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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. He would possibly need two trips to Pattaya. Under consideration period. 1000baht for 2 night in hotel. Bet it had pool. Not! The extension fee is 1900 baht. Then there's your personal time. In my mind thats 10k already..
  2. As usual there is always confusion with the inconsistency of Thai immigration offices. There is a report in another current thread where guy used an agent. This was in Bangkok.. Personally, without knowing your itinerary it's something I would consider given timing etc. That fee was ~5k (which includes extension fee 1900baht). It's a suggestion more to do with timing and no under consideration stamp that I would find attractive. Here is thread discussing covid extensions.
  3. Obtain your covid extension prior to Jan 25. Your 60 day permit should be dated from any existing permission of stay. In your case early Feb. Don't even consider waiting till after Jan 25. Having said that....I believe the covid extensions will continue..
  4. Can you advise on agent and cost. Pretty sure TVC has pick up and drop off service for those in Bangkok. Your cost 4500-5000k?
  5. Under consideration period is typical. Good news is you have the extension. Bad news is need report back to same office for final stamp. Think Bangkok is not requiring under consideration period. An agent can obtain the 60 day stamp without that return requirement.
  6. Please explain. Lost what exactly. Many lost the Plot from booze etc (not all of course).
  7. True. Lot depends on requirements for return to Thailand. A tourist visa obtained in PP can take days, but ok joint to chill. If test and go was available then it's an option. The numbers in Vietnam are bad so can't see that option any time soon. Think we are mounting good argument for covid extensions to continue.
  8. @Fore Man I always wonder at laugh emoji. You ask for advice. I reply this...... "Enter visa exempt. In the first couple of weeks obtain Non O retirement. Money only needs to be in bank on day of application". What's the funny bit? So ask a question then ridicule the suggested answer.
  9. Think that's a stretch. Agents can only do so much. When covid extensions end there will be no option for some to remain. Living in SEA ongoing is possible but requires land borders to be open or easy flights and return to nearby countries such as Vietnam.
  10. Not racism at all. Actually I'm surprised the chap is Chinese. My guess would have been western country. Plenty of examples here in similar situation from all the deadbeat western guys. Mind you the losers in District 1 Saigon leave the Thai expats in the shade.
  11. Are you serious. A Chinese fella comes to Thailand with no resources to have fall back plan. Clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed and possibly wonders why poor poor him. Nothing was mentioned of being robbed or having medical costs etc. The article is a click bait that draws on sympathy where none is deserved. Not bitter at all. Having lovely life but did require smidge of forward planning.
  12. So you saw two farang not wearing masks properly. The guy I quoted stated this.... "Most Farangs I see walk around with no mask, selfish pricks".
  13. I don't see any. Sure in bars, restaurants etc no one where's a mask. On the streets and in shopping malls etc it's compulsory and adhered to. Perhaps not in the sticks. Pic 27 Nov fireworks Pattaya. The tall farang and child circled about the only ones with mask. Throw away lines about farang and masks are just that.
  14. Luckily as per some comments above Mr Omicron does not have hospitalizations that accompanied Delta. However this will exploded numbers wise. Has everywhere else. We are on Samet. Lots of tourists here. I'm very surprised.. Just now owner tells me Swedish guy 54, who entered test and go with negative test has gone to Rayong and tested positive (Omicron).
  15. Queensland COVID-19 snapshot Reported in the past 24 hours: New cases: 3,587 Tests: 33,000 Queensland's vaccine rollout (percentage of those aged 16+): First dose: 90.7 per cent Second dose: 86.6 per cent Latest case information from Queensland Health.
  16. Think review something like Jan 24 better idea. Give bit of time after all the travellers are back to Bangkok or wherever.. Full on here ...no masks etc. Picture Jan 1.
  17. Ah, a question on many folks mind. My GUESS is that the covid extensions will be continued. Maybe crazy but my thinking was they would continue till such time that a/some land borders would open. Omicron it in it's infancy in Thailand. Matter of time for it to be widespread here.. Bit surprised by recent reports of negative statements to few folk along lines ..." This is your last one". Request at CW of outbound flight. Don't understand why. So #1 and 2 for me.
  18. Some mixed reports of recent experience applying for covid extensions. CW asking for outbound flight? Haven't read any accounts from MTT requesting same. Also couple of reports of somewhat "negative attitude" from immigration officers. Can anyone state their recent experience at various imm offices.
  19. Attended CW Tues 2nd for 12 month extension to non O based on retirement. Everyone has their own plan. I arrived 11.30am prior to 12pm closure for lunch in order to obtain que #. L92. (at lunch break they were at L74 Then went downstairs to bank for letter. I make deposit and ask lady to photocopy that last page showing activity (deposit) Lunch break....back in 1pm. Finished out the door 2.30pm. I provided: 1. Bank letter and photocopies bankbook pages. 2. Photocopies of required pages from passport and TM6 (well covered in many threads. 3. Map of my condo location (not hand drawn) 4. Copy first page of lease. (not looked at and I doubt if was required). NOT required: 1. I did not provide a TM30. 2. I had original of my last 90 report and she started typing info from it into computer as it was 3 days past due date. I pointed out that I had posted (mail) for current 90 report already. She stopped and pushed the report receipt back to me. 90 report not required. Only photocopies of bank pages required not statements. Note only one set of copies provided. Absolute walk in the park. As usual imm officer pleasant.
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