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Posts posted by cookieqw

  1. 4 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    The thing is that the face and profile of tourism in Thailand has been constantly changing and that's been true since I first started living here in 2004. I remember when western tourist numbers were first down in Pattaya and all the bar owners were screaming that the place would never be the same again, that was early 2000! Chinese and other Asian countries that make up the majority of the tourist numbers into Thailand don't sit in Pattaya or Phuket bars all day and don't spend their nights chasing bar girls so it's no wonder the average western tourist doesn't see them and thinks the world is coming to an end. Try looking at any one of the (non-bar/non-sex) tourist-related businesses in the North which are packed out daily, not with westerners but with Asians, or try talking to one of the tour operators in the North, that'll give you a better idea of what's happening on the tourist front, it is doing very very well.

    Yes and most of the coaches I see are not full like they used to be 

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  2. was up country with a girl at her parents home big thai style living rooms up stairs,  she said she wanted her house next door on their spare land,  she did get it  not thru me but another faring,  i think its a bit of insurance,  shes happily settled in uk so i reckon other family members are getting the use of it. 

  3. 5 hours ago, ksamuiguy said:

    The Military guy is out of there in 10 seconds, hops between bikes and down the soi. Hint "Look at the Haircut". The remainder just appear to be caught up in few wildly thrown punches, doesn't seem to be and harm done.

    the one who did the damage had a white printed shirt on ,, the white shirt came out of bar with his mate at the wrong time  ,, then printed white shirt got a few more shots in

  4. 5 hours ago, Andrew65 said:


    Not gutless, or stupid, it wouldn't have been long before there were about 10 motorbike taxi guys there, probably a few of them with blades. I've lived here 20 years and know not to get involved, the Thais will always be on the winning side.


    This comes not long after a guy was killed in a bar fight here.


    I had an old friend who got a knife in the ribs and a punctured lung many years ago in Bangkok, in an incident similar to this one in Pattaya.


    Best not get involved.

    one of the jet ski group turns up at .28 just behind the copper,   little ??  something from the jet ski video

  5. 1 hour ago, thaiguzzi said:

    Not quite.

    First thing i seem to remember him doing, of utmost national importance, was the lottery tickets.

    Getting the price down to 80 TB from 100TB.

    Guess what.

     Missus bought a couple of tickets last week when i was with her, i said "where's your change?"

    She said "what change?"

    Apparently reverted back to 100 baht a ticket ages ago...

    And the beach chairs,

    Guy's a complete numpty. An imbecile of the highest order.

    yes openly sold in pattaya 100 baht when i asked why they say because they walk round to sell them. i buy mine from a girl on a hand moved trike 80 baht, but i give her 100 baht anyway

  6. 10 hours ago, Thian said:

    Well those owners of that estate are also lowlife's, look at all the foreclosure signs at that hi-so front gate. They have a huge house it seems so why don't they pay the bills like all decent people?


    Here in a moobaan where many thai lawyers and tv=stars live they drive the latest model German cars, several at one house but they have no money to paint the wall around their house which looks totally crap....


    Many of them bought the landplot at both sides of their estate and leave it as a grassfield so they won't get any neighbours.


    Even hi-so expensive moobaans can have lowclass thai with barking dogs or nasty kids screaming all day. And there's nothing you can do about it.

    i dont see too much upkeep of buildings in thailand

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