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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Not really the point. If you can do 90 report online then fine. However you require TM6 for many interactions with immigration as listed in thread. Regarding online reporting MANY folk do not have online option. In addition the online system has crashes in the past and some not brief.
  2. That would be news to me. TM6 is required. With covid on the scene, I last entered Thailand on 16/03/2020. With reentry permit. Naturally I was given the TM6 stub after the io took the arrival part of the card. Since then I have done extensions and obtained certificate of residence to obtain Thai DL and other things not to mention 90 day reports. ALL required TM6.
  3. Here is thread of extension report done Nov 2 at CW using 800k money in bank method. Note some other imm offices may have slightly different (extra) requirements. https://aseannow.com/topic/1237783-extension-retirement-at-cw-report/
  4. True but many including myself do not have online option and is required for mail and in person. The TM6 # is also required on your online application, however if done previously the TM6 # would be in drop down.
  5. Here is a thread that might have a first hand experience. https://aseannow.com/topic/1224301-import-taxes-relocating-on-non-imm-o-visa-ship-household-items-to-thailand/
  6. Thing is it's not all about you is it. It's general information to cover the actual requirements to provide a TM6. Here is one grab from ubonjoe post in relation to applying for a covid extension..... "TM6 departure card. Copies need to be signed by you". I could do the same for all the items I listed in my post from 90 reports to residence certificate etc etc you name it. TM6 is standard requirement. Here are requirements for certificate of residence. Often needed for bank account, drivers license etc. "your passport. copy of your passport's photo page. copy of your visa (if applicable) copy of your TM6 Departure Card. copy of your Receipt of Address Notification" The fact that you personally never require a TM6 is of no interest.
  7. OP, There is a forum that covers your question. One of mods might move it. Not convinced that 2 non O-A is best idea. With a non O and extension it's easy to kill that off at any time. Just exit without a reentry permit. At some point reenter and obtain new non O.
  8. @Madgee . So I take time to post what I think is accurate info regarding TM6 and you give laugh emoji. Please enlighten us with your view on TM6 requirements.
  9. Not having a TM6 for departure means nothing. In fact the airport staff have tm6 cards with them to hand out to folk that have lost them. Many folk coming to Thailand are not tourists. Some live here and some come for extended stay. Things such as filing a 90 report. Obtaining Drivers license, Certificate of residence, extensions, etc.... Almost anything that involves immigration will require a copy of your TM6. In fact if it's lost technically you are supposed to file police report to show immigration (most likely not enforced. Can be) Heck think you will even require it to open bank account. So YES it's required.
  10. TM6 still required. Point of the thread? Not much. BTW always take a picture of it in case it's misplaced.
  11. You will have to go to school. Located in one place. Is that the plan.
  12. If wife is cooperative he could wait until his current extension based on marriage is up for renewal and switch to extension based on retirement. Some of the banking questions best advice is to keep it simple. What's his current situation. He would already have a Thai bank account.
  13. Just to clarify....you can't leave early morning?! Would be inconvenient if you had domestic flight AM.
  14. Your bad experience is not the only report. Some relating that the io stating things such as "this is your last one" etc. Total rubbish. Mind you having the required docs all complete helps. Hopefully your next covid extension will be more satisfactory.
  15. For extensions using money in the bank CW does not require bank statements. Photocopies of bank book pages is sufficient. For income method bank statements are required.
  16. The io you spoke with is trying the power trip routine that sadly some io try to pull. When the covid extensions are announced to continue till late January then that io best just stamp the damn passport instead of wearing cowboy boots.
  17. There were on hold. TVC told me a no go currently. I just this week contacted KeyVisa and they stated it's possible. Best option is anyone asking about this is to deal directly with agent. Most well know companies use Line and Messenger. Keep in mind that covid extensions are still available and will be extended for sure. Stick with them for time being.
  18. Folk should note that one thing that immigration officers are VERY fussy with is the money in bank amounts and dates. It's always recommend to keep an amount above the required. Sometimes a bank fee of 300 for a card or whatever can cause grief if level dips below the required amount.
  19. 2 months prior to date you apply. Same for extension retirement. So you apply today the money would need to have been on bank for 2 months even if date of expiry of current permit was one month in the future.
  20. Some countries (Australia one example) do not offer Non O based on retirement. In some countries obtaining Non O retirement is possible. The alternative is to obtain Non O inside Thailand. This is best done with setv or visa exempt entry. Be aware not possible to obtain non O from STV entry.
  21. Yes. You may find office busy prior to Nov 26 when some folk will be obtaining covid extensions. Go now good plan. BTW your new 12 extension is dated from Dec 8. You don't lose days going early
  22. Non O-A requires nonsense 40/400 insurance from Thai company. Non O requires no insurance.
  23. If you previously had a non O retirement then no insurance is required for extensions.
  24. Think @Sheryl is up with the insurance options. I know nothing about them. As mentioned, I'm interested in this thread as hoping to get back to Oz for couple of weeks. I do recall that some insurance was not available if currently in Thailand so that might be an issue. Edit: mike someone just sent me a Tune link. Haven't checked it out https://www.tuneprotect.co.th/en/product/travel-insurance
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