and international conflict and the degree of militarization


    2017 Global Peace Index


    You must have your facts crossed. Thailand at 120 is much higher than at least 5 of these crime ridden crapholes you claim in your comment about Latin America.


    120       Thailand


    24        Chile


    34       Costa Rica


    35       Uraguay


    66       Ecuador


    68     Paraguay


    Evidence that you would rather bash and personally attack posters than understand or research the facts. 


    You should enjoy all of that personal paradise you live in and not worry so much whether or not I will be complaining in a few years. 


    "Never have a battle of wits with an unarmed man"

    Nice try with the fake news and personal attacks!  Let's stick with some real facts from a reputed source.



    and I quote,


    "In 2017, Latin America retained the ignominious distinction of having the most cities on Mexico's Citizens' Council for Public Security's annual ranking of the world's most violent cities.

    Of the 50 cities on the list, 42 are in Latin America,...."


    Of course, you are free to believe whatever you want, but you will get laughed out of the room if you try to suggest that Latin America is safe.   Even your cherry picked locations are extremely dangerous. 



    • Like 2
  9. 57 minutes ago, saakura said:

    Unlike western single male tourists, retirees and sexpats, the Chinese, Indians, Koreans etc are not here for the alcohol and prostitutes, a heady mix that invites violence.

    Have you ever been to Thaniya Plaza?

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, sambum said:

    recently I saw a Thai man floor a farang pensioner with a punch to the side of the head while he was trying to explain a "road rage" incident to a policeman,and the policeman did absolutely NOTHING - didn't even bat an eyelid.

    Was this your version of the story about the aggressive farang guy who attacked the other guy with the machete first and then got KO'd, or is this a different one?  Provide a link if you have it, rather than a scaremongering rumour.

    • Like 1
  11. 44 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    At least until last year nothing has changed.

    Entrance to the guarded motorcycle parking is just left to the entrance of the bus terminal.

    30 Baht was the fee that I remember.


    I once used it during a Pattaya stay for a visit at my embassy in Bangkok.

    A one day excursion.

    Does that fee include overnight and indefinite stay?

  12. 4 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

    Good points, but I guess the problem for many of the quality Pattaya patrons,  is that paying a female therapy assistant for a quickie in St Tropez or Cannes,  would perhaps be equivalent of the budget for say, 3 days of discounted pu*sy and booze filling in Thailand.....:welcomeani:

    You must be tipping too much as the numbers don't work.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Crustyhk said:

    Apology accepted but for such an articulate person you should be a little more thorough. 

    Also might be worth going back to page one and viewing the video this conversation is about instead of the ridiculous pi55ing contest you seem to thrive on 

    Thanks for the compliments but no apologies were offered.  Enjoyed the video, but will leave the golden showers for you.

  14. 20 minutes ago, Rough Rider said:

    OMF! Yes that's true, why don't you volunteer for a job as lifeguard in Thailand. You might save plenty drunk swimmers that are potensial drowners in shallow water! 


    And some in deep water.  A few years back after last call, a punter was pulled from the bay hundreds of metres from the beach off Soi 6.  Claimed he was swimming back to Australia.  It was a pure Crocodile Dundee moment.  Should be a searchable story on google if interested.

    • Haha 1
  15. Just now, Crustyhk said:

    So you didn't reread the post you took my quote from. If you had you would have seen I was responding to someone else who used the term "best fighter"

    Best you direct your criticism to that person

    Sorry no time or interest in doing  a forensics analysis of your past interactions with others.  My post was to you based on what you wrote in black and white.  I calls them as I sees them.

  16. 6 minutes ago, JAZZDOG said:

    You have obviously never been to Jaco, a mini Pattaya for sure.

    Answer the points made rather than introducing unrelated points about rocky surfing beaches with terrible riptides and lousy food/nightlife in Central America.  Totally different from Pattaya.  Sounds like you have never "been" to CR either but may have read a few tourist guides.

    • Like 1
  17. 3 hours ago, Aforek said:

    It was a joke, just to say that it's not my world; I read sometimes when there are farangs who behave strangely , just to think there are very different farang people in Thailand

    but these strange stories arrive mostly in Pukhet or Pattaya ; strange, isn't it ?

    country side doesn't need news in thaivisa forum ; as we say, happy people have no stories    have a good day :smile:

    Maybe a different brand of humour where you are.  Lack of electricity and water have been known to induce cabin fever in people.


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