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Everything posted by wavodavo

  1. Poor old trees always get the blame in accidents !!! They have a bad habit of jumping out in front of speeding cars causing accidents .
  2. The best way to avoid M...onkey Pox ...is to stop falling in love with monkeys.
  3. I wonder if they offered him a cash reward for "helping them catch the criminals "Lawyers are re-nouned for being greedy !!
  4. You know the ventriliquist act you see on t.v or at las vegas shows..thats what we have here .Daughter is the dummy on dads knee.
  5. Mate, you must be a stupid do gooder idiot !! you gave the steaks to the delivery boys and what do you reckon they would have done with them ??given back to the store...? NO they would have rang their missus to fire up the charcoal grill and invite everybody for a big feast. When the store does a stocktake and finds where the steaks went YOU are gonna be in the shxt not the delivery boys who would deny any knowledge you dummy !!
  6. I might have missed it but I didn't see anywhere in the article where it mentioned that the driver had been drinking alcohol so that he would be pissed when he woke up.
  7. From the pictures she looks pretty organised..whiteboard for all her boyfriends phone numbers but a bit untidy with all the boxes everywhere.
  8. I had the same problem 4 years ago and had scans which revealed no cancer thank goodness just enlarged prostratewhich was pressing on the urethra which is the tube that carried the urine out of the bladder. So I had a procedure called H.O.L.E.P. to shrink the prostrate..all good now.
  9. He wont need an interpreter to explain what they are gonna do to him !!!
  10. He better not drop the soap in the shower !!!!!!
  11. Sorry mate the "laughing hyena has got no hope !! . firstly she will have to declare what race she is.Trump asked the question today when he said that she used to call herself Indian and then she suddenly turned black...to get the black vote.What a clown. !!
  12. Bob.Have you realy ever been to Thailand ..or do you just have wet dreams about life in Thailand ??
  13. As well as that Bob..you must be stupid ! You dont tip and then complain if you get bad service..Wake up mate !
  14. Why do people go to Thailand and ride a pushbike ???????
  15. I heard somewhere that Baldwin was waving the gun around like an idiot pretending to shoot everyone on set before filming started so I guess this will come out in the court and he will get whatever he deserves.
  16. How stupid are you..Dumbo !!
  17. well done bob,thats the most sensible thing you have ever said !!
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