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Posts posted by torrzent

  1. 1 hour ago, Golden Triangle said:

    There are some right Jodrell Bankers posting on this thread to say the least, I stopped smoking February this year, I have many friends who smoke, I go to bars where people smoke, my neighbour smokes and I can smell it when he sits out the front of his gaff havin a puff, does it bother me ? NO, get off your chuffin high horses you ever so arrogant P****S, last time I checked it was still a free world, until the junta tell us differently.


    I really hate you bloody " Look at me, I don't smoke brigade" for your inate smugness and holier than thou attitude who believe their S**t don't stink, well trust me it does and your attitude smells worse than your S**T.


    So shut it. 

    what's a Jodrell banker?

  2. 1 hour ago, sambum said:

    I think you'll find that the majority of smokers would agree with the above comment! Most of them are prepared to compromise a great deal, but the majority of anti smokers are quite vehement in their approach and I am quite surprised that more of them have not been "bopped" for their intolerance and confrontational behaviour and attitudes. 

    zero tolerance is required to rid society of this inherent evil

  3. 7 minutes ago, godblessemall said:

    As an ex-smoker I think the whole caboodle is ridiculous. OK to stop smoking indoors in public places like restaurants, theaters, shops, trains, buses etc. but outdoors in the open air... crazy. Every day i see vehicles coughing out black smoke... old pick-ups, old lorries and trucks, and yet we who drive cars or motorcycles have to get them tested annually before we can renew our tax and they shove a probe up the exhaust pipe. Do all these old smoking vehicles just ignore renewing tax and getting tested, or bribe the testers?


    Yes, but a filthy stinking car isn't going to sit beside me at a restaurant or cinema and assault my olfactory senses.

  4. 3 hours ago, JSixpack said:

    Clinical psychologist Linda Blair claims the constant barrage of Christmas tunes too early in the season forces people to remember all the things they have to do before the holiday. Blair says the songs are a reminder to buy presents, cater parties, organize travel, and all the more stressful chores during Christmas.


    “You’re simply spending all of your energy trying not to hear what you’re hearing,” Blair tells Sky News.

              —"Do you hear what I hear? Your brain on Christmas music," NBC News, Nov 23, 2012

    Some people excitedly throw on Christmas music the minute the temperature drops. Others have a hard rule: wait until after Thanksgiving to start playing Christmas tunes. And some people just cannot stand Christmas music, especially if it is played too early into the holiday season.


    For those who would rather do without "Jingle Bells," a psychologist in Great Britain thinks you may be on to something.

              —"Christmas music may take mental toll, psychologist says," CBS News

    She is still traumatized from the Exorcist film

  5. 4 hours ago, tropo said:

    Having a good physique is not usually about impressing the ladies. It's more about competition and impressing other males. It's also about feeling good about oneself, being fit and strong. 


    A good physique requires the whole package, not just arms. Most ladies would probably focus more on the but, shoulders and mid-section.

    Why not try to impress people with intellect (and shapely but not oversized arms which may result in small cojones)?

  6. On 12/6/2017 at 11:32 PM, tropo said:

    You really like to use the word "stupid". Look in the mirror mate because you don't have a clue what you're on about. How about naming some pro-bodybuilders who train in the tropical heat all year around - here in Thailand. Most successful pro-bodybuilders live in temperate or subtropical climates where they use air-conditioning in hot summer months. Do you know what a pro-bodybuilder is? It certainly seems like you don't. 


    The only pro-bodybuilder I've ever seen in Pattaya who was actively competing was Dennis James. He used to own the Universe Gym which later relocated to Sukhumvit Road. He was arrested in February 2004 and subsequently deported. I have no idea if he trained in air conditioning or not. I've seen an ex-pro-bodybuilder in Pattaya, long after his competition years, having some casual workouts while on vacation. That was Gary Strydom. He was a pro from the 1980's and was competing up until 1992 followed by two competitions in 1996 and 2006. Guess where he chose to train? California Wow, which was always well air-conditioned. It closed in July 2012. You might see some amateurs here from time to time, on vacation. They do their serious training back at home in more favorable climates. That leaves only Thai bodybuilders, who aren't pro-bodybuilders, who may like to train in the heat, but they were born here and they are climatized to the heat from birth. Thailand (Bangkok in particular - Pattaya's about the same but more humid) has one of the hottest average yearly temperatures in the world. Note: That's not the hottest, but the hottest yearly average.


    There's a difference between "can train" and optimal. Anyone can train in the heat, but it's far from optimal. I wish you hadn't come back for more, but you just couldn't help yourself.


    I'll leave you to sweat in your favourite gym. I'll enjoy my air-conditioned home gym, thank you very much.




