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Posts posted by cookieqw

  1. manifest documentation is of course important, and looks very good to tourists as they board their boat.

    but more important is the sea worthiness of said boats,  maybe a system like the hygiene one in UK should be used.

    rating of 1 - 5, ( 1 being poor ) and the number displayed prominently on each boat.

    at least that way the pasengers can be sure that each boat has been inspected.

  2. 13 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Only comes to show that road rules in Thailand is only on advisory level and not a must obey rules, people still in the opinion that the law and penalties can be disregarded and scoffed at and at worst, pay someone to fix the problem,

    re-educations of young drivers of the need to obey and observe the rule of road laws is a must to teach them that this is not a joke...

    yeah right,  most have broken the law just turning up for school 555

  3. 8 hours ago, Wallander4 said:

    Ah yes, TAT numbers always funny to see … meanwhile in the real world Guest houses, bars etc. are closing on a daily basis - streets empty and no tourists to be seen except stinking buses driving Chinese around to Chinese owned restaurants

    those buses are not full, 4/5 years ago pretty much all were full.  i know i have a sad life bus spotting its what is known as going off the rails

  4. On 8/29/2018 at 9:55 AM, NCC1701A said:

    "Honey, we are finally in Thailand! What do you want to do first?"

    "I can't decide between between getting hit over the head with a bottle or getting anally raped on a beach."

    "Gee, you never do that with me."

    "Honey, we are finally in Thailand! What do you want to do first?"

    "I can't decide between between getting hit over the head with a bottle or getting anally raped on a beach."


    okay darling but lets go on a boat trip first

  5. 16 minutes ago, sinbin said:

    Anyone  who pays a bribe is the one causing the problem. Not the police themselves. If you refuse to pay, what they gonna do? Grow some.

    if you are caught breaking the law


    the threat for foreigners is that any kind of court case could take years.  this is a well known fact that the thais perpetrate, and it works very well 

    as a simple veiled threat.

    to me it is a win win situation - the thais have not got extra work putting you thru the system, fines are pretty affordable for westerners, i mean £9 quid for not wearing helmet - its nothing.

    you have to pay for everything in this life but you can reduce your payment if you dont BREAK THE LAW. 

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