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Posts posted by cookieqw

  1. 1 hour ago, SABloke said:

    The scumbags make 2 - 3 minimum wage on a single journey into the city. What "living wage" nonsense are you talking about? Most taxi drivers I talk to in the suburbs despise the Airport and CBD taxi brigade because they give the rest of them a bad name.


    On another note, I don't even know why people bother with the Airport taxis for long distances either - Taxi to Pattaya, 1,500 but for 1,700 you can book the AOT Isuzu Mu-X which is comfortable and has actual space for more than 1 person's suitcase.

    1000 for me 900 the other way pre booked 

  2. 6 hours ago, Bournville said:

    What is the deal with this? The price screams fake. People love to but cheap.. Fake.. Products. It would be different if people were paying 30.000 baht for a fake handbag. But they are not. How does this harm the real company brand? It's not like the 2.000 baht customer is actually going to spend 30.000 on the real thing.

    Be happy

    exactly, how much is paid for sky tv in thailand as opposed to european countries

  3. 1 minute ago, cookieqw said:

    According to Reuters correspondent, Andrew Marshall, "The country has a special force of Tourist Police, set up specifically so that foreigners have as little contact as possible with the ordinary police—the effect on the crucial tourism industry would be chilling."[15

    im baffled


    2 minutes ago, cookieqw said:

    According to Reuters correspondent, Andrew Marshall, "The country has a special force of Tourist Police, set up specifically so that foreigners have as little contact as possible with the ordinary police—the effect on the crucial tourism industry would be chilling."[15

    im baffled

    so how come the tourist police have cars with all the bells and whistles on and the local police have pickup trucks

  4. 35 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    A few points:


    The Tourist Police is a division of the Royal Thai Police.


    The Night Bazzar is in a prime tpourist location.


    Tourist police have no police powers, ergo, the Tourist Police are unlikely to be conducting operations directly.:


    Are you getting the picture yet!


    Tourist police[edit]

    Thai Tourist Police logo
    Thai Tourist Police officer

    Tourist police are uniformed personnel who lack police powers and are largely responsible for writing out reports for insurance companies for victims of theft. In more serious cases, they will translate reports to be passed on to the regular police in Bangkok. Recently recruiting foreign nationals living in Thailand.



    According to Reuters correspondent, Andrew Marshall, "The country has a special force of Tourist Police, set up specifically so that foreigners have as little contact as possible with the ordinary police—the effect on the crucial tourism industry would be chilling."[15

    im baffled

  5. 2 hours ago, JAG said:

    The last "sighting of guts" in this context was perhaps those spilled on the streets of Bangkok in May 2010, and included those of unarmed shelterers, and a clearly identified medic (nurse) in a central Bangkok temple. They were shot by soldiers, in cold blood, deliberately, from the parapets of the adjacent SkyTrain tracks. The echoes of that gunfire, eight years on, are still heard. The people who ordered that, who put down a deliberate and visible marker, are the people who seized power and now are running the country, the people who are refusing to allow political activity. The Thai people know that, and that is why they will not "display" guts.


    I agree with much of what you say "Eligius" and often enjoy your posts, but really don't think you grasp the certainty that these people will kill, without compunction, to maintain their hegomoney. They have shown that, and the Thai people are absolutely aware of it. If really threatened, they would kill on a large scale. I think that would bring them crashing down, but no-one wants (completely understandably) to be in the front ranks of the protest.


    I rarely discuss politics with Thais, family or friends. It has been noticeable that an increasing number are lately, "soto voce", pepepared to voice dissatisfaction, but I have been told several times " we do nothing, they will shoot you".


    Almost all Thais know, and some will acknowledge if pressed, that activism or open opposition can lead to being " invited for a discussion". Once in their hands, although 'attitude adjustment" is it seems the current most probable process, again all are aware that indefinite detention or worse is a very real possibility, and there are no safeguards or recourse to legal protection - no "habeus corpus".


    It's not a lack of guts.

    that is a sad story you tell, most countries do their best to control their people, but shooting them well thats a different matter altogether.

  6. 4 hours ago, Eligius said:

    I don't think the Thai people are so stupid as not to be able to see this autocratic charlatan for what he is.


    But they are not courageous heroes. Most of them lack GUTS. In my experience, it's as simple as that. They now have a seemingly decent alternative political party in Thanatorn's Future Forward - but when that great opportunity for real change and progress is now being throttled by the junta, the Thais say and do nothing.


    NO GUTS.

    as ive said before they are happy with their lot,  have scant regard for any laws,  life just goes on. and that is all down to the lack of education. which is why their is no education reform

    • Like 2
  7. 4 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    Deputy PM Prawit presently seems to being going through some aging mental crisis. This example of gross paranoia follows on the heals of his claim that Koh Tao is an island of peace, safety and and tranquility and that there is no mafia violence and t]he local police are as pure as the driven snow. 

    As further evidence of his fragile condition he has just announced he has returned his borrowed watches to a dead person.

    Perhaps a period of convalescence and rest in an appropriate sanitarium would be a good thing for this unfortunate man.


    um,  returned them to a person who he couldn't remember the name of ???

    • Haha 1
  8. 3 hours ago, timendres said:

    It is not clear that she was selling a T-Shirt:  "some of her T-shirts bearing a small red-and-white emblem" and "Wannapha, who is a motorcycle-taxi rider". The question is, did she even know what the emblem on the T-shirt meant? Many people buy a T-shirt just because it is cheap and looks nice. So many times I have asked a Thai person, "Do you know what the words on your T-shirt mean?" (as it is English), and they have no clue. It is entirely possible she had no idea what the emblem was about.

    i would be suprised if the motif was visible if she was wearing her taxi jacket

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