    Not sure about bodybuilding, but sweating can be healthy as it helps purge the body of toxins

  7. 17 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    Everyone I know is there on tourist VISAs which you can renew for 3 years without leaving the country.


    Local language Tagalog is 30% Spanish, if you can speak Spanish or English, why would you bother with a local dialect?


    I was paying 900peso/night (500bht) for a beachside condo in Barretto, modern room, aircon, cable Tv, free wife and a nipa hut on the beach to sit in. Hardly expensive or low quality.

    According to wiki, " About 40% of everyday, informal Tagalog conversation is made up of Spanish loanwords "



  8. 10 hours ago, tropo said:

    Hcg can plump them up, but it's expensive and hard to get in Thailand (the real deal). There's a lot of fake stuff making the rounds. You can't get it in a "real" pharmacy unless you're getting it through a doctor, but that would be very expensive.


    I can't see the point of trying to keep your balls plump if you're on permanent TRT. If you're on TRT, that implies you've taken the plunge and will keep going with it. If you're a bodybuilder who uses testosterone and anabolics in cycles, then it has benefit, so you can more easily kick-start your own production after a cycle. 


    If you're really concerned, (single and like to impress the ladies with your big boys) then hunt down Hcg and keep taking it. I don't know if it will combat shrinkage on permanent TRT. Ultimately, if you're quite old, you'll have to make a decision between big balls or a better physique, because one of the biggest problems associated with aging is sarcopenia (muscle loss), accompanied with man-boobs and flab, something TRT can help you avoid. The size of your testicles is merely cosmetic and it depends on who's looking. I'm not concerned as the only person who will see mine is my wife, and she's quite happy with them.:smile:

    Impressing ladies with big arms?  Maybe in high school!  Try getting a plumper wallet if you really want to impress them!

  9. 22 minutes ago, wump said:

    Be aware that they publish your full name along with your booking e-mail address or phone number on their website. Silly thing to do, you will end up on every spam list on the planet.


    Also, it's more like 1,500 Baht, not 1400.

    James Bond Jr. table for 1 please

  10. 1 hour ago, sanuk711 said:

    You would like to Compare Utapoa with Hong Kong--not some of the many like sized secondary  Airports  in Asia........OK

    Were you in Asia 19 years ago when  Chek Lap Kok opened --I was living HK then, I thought they did a great job in moving it--but teething problems, yer they went on for quite some months and had the usual whining & complaining........Oh maybe you were around then......:wub:


    Just a few more letter changes in your creative spelling and you have  "Utopia"

  11. 18 hours ago, SidJames said:

    I know you probably wont believe me but it seems that the builders are behind schedule & it won't be ready until after the weekend.

    Usually they are very precise about time but at least it's progressing.

    Swiss-level precision?

  12. On 12/6/2017 at 12:22 PM, sharpjwe said:

    anyone agaist this rule is an IDIOT !

    smoking kills 

    Smokers LItter everyday of their lives .20 a day * 365 days *40 years =292.000 butt ends YOU have littered

    100.000 baht fine is Baht 0.3 per cigarette still cheap . i would add to the fine picking up 292.000 butt ends to be quit 

    Smokers may die in great pain .after the pleasure ....good for you.


    As for the other issues they should also be dealt with in their specific forums .

    so keep to the point at hand (i wanted that in capitals )


  13. On 11/14/2017 at 8:02 PM, NewGuy said:

    Pho Hoa, 260C on Pasteur, is my favourite by far. It's fun to eat cheek by jowl on the first floor though they've got levels up stairs. Outstanding, really. Always get the Shanghai donuts too. Even though Pho 2000 has added more locations, to me it is just 'okay'. Pho 24, the large chain is horrid - food has no soul.  Pho Quynh is okay, corner of Pham Ngu Lau and Quang Doa, if only to watch tourists walk by and wonder if it's safe. There's a place that apparently was a front for the VC but I can't find it.


    The next time we go I'm going to use a 'top 10 pho joints' list, haha.

    This is one of those foods that is ruined by commercialization.  I wouldn't eat at a joint with "Pho" in the name, has to be a no-name street place recommended by the locals.  Stateside?  Fuhget about it.  Thai kuai tiao and Japanese ramen win hands down. 

  14. 11 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    And a MTB isn't a pushbike ? Do me a favour matey, I have a mountain bike, I pedal it around the village, ergo it is a pushbike, as for riding outside the safety of my village, I am not a deranged delusional Muppet that thinks Thai drivers are gonna give me a wide berth, I don't know where you live, but if you actually live in the city and have the nerve to call it a modern city then you certainly are delusional. I wish you well in your endeavours, please send me an invite to your cremation. :whistling:


    Lots of pushing and pulling here!



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