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Posts posted by cookieqw

  1. 7 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

    actually I am seeing more and more enforcement of this rule. I agree, it used to be the occasional crackdown, but I think becoming number 1 in road deaths has embarrassed some people to taking action.


    I ride around Bangkok a lot, and over the past few months have seen regular gangs of cops at some of the major junctions pulling everyone who hasn't got a helmet. 

    i heard they were confiscating bikes and big fines, but after asking for photos of long lines of people walking away from checkpoints, and not seeing ONE i think this is not happening.  talking about pattaya

  2. 3 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:

    It is not easy to scam a Thai woman that easily, mostly foreigner who loose money to Thai ladies in general, but there could be another reason behind this case.

    Probably it the matter is hidden and given wrong reason to police.

    i class farang as european american aussie def not any asian indian or african those people have a totally diff mindset

  3. 2 hours ago, BestB said:

    What examples would you like? Would you like me to take you to hotel and knock on each door ? Or you can always open day agoda and see availability and prices.


    wherr are all the visitors staying? What visitors ? Pattaya is empty, restaurants empty, bars empty, clubs empty, massage shop empty .


    the only huge numbers are on the paper from TAT


    and finally I own a hotel, last year September I was at 70%, this year lucky to be 20%, sister hotel same figures, 2 guest houses near by, 1 room with guest. 


    A good friends owns a market, not a market stall but the entire market , and vendors are cancelling their places , not enough sales 

    im an avid coach watcher when im over and have not seen a full coach for a couple of years, you mignt see 10 or so coaches at Vogue Hotel soi lengkee but most are half full at best

  4. 23 hours ago, yogi100 said:


    This did happen to a friend and the knock out drop aspect of it shook him up as it would have had it been yourself, myself or anyone else. So I took the trouble to make the post as a warning to others rather than to give you the opportunity to make smart arsed remarks.


    I have had girls back to my room in the past and have had a mobile phone stolen on one occasion and an electric razor on another but it happened while I was fully compos mentis and I know how angry I was and how much of a mug I felt. And these were Thai girls in Pattaya and they snatched their loot when I wasn't looking but this matter was rather more serious and could have had tragic or at least rather more costly consequences.


    So the event could have taken a much worse turn therefore IF you are tempted by African women be on your guard or better still as my pal has learned don't touch'em with a barge pole. 

    obviously you never warned your friend. but to find out what they used go to the police, donate to the policemans ball and ask them to do a search and arrest setting yourself up as the mark

  5. 54 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

    The husband had to die, because in all movies the good guy and the hero always get the girl at the end.


    On a more serious note, because of the girl`s social status and the crowds she is involved with, I doubt there will be much sympathy for her. But whatever or whoever she is, no one has a right to own, claim authority, abuse and lay their hands on someone else, even our own children once they reach adulthood. We all have rights as living individuals.


    This is clearly a case of kidnap, rape and extreme physical abuse. The guy should be arrested, charged, tried in court and if found guilty, sentenced to jail time. That`s how it should be done in the civilised world.

    i do believe touching of the head is a real no no in thailand

  6. 4 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    Some of you want to laugh and make fun of what I said.  That's your prerogative.  But you apparently have no concept of how the real world works.  There are literally hundreds of "mercs" for hire, willing to take just about any job offered if the money is right.  


    Her dad had gone to the State Dept for help, but was told that since she had gone willingly with him back to Iran, there was nothing they could do.  And it was a member of State who suggested the idea of using "mercs" , and provided him with a contact.  


    You don't want to believe any of this, that's up to you.  I know what's real and what happened.  



    most live in pattaya

  7. 9 hours ago, Happy enough said:

    this has been going on for at least 20 years and they had different tricks.

    i knew a bloke from southampton years ago who ended up here and on his arse.

    one thing they did. they would take his passport and make a fake of it.

    he said he would check into the flight using his passport, in departures he would have to meet the person to be smuggled (flies in on a transit flight so doesn't enter thailand) and he would give them the boarding pass then he would simply walk(apparently could then and immo paid also) from departures to arrivals and simply join a large queue and enter back in to thailand whilst the other person boards the flight.

    apparently easier to get on the plane with crappy fake passport if already through immo and have boarding pass.

    idea being that person would then flush their passport in the plane and claim asylum and have no docs on arrival in european country.

    another one was smuggling girls to japan to work in 'factories'. hookers basically.

    so he would book a weekend away to tokyo with his thai girlfriend, arrive in tokyo, spend a few days there and travel back to thailand alone.

    that's what he got caught for, he'd done it a few times and for not a lot of money, 25k a time or something.

    he'd done it about 3 times and was on his way out of tokyo and they pulled him up.

    Game over, ended up in jail in japan for the next decade, not sure whatever happened to him after that.

    imagine all that's much more complicated now.

    yes,  i was transiting bkk,  london - singapore late 60's  and i just walked out of airport, didnt walk far but i was definately outside by the taxi ranks.  very laid back  back in the day

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