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Posts posted by ICELANDMAN

  1. 4 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    Eat your fill, folks, while you can. Insects- including essential pollinators like bees and butterflies - are dying out at a scary rate. 


    A Swiss nature preservation organisation recently reported 75 percent of current diverse insect populations wiped out due to a variety of causes over three decades, with 163 indigenous species already extinct.


    Researchers expect the death toll to shoot up with the arrival of 5G and more powerful EMF radiation capable of heating up insect bodies "dramatically". 


    You never heard are cultivation insects ?

    • Confused 1
  2. 41 minutes ago, oslooskar said:

    I really and truly have no idea what you're going on about. I've made it quite clear that I can understand and accept Thai nationalism, while, at the very same time, I cannot accept being scammed by corrupt government officials who would compel me to buy insurance that I do not want, or need.


    I can easily accept your opinion on the current Thailand, each one to their own convictions.
    That there is corruption is probable even if it is not demonstrable but this decision to have to choose among Thai insurances is also due to this exasperated nationalism, Thai insurances are the best we can trust, says the government, while we all know that they are the worse for the insured, it is not just a question of corruption in my opinion, believe me I agree with this nonsense because I am in the same situation, this discrepancy rooted in Thai society, it is not just a matter of corruption.

  3. 7 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    Nothing unusual about that; that's how deficits are usually funded. Certainly not from generous donations by the filthy rich 1%.

    This deficit is peanuts and in fact should be more to help stimulate the economy with infrastructure projects. Pity that administrative incompetence slows such development down.


    Anyway all these figures are pretty much meaningless when Thailand, according to Bloomberg has the 7th highest shadow economy in the world at around 40.9% of the total economy. The shadow economy comes in light and dark shades.


    1. "The light shadow economy is informal business and is widespread and consists of street vendors, food stalls, souvenir sellers, repair shops, makeshift entertainment venues etc". 


    2. "The darker side consists of illegal lotteries, street drug trade, gasoline smuggling, human trafficking, informal money lending and small weapons trade and bribery. For all those businesses, no one pays tax, no one is licensed and no one is documented. Bribes goes into pockets of people who constitute a food chain of corruption that stretches up to the highest echelons".

    This story is somewhat dated but I doubt the facts have changed much. It makes interesting reading.



    And it is likely that it is the true reason for the strong bath


    • Like 2
  4. 15 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    Learning Thai won't always help, my wife's family hardly speak the language. Marry her by all means, just don't live in Issan, or anywhere near her family.  When you have to visit the family ( keep it to a max of once every 2 years and for only a couple of days, she can always go by herself to stay longer).  When you do visit,  take a few good books and ignore all that goes on around you.

    if possible take her well away to live, and if to the West, so much the better. I did that 22 years ago with my wife and we have never had any problems with her family. 

    The best advice, at least 1000 km more distant than his family and not married her.


    • Thanks 1
  5. 7 hours ago, oslooskar said:

    I have no interest in provoking anyone. My intention was to let you know that I don't hold it against the Thais for being nationalistic. However, that having been said, I do hold it against those who would scam me. And that's what this is really all about; after all, if I already have health insurance that will cover me in Thailand why would anyone insist that I buy Thai health insurance?

      Your question as to why you should take a Thai insurance in Thailand responds to what you refuse to admit. Choosing only Thai insurance with Thai capital is a clear indication, logic and common sense is not important here with this policy.



    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, oslooskar said:

    I drove around the Ring Road in Iceland with my son in 2008 and we camped out and stayed in youth hostels and really loved the scenery. However, I do remember at the time being extremely uncomfortable with the thought of what would happen to Iceland if its leaders allowed those third world hordes that plague Europe onto its shores. So I can't fault the Thais for wanting to protect their culture. 

    I think you misunderstood me or you want to provoke me, my country is a democratic country and has never suffered and I hope it will never suffer coups. I hope I was very clear in my reply.


  7. 33 minutes ago, ricklev said:

    You know what chaps my ass about Thai insurance companies?  It's their PDF application forms with minuscule areas to write and no way to fill it in on your computer.  I mean how hard or expensive is it make it easy?


    At least they no longer require everything to be faxed.... 

    This is not important to read rather than the tests you should do at the hospital


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