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Posts posted by torrzent

  1. 14 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    You dont say what sort of transport you will have, if any.


    For traditional sightseeing in town, try the Sanctuary of Truth, the park at the top of Pratumnak hill (may be dangerous at night) and the Big Buddha above it.


    The scheduled boat trip to Koh Larn is nice and cheap enough, though personally once there I just come straight back again. I would avoid the speedboats.


    Out of town, try Wat Yansangwararam near the Cartoon Network water park. The water park itself may be of interest to some, but not to me. Also the vineyards at Silverlake and the nearby golden Buddha on the cliff. There are various decent beaches down in that direction also but nothing magical. You probably know what a beach looks like though.


    Mabprachan lake can be a nice place to drive around or for a quietish drink.


    Much further afield you have Sri Racha, Bang Saen, Sattahip and Rayong, all of which have a few things worth looking at.


    Why go cattle class to the island?  Very easy to charter a great speed boat and have a wonderful day.  The rest of your itinerary seems very boring.....I mean Pratumnak hill, a lake that is not even a lake????C'mon! There are also way more interesting activities than you suggest.  What about elephant rides?

  2. 3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Seems very sad, died alone in a cheap condo and nobody missed him for 5 days, and only discovered due to the smell.

    People supposedly come here to party and enjoy themselves, yet here we have the other end of the scale.

    Would it be any less sad, had he died in a group?????  You come into the world alone, and usually leave the same way!

  3. 16 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I find it hard to believe that you're serious.

    Have you ever heard of a Chinese national seeking out Thai dim sum?

    On the other hand more sophisticated Thai nationals are often found eating quality Chinese dim sum.

    I think the inferiority of Thai dim sum is basically an objective fact.

    I find it hard to believe that YOU are serious.   Dim Sum IS Chinese fast food.

    Most of the Chinese in Pattaya are on package tours and eating at buffets(not dim sum joints), or maybe you haven't seen the tour buses! Therefore the premise of your assertion is false. Maybe you can share the complete set of data from the "scientific" research you claim to have carried out. 

    Don't feel bad, but I suggest you expand your food horizons and try some of the great Thai food while in Thailand.  You really are missing out.

    All you seem to eat and drone on about is burritos, cheeseburgers and junk food!

  4. 3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    That is true.

    I truly can't comprehend it.

    Actual Chinese dim sum is one of the great food types in the world.

    The ersatz cheap Thai version is basically junk food. 


    I would say the exact opposite is true... the thai version is outstanding;

  5. On 11/1/2017 at 8:20 AM, meuok said:

    This is my opinion:
    Economy Roast: The Caddy Shack.....this place is leaps and bounds above the rest
    Quality Roast: Suggestions.....a touch difficult to find, but is well worth the effort. The Roast (Sundays) is superb, ..
    Pig out Buffet: The Sportsman (with a close second to Aroi)

    Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Is there a place called "Suggestions"?

  6. 19 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    A resurrected old thread, but still largely valid.


    I would add a location that didnt exist when the thread started: Robin Hood at the Avenue. The plated Sunday lunch at 199B is good value. If you have their loyalty card you get 10% discount.


    They also do a buffet version of the same meal at 399B but I find that the single plate is enough.

    how much is the loyalty card?

  7. 6 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Yes, they seem pretty well sealed .


    My gf also seems to think she has to pre-wash everything before putting in the machine !

    not a bad idea to get rid of any surface particulate or basic grime before starting

  8. 10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    OK, great. So it's on North Pattaya Road.

    That's a good start.

    I've never seen it there.

    Can you give a hint as to WHERE on North Pattaya road that it is?

    Is it a place that serves actual Chinese style dim sum or is it one of those places that serves cheap Thai style versions of Chinese dim sum (which are never very good)?


    I much prefer the Thai style ones......

  9. 16 hours ago, ScotBkk said:

    I agree
    However, being Scottish we're proud people to and cannot change our cultural indifference becoming subservient at others threats or whims. Hospital food through the drip comes in different flavours these days. Certainly, a joy not to be missed ............ :passifier:

    Ok maybe a haggis flavored drip could be possible, but how are the deep fried Mars bars not gonna clog up the IV tubing?:laugh:

  10. 7 minutes ago, ScotBkk said:

    Pray tell me where I insinuated that its unique in Thailand to get accosted? Let’s call a spade a spade my friend. Farangs for instance have been confronted in heavy numbers for many years not being able to defend one's self. So please don't rabbit on as if it doesn't happen mate. The ideology is that we're much bigger so they attack like a pack of hyenas bludgeoning one to near death having no thought for their victim. Now your gonna mention gangs around the world. Let’s keep it here since we’re describing Thai mentality in this instance.

    I’ve lived in Thailand 12 years now preferring Europe which to me feels safer depending where you are graphically of course. I love Thailand as many others do although knowing one must be careful not to make annoy a Thai, what he considers’ loss of face’ or you will lose your face once his backup patrol gets ready to perform. I do appreciate your view of course but having been beaten up myself by a baying mob for refusing to pay an extortionate Tuk Tuk fare it left a bad taste in my mouth – probably the blood lol.

    Anyway, thanks for your response keep happy………..


    Well I think that is your mistake right there....it is always better to pay up and get away, than to argue on principle and take a hiding!

