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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Think @Sheryl is up with the insurance options. I know nothing about them. As mentioned, I'm interested in this thread as hoping to get back to Oz for couple of weeks. I do recall that some insurance was not available if currently in Thailand so that might be an issue. Edit: mike someone just sent me a Tune link. Haven't checked it out https://www.tuneprotect.co.th/en/product/travel-insurance
  2. For a non O and 12 month extension ~ 25k. For ongoing extensions ~15k. Naturally some more expensive some less.
  3. The hotel side of things is simple. Someone with recent first hand experience will be along. Your main concern is to help her with Thailand Pass. Thread in this forum to explain requirement/issues. Currently 68 pages in length.
  4. Its bit of a risk. However some/many think that covid extensions will be extended perhaps even until some land borders open. Certainly the current covid dead line will be extended. You would assume till late January. The 30+30 followed by covid extension does involve bit of gamble.
  5. In a perfect world we would have a standard check list for extensions retirement and marriage and every immigration office would follow that. How easy would that be. Instead on AseanNow any question that relates to immigration is met with ..."which immigration office do you deal with?" That question should not even be required.
  6. Yes 2 months prior to day of application. Be aware that you will be given an "under consideration" stamp and return for final stamp. Best policy is not to touch the 400k during this period, so in effect you don't have access to use that money for 3 months in total.
  7. For 3 months a METV and STV not best option. Best off with a SETV and 30 day extension. 60+30. You could even consider visa exempt entry.
  8. Agree. It's very sad IMO that a country can accept that various immigration offices can "do their own thing" My favourite is being critical of rogue Jomtien requiring extensions using money in bank to return post 90 days to show bank book. Fools.
  9. Which is strange as 90 day report has zero to do with obtaining extension.
  10. You can edit you OP heading. Go to top right of your first post and 3 dot select "edit"
  11. Read the first 2 posts on page 67 which are above this post. Yes such a walk in the park. I did not need to look to far into thread for examples of what a joke this is.
  12. Nup. They would have announced it in definite terms by now that "get out of Dodge" by Nov 27 is essential. Your correct in that it's all speculation. My guess is when some land borders open then covid extensions done and buried. That won't happen this year IMO
  13. Many would disagree with that guess but your correct in that currently nobody knows..... It will be extended for sure.
  14. Which immigration office. Reason I ask is that if your in Bangkok where you obtain covid extension depends on your entry to Thailand. Visa exempt or ...whatever. Think I asked that earlier.
  15. Just for clarity. No one on AseanNow cares about your nationality. However how you entered Thailand and stating your nationality makes advice more accurate.
  16. Don't take this the wrong way. Extensions retirement is very simple. Are you using money in the bank method or income method. Also which immigration office are you using?
  17. That's a joke. The AseanNow folk at the very least use forums. Be that this thread or Facebook or whatever. For everyone of those there would be MANY that do not even know how to register for process such as this or even access assistance. In any event your posts are IMO not constructive in the slightest.
  18. Lovely high horse your riding. All I see is 66+ pages of many asking for help. Along with many other threads with same confusion. Edit: just look below even after my post from couple of minutes ago. "Thanks I am going to try although I am kind of wary to do it again ( Third time )"
  19. Nothing to claim. Normally you would just fly into Thailand with no visa and be given a 30 day stamp. That allows a 30 day stay and can be extended one time for another 30 days. After that you would need to obtain a non O which gives you 90 day stamp OR if covid extensions still available you could obtain one of those. In covid times there are other requirements to enter Thailand. Numerous threads outlining that. Fully vaccinated now allows only one night stay at hotel after landing. Again many threads about that.
  20. No clear what your asking. Your in Thailand currently and wanting to obtain an extension? Based on marriage or retirement or ?
  21. You have a few options. Personally I would even consider arriving visa exempt. Then obtain 30 day extension. Then look at situation with current 60 day covid extensions. Entry visa exempt or with tourist visa enables you to obtain non O visa inside Thailand. You can even obtain that after a covid extension. You could obtain an extension to the non O however it's a 12 month extension and really depends on situation in Philippines. Also you can use an agent. That comes at a cost but does not require you to import money to Thailand.
  22. True and that's why I asked the OP a couple of times... "How long do you want to stay in Thailand." Helps choose best option.
  23. No. USA along with couple of others stopped with issuing the "income letters". That has restricted your options. You could look at obtaining the non O-A in the states or the non O option obtained in USA or inside Thailand. More to the point is How long do you want to stay in Thailand.
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