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Everything posted by wavodavo

  1. Sounds like your marriage is OVER.
  2. That's great.. when go there you should ask them to make a wax model of you then you can go there everyday and talk to yourself. Give you something to do between Dr's. visits whilst waiting for test/scan results to come in.
  3. OR he was a Hezbala rebel from Gazaon holidays and he was getting revenge on the Israilie for bombing his apartment.
  4. What a NOTHING storey just taking up space.
  5. YEP put him in the looney bin for sure !! For his own good.
  6. I don't ride motorbikes but many years ago I visited a mate who was a moto mechanic and he had just finished putting a new motor in a KAWASAKI 900 and he asked me to go for a test run with him. We got going and when the speedo got to 180 klms. an hour i wacked him on the back of his helmet and told him to slow down. Boy, can those things go the acceleration is amazing so you would want to be sober and have your wits about you when you ride those rockets.!!
  7. Yeah and what about all the traffic lights and zebra crossings they gotta stop for.
  8. Most Aussies are probably broke when they get to the airport on their way home and can't afford a beer at airport bars.
  9. A bloody Aussie Yobbo. The likes of him usually go to Bali. We don't need them in Thailand.
  10. They should move to the Philipines there's plenty of sun beaches and sin there if tou know where to go. Pension increases o.k. there.
  11. No way I would warn anyone stupid enough to not wear a helmet. Let them get fined and they might learn through their fob pocket.
  12. Here's what you do. When you go into a bar you sit down and wave your arm around to show everyone there that you have a lovely Rolex watch Suddenly you will have all the ladies in the bar around you so you better buy them drinks You will have a lot of friends for sure. They will probably ask how much it cost you. You could even take it off your wrist so everyone can pick it up and try it on but don't worry they will look after it for you if you have to go to the toilet.
  13. I don't get it the store calls the police and the shoplifter is fined but the fine is calculated according to the store policy not the laws of the land. So who enforces the fine if he doesnt pay...jail.?
  14. Is that all ????
  15. My ex -girlfriend had many male friends and used to go out all the time to to the bar that she used to work at to catch up with them. They were from all over the place .. .. Germany, U.K., France, New Zealand, Australia .
  16. BOB , I got your message. I promise not to refer to you as Bob ok. Bob ??
  17. I wouln't get too exited about 5 stars hotels .there are plenty of 4 star ones that are cheaper and better. You have to do your research.
  18. Well, it's something that Thai women do very well !!!
  19. If your golf club membership is due ask them if you pay monthly instead of for a year.!!
  20. The main criteria that the visitor visa has to satisfy is that she has a good reason to return home. A job is a pretty good reason with a leave letter from her boss, Also family children, owns property in Thailand...does'nt matter how rich the sponsor is.
  21. Thats really good advice mate .If his brother has already died he probably took tHe wrong blood pressure tablets !!!!
  22. Of course you should have clicked on the email and accepted the prize in the raffle...after all you DIDNT buy a ticket so you deserve to win. !!! I would have.
  23. This could not possibly be the fault of the car park developers or the fact that all the trees etc. were cut down to make way for it.......They would have have had all the necessary permits and approvals in place...YEAH ..SURE.!!
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