  11. 11 hours ago, tropo said:

    Why do people talk about Thailand street mentality as though it's unique? This is ridiculous. Where do people on the street have referees to ensure fair fighting? There's only one place to have a fair fight - in a refereed competition fight with competitors of like size, weight and skills. On the street, it's anything goes - anywhere in the world. Unless the Thai guy is highly trained, why would you expect 1 on 1? On the street, the primary objective is to win, as easily as possible without being injured.

    Agree with most of what you say except about the winning part....objective is to get away without injury.  What is the point of a "victory" if you are left with a broken arm or leg, or permanent scarring, loss of teeth etc.  There are no split decisions on the streets and no judges to declare a "victory".

  12. 3 hours ago, bazza73 said:

    I assume you are talking about Thailand. Australian GP's don't do surgery, they refer patients to specialists. In Australia, the standard of professionalism is much higher.

    That's just because the system is different...not related to competence, more likely health insurance and cost to the state coffers.  This whole discussion reminds me of that TV show House....usually half a dozen medical experts, ace medical residents all get the wrong diagnosis before House solves the case(usually while heavily medicated himself)

  13. 16 hours ago, yooper said:

    Amen to that! I'm suddenly 71 and just got the dirt bike of my dreams this year, I run snowmobiles,  chainsaws, road race my corvette, and still work (online telecommuter) the same database programming job for approx 40 yrs. (I started with cp/m os and 300 baud modems )  I've been careful with my diet, managed my weight and the only med I need is a blood pressure pill. Until recently I was never been one to minimize alcohol consumption. I do feel a  significant loss of stamina, strength and libido but can generally keep up with my much more junior friends. 


    My best advice to those who want to live long is to include deep, controlled breathing exercises along with other exercise. This assumes you can inhale clean air of course ... also quit sugars and processed food sooner rather than later, eat plenty of fruits, greens and fiber. Have annual checkups with bloodwork... many years ago I was 'pre-diabetic' but all is fine now ... also get the fecal occult test for colon polyp detection if you are shy about a colonoscopy.  I never dreamed I'd manage to live as long as I have but I'm so very glad to be around now for my amazing extended Thai family.  


    Sounds cool....the cars, snowmobiles, etc......what is the bit about running chainsaws...izzat a sport?

  14. 2 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

    Not going to waste my time debating with a know all, know nothing, who has to emphasise how manly he is by what he drinks. You really have no idea, do you?  :wai: 

    Not going to waste my time debating with a fake hi-so who looks down on those less fortunate from his lowly perch while drinking gut-rot. Why not help the less fortunate instead of gloating about baileys,  fictional"wine cellars" etc

  15. 22 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

    Your opinion and if affording and drinking it makes me girly, then so be it.  At least I do not have to slum it as anyone living on what is suggested here would be doing.  Be cool dude, I suppose to be a man you have to drink some of the poor quality beers that are now on the market here.


    My cellar, (Yes I have one) consists of many high quality wines (Grange Hermitage) and I also have a good collection of whiskies, (Blue Label J W) and others, so definitely  girly. Maybe you should go back to the bar chair you're posting from and practice being manly.  Please have a good day.:wai:

    Prefer Macallan myself or a good bourbon (wouldn't touch JW if you paid me, and wouldn't brag about it for sure)......Bailley's is usually consumed as a first alcoholic experience by younger people(mostly female) due to its sweetness and cheap cost(so again it would be considered "slumming" it to use your terminology).  Curious about your cellar though.  What is the ambient temperature and humidity? How do you maintain these?  Most high so places and restos in this part of the world shell out for a wine fridge/cooler for the good stuff.  It sounds like you can afford it so why not get one, instead of going the cheapster route.

  16. 2 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

    As I sit here sipping on my Baileys and ice I am trying to figure out what I would have to go without to live on that amount.  Nope, not going to go without but if he can live on that than good on him. My lifestyle is not over the top but what I want and when I want, I buy it. I came here to live a comfortable life but to do it on 4000 bah, nope, no way.  By the way, I'm not into bars or the girls found there, but I do like a good food and a good drink so I do save a few baht by not indulging where I don't need to.  Oh, and my dog, he eats that amount in food each month so he would blow that budget straight away. :wai: 

    For many, that sweet disgusting drink would also be considered slumming it, and don't forget what Schwarznegger said,


  17. 11 hours ago, Dipterocarp said:

    Just came back from business trip to  Denver. I had not been there in 33 years. The growth there has been incredible but the homeless situation very shocking. Hundreds of people camping by the S. Platte river, hundreds.  I'd say for many of the younger set it is a lifestyle choice. Not all the older people are psycho druggies but there is no place for them in the information economy,  $500,000 condos, and craft beer bars. (Way cheaper than Thailand actually!)


    Doubt once  getting into that situation many would have money for plane tickets, passports, 800,000 visa/extension deposits an emergency fund, etc. No way out....

    Sounds a bit like the old people working at Amazon and living in trailer parks


  18. 9 hours ago, Kadilo said:

    Can't see you winning Masterchef this year. 

    Hey you might be onto something.....maybe you should submit a proposal for a cheap charlie master chef reality show on the Food channel....see who can make the best grub on the cheap.  Maybe get Simon Cowell as one of the tester judges.  Can imagine the look on his face when he tries the food in that pic!

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