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Posts posted by ICELANDMAN

  1. 15 minutes ago, onlycw said:

    Many Thais operate on wishful thinking. Borrow now, "don't think so much" about stuff like practical issues with repayments and interest burden.


    - Mother buying a 800 k Mazda car for her young daughter in Bangkok. (No need for a car, and when the roads are congested, take the train).

    - Mother choosing a 50 k washing machine over a SAMSUNG at 23% the price (and with a years' long warranty on the motor).

    - Mother buying the latest Apple quipment for her lkids who aren't earning yet. 


    In a few years, Mother will get kicked out of her free government house at a hospital. Then what?!?


    The issue cannot be overestimated!

    Near same my ex wife    


  2. 11 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:

    The point of that thread was to state that extensions are being forced to have insurance, for months people have been stating that it was only VISAS and not extensions of permission of stay. That incountry this would not be applied. 

    There is also a lot of confusion at present with some agents claiming extensions of retirement may or may not come under it. What defines an OA extension (if converting a marriage visa for example) versus an O extension.. That is wildly up in the air and will I predict be a mess for the next year. 

    What is no longer in doubt, and the purpose of that thread, is that immigration ARE demanding insurance to extend permissions of stay, not only at the time of visa issue. 

      I agree,  There is only one solution waiting to see what happens, after 31 October we will know what was decided and if we would have serious problems.




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    The alveolar epithelial cells of the lung selectively concentrates paraquat.[32] Even a single swig, immediately spat out, can cause death from fibrous tissue developing in the lungs, leading to asphyxiation.[33]

    One of the characters in the infamous British public information film Apaches (1977) dies hours after accidentally swallowing a small amount; the paraquat in the film is contained in a receptacle similar to a whisky bottle.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control, ingesting paraquat causes symptoms such as liver, lung, heart, and kidney failure within several days to several weeks that can lead to death up to 30 days after ingestion. Those who suffer large exposures are unlikely to survive. Chronic exposure can lead to lung damage, kidney failure, heart failure, and oesophageal strictures.[34] Accidental deaths and suicides from paraquat ingestion are relatively common. For example, there are more than 5,000 deaths in China from paraquat poisoning every year.[35] Long-term exposures to paraquat would most likely cause lung and eye damage, but reproductive/fertility damage was not found by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in their review.




    I have some doubts about farmers if they know the dangers of using this product or I think they totally ignore the effects of Paraquat





  4. 10 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

    He was hanging, then he lowered himself to the ground reached into his pocket and grabbed the phone and threw it into the pool. Then he knelt down and went to sleep.

    His friends who were drinking and eating with him thought , oh party trick, now he's crashed we go home.

    Case closed.

    Yes I agree, more easy declared suicide because if this is a murder the job police is more busy fund who where the killer or killers, and in any case, who cares, is not Thai man but one farang. This case is not the first and not the last. R.I.P.


  5. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:


    Most people on a work permit are covered by Thai Social Security (with payroll deductions to pay for the cover). . Which has no applicability to retirees unless they were previously covered by it through employment, in which case they can continue the cover through self-payments.

    This is the best rational proposal expatriate can also with Thai Social Security that I would be convinced that the majority in my opinion expatriate would willingly accept if it were applied by the government


  6. 1 hour ago, gearbox said:

    I voted "No" but would have voted "Yes" if any of the visa offered for long stay resembles the Malaysian MM2F. The current O-A visas and retirement extensions are just tourist visas with longer period of stay. The holders have no more rights or privileges than anyone arriving on 30 days exempt entry, so travel insurance could be used for these visas too.

    Malaysian MM2F is a option

  7. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Tesla is by far the finest electric car ever invented. So he deserves alot of credit for that. Name a better electric car. The Prius was first. But it is a hybrid and not nearly as nice a car. 


    The tax credits were a federally funded program that made alot of sense. It is now finished. Still in place for some other electric cars, but not the Tesla. 


    As a taxpayer I would rather have my taxes used to subsidize electric cars than buy missiles used to kill Yemeni mothers and children. 

    Little correction Musk not have invented electric car, for finest yes but peoples work for him, Musk not have invented noting, many peoples believed is a genius, he only another Ponzi.

    Musk I doubt she cared about saving the boys, the only thing that he wanted was to cultivate her false reputation as a genius for his business and above all for his stupid shareholders who fell into the most classic Ponzi trap.


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  8. 4 hours ago, Tuvoc said:

    I'm retiring to Thailand late next year, joining my wife who went ahead of me at the end of last year. So for about two years in the interim I'll be making 4 x trips a year for 2 weeks each, on visa exempt. The address on the TM6 won't be a hotel but will be a residential address. I'm getting worried now that the residential address will create problems and they will think I'm living in Thailand. Any advice ? In this calendar year I've been once, 4 weeks in July/August. Or am I concerned about nothing...

    You are the perfect dream IO tourist ????

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