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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. There is at least one report of similar that I have read on AseanNow. I don't get it. If that "loophole" works then anyone can enter eg indicate 30 day stay for their TP then at passport control (immigration) at Thai airport can point out their reentry permit and receive permission of stay according to that date. I don't get the "period of stay" on the TP application. How many are coming here visa exempt (just one example) with zero intention of having "period of stay" of 30 days.
  2. Thinking @ubonjoe can help you with options based around kids enrolled in Thai school.
  3. The blonde chap shouldn't be allowed near a camera. I want see him in a Jackie Chan movie.
  4. As asked earlier. How long would you be wanting to stay in Thailand.
  5. Only one 30 day extension per entry. Think you should join this thread with you other current thread as it's all same issue. Also indicate how long you wish to remain in Thailand. Covid extensions may be an option.
  6. You have options with having kids enrolled in Thai school. Also are you 50+ as that can add another option
  7. It may be obvious, but clarify. Your married to a Thai. Your children are Thai? Which country are you from.
  8. It's hardly "boomer trolls"... This is the advice posted by resident expert in this forum ubonjoe... "If not vaccinated you will find it difficult to travel here now. Best to get vaccinated before arriving IMO." I basically gave similar advice earlier using reference to my upcoming travel to Udon Thani.
  9. Why Edit: just saw OP reply. Yes you can still opt for 14 day quarantine. What about after that. I'm flying up to Udon soon and will require to show the app with record of 2 jabs. Just one example of living in the new world. By all means don't get vaccinated and enjoy your limited options both here in Thailand and elsewhere. I never understand why folk post incognito info such as ... "problem is the country where I am now has very limited vaccine options" Why not just state the country where you are. Might assist others or even advice from someone that is in that country and going through process of coming to Thailand.
  10. That's correct. Also clearly ridiculous. One would hope that the rules might be "modified" at some point in the future so that the required insurance is not determined by your stamped in period. Thread in news forum re how unfair this is for retired folk living here in Thailand.
  11. The OP is asking about non O volunteering and 12 month extension arranged by an agent. In that instance no volunteering is actually undertaken. The friend's daughter is doing something different. Seems she would be volunteering and would have the required paperwork that would involve the organization etc.
  12. True, you should be stamped in till the date that your insurance expires, however you would need to apply for a new annual extension. Not a good plan.
  13. You will be doing it via mail or in person. The app will give overstay message and net will be "report to your nearest immigration office"
  14. It's done very often, so I'm sure first hand experience will be along.. I also use FD account and that also is common.
  15. Think that might start late November. However that would be chartered flights? Also think currently visa exempt is still off the table. Bit of pipe dream in my thinking. Why would anyone from Thailand go there....to achieve visa exempt 30 day stamp on return to Thailand. Sounds ridiculous. In any event not what the OP was about.
  16. For money in the bank when you attend immigration for your next extension the bank account needs to show minimum of 800k for 3 months after the day you applied for current extension. Then not falling below 400k and then back up to 800k two months prior to next extension. I will skip the requirements regarding your bank letter and opening accounts etc. Your bank can advise. BTW what has your gf got to do with opening accounts etc. The bank account must be in your name only.
  17. Think that TM28 is not being used. In any event my suggestion is that for the covid extension they will want to see a TM30.
  18. You can book a night at hotel. Obviously ask them prior if they can file a TM30 also give you printout of that being done. They can do that, it's not difficult.
  19. Just a heads up. If your obtaining your extension in Bangkok you will be doing that at Mueang Thong Thani. That's a different location to CW.
  20. As you can see above in my screenshot, I downloaded first on the list. Selected Australia (there was list of countries). Then opened "marketplace Facebook" site and was able to send message to seller, which was not previously possible. Thank you. Edit: and just now received reply from seller so it's a 2 way street. Success.
  21. Your dealing with a IT dummy here so keep that in mind. Is there an App that would do that. I mean provide a VPN. While your here....what's "incognito mode" mean. Is that just for laptops. Just had a squiz in playstore. Do any of those apps fit the bill or something completely different
  22. Hello, So more curious than anything regarding my "issue". There is a site in Au called "marketplace". It a site that has items for sale. It is a Facebook page. It uses Facebook messenger. You can contact the seller via sending a message however it blocks any messages sent from my phone in Thailand to those sellers. Is there a simple way around this. Thanks for any advice.
  23. Thanks for all the replies above. Has inspired me to explore more. We are too much creatures of habit. For example when covid started March 2020 we went to Koh Samet and stayed 7 months same spot. Haven't even stayed/seen the mainland beaches mentioned above. We ended up booking Banyan Resort. Not fussed if it's soso. Afterwards onto Samed so plenty of time to look at water. Will spend some time checking out various places along the mainland beaches. Taking the car certainly adds flexibility.
  24. I don't think that it's been thought through very well. Your example demonstrates that. Complete mess. Another example is my own situation. Just renewed my extension (non O). Wishing to visit Oz in next couple of months. Upon me return to Thailand I will require insurance for almost a year. If my extension had been due next march I could have made same trip, returned with reentry permit and require insurance for a month. Where's the logic in that!
  25. Good post. Ta. Haven't been up to Udon since covid. Hope sport bar etc open. The MorProm app worked well. After second jab they told me the details would be added online regarding 2nd jab in ~ 24 hours. I thought "yeah sure..." Fact is it was so thanks to Thai health care. Could you write quick report after you travel to KK..
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