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Posts posted by cookieqw

  1. 14 hours ago, robblok said:

    He is influencing the party anyone thinking that he is not in charge is deluded. Sorry Eric even you know he is in charge and flaunting the law. All they need to do is prove it and with Thaksin his remarks in the past its easy to see he is in charge. So lets wait for the courts.


    Its of course crazy that someone like Thaksin who has been convicted can run a party while others cannot after they have been convicted. Thaksin is not bound to any of the laws governing other party leaders that is also flaunting the law. For instance other party leaders need to show their interests and possessions while Thaksin does not have to do that because on paper he is not their leader. So he is breaking the rules for sure. All the other laws governing leaders of parties for checks and balances dont appy because he is not their leader. So its unfair for him to act like a leader without all the checks and balances that come with it. So yes that is flaunting the law and cheating.. on par for him of course.

    just like to mention how is the watch saga going.   ----   have the receipts of ownership been verified. and offered for scrutiny   ---   just asking

  2. 3 hours ago, Issanjohn said:

    I fault anyone who spreads misinformation.  I can assure you I spoke with you know an actual State Department Official and I confirmed that this WILL NOT happen at least not in the foreseeable future anyway but years from now who knows what could happen.  


    Even if they did do this later on down the road so what I just have to open a Thai Bank account and deposit a minimum of 40,000 Baht in it okay I can do that because I’m on a marriage visa and I really do receive a monthly pension payment of almost $4,000 US dollars a month but I currently only use my bank in the United States.  In the future if I have to deposit 40,000 Baht a month in a Thai bank it’ll be a bit of a hassle but no problem.  I would prefer not to put any money in a Thai bank and if I end up at some point having to I’ll just make my 40,000 Baht deposit which is the minimum monthly income requirement for those of us on marriage visas, then print out my bank statement at the bank within 3 months of applying for my next visa extension, and then just withdraw my money back out of the Thai bank and just do the same thing once a year big deal.  That would be an inconvenience but doable for me anyway.  I really don’t want to use a local bank is my only issue.  


    The other thing that pissed me off about the misinformation is how people were saying that they were going to stop providing the Proof of Income Affidavit that’s not even true for the British Embassy.  They are merely saying that they are going to start making people prove that they actually have the money before issuing it.  And to be honest I’ve always wondered why they never did that before because anyone can just say they make the minimum income requirement.  Still regardless the British Embassy should darn well have given their citizens A LOT MORE advanced notice instead of putting out this information literally at the last minute that’s unacceptable and if I were a British Citizen I’d be absolutely livid with the British Embassy.  

    do you not think a letter from the UK DWP stating pension is enough proof, for the Embassy

  3. 14 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

    So what? You certainly get offended very easily.


    Presently the going rate for a one year stay in Thailand on retirement is 800000 baht, which it has been for a number of years and as clearly stated by the British embassy. The 800000 baht in a Thai bank in Thai currency immigration policy is not something new that has come out of the blue yonder. So what`s the problem and why is that so difficult to understand? If don`t want or can`t do, can`t have and these are the hard facts.


    As foreigners staying in Thailand for the long term, we are required to have the prescribed monies in a Thai bank account, nothing complicated about it. 800000 baht is approx 24.5 thousand US dollars or 18.5 thousand UK pounds, which is not a fortune today considering how cheaply we can live in Thailand compared to our home countries and in my opinion that`s still a great deal. Yet there are those here who seem to be struggling or even not willing to bring over those amounts, expecting everything laid on for virtually nothing. As I said previously, no one owes anyone else a living, it`s a 50/50 relationship, we put something into Thailand and Thailand lets us live here whereas the lifestyles for us are of much better quality than in our own countries. Those that disagree, then why are you here?



    and if a thai comes to the UK does he/she have to have the same amount in bank and are they eligible access to one of the best free healthcare facilities in the world. as you say its 50/50 do they put something in to the UK and then take something out ?????????

  4. 4 hours ago, Geordieabroad said:

    Never heard of suicide brought on by toothache before, R.I.P. mate.

    In the U.K. i would always buy Ibuprofen for pain but it's not available here. While suffering with sciatica here in Thailand recently, i discovered that GOFEN 400, which is available over the counter at virtually all pharmacies is actually ibuprofen 400mg. 

    Just a tip for any of our expat friends who may require pain relief.

    600 is also available

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