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Posts posted by cookieqw

  1. 13 minutes ago, wavemanwww said:

    From a previous boat accident "That case saw the boat captain and a crewmember being charged with recklessness causing injury. " Punishment? Only assume Inactive post like the coppers.

    They were sent to that big building in Bangkok with a huge sign, like all Thai Advertising signs on high risers saying, " Inactive post HQ's . 5 years ago that building had 25 floors. Now its 50 floors and growing fast!


    PS I'm backkkkk

    Like to know why that boat exploded

  2. 7 hours ago, eggers said:

    I'll repeat myself, yet again, they likely to be "authentic copy" watches & he's taking the media for a ride....It proves the point, the media is full of mindless, story-tellers who can't disseminate fact from fiction !! 

    But he’s already said that he borrowed one of them from a friend, I mean who would lend out a 1st copy ??  Besides what about all the crackdowns on copies ???

  3. 1 hour ago, steven100 said:

    I support a government that provides peace and stability as well as economic development. As I have mentioned one hundred times and has been proven over & over democracy doesn't work in Thailand.   Democracy is not something that has to be ... it's not a must have ...  I recently read an article from the Australian newspaper where it was commenting on how democracy had failed us ( the australian people )  it may have been regarding the mess with MP's having dual citizenship,  I just forget ... but my point being that how has democracy helped the average joe  ???  ok, so he can vote !! big deal ...  just vote some arse hole in who won't create jobs, help the poor, does nothing about high cost of living and many other things.

    As I said,  I support peace and stability, and Thailand has that as it stands which without someone wheeling the stick fighting starts and it goes back to the problems as before.

    You may be right in what you say, but please read my copy and paste below.

    surely if the people are paying their wages this must be a requirement.

    Scrutiny comes from the Latin scrutari, which means “to search,” but which originally meant, “to sort trash.”

  4. 5 hours ago, jayboy said:

    It seems that Yingluck is definitely in the UK.The Thai authorities will have been advised of this by the UK authorities months ago.There is no chance of extradition and the Thai authorities are perfectly well aware of this.It is also highly probable they do not want the return of Yingluck to Thailand.


    With the exception of the last point (which is an opinion) all the other points above are irrefutable facts.


    With this context it is clear (and taking into account the comments of the Government spokesman, the Deputy National Police Chief and the Foreign MInistry spokesman) the whole Thai establishment are taking the approved party line - presumably dictated by the Junta - namely that the pursuit of Yingluck is work in progress - and yet this is completely inconsistent with the known facts.


    So we are dealing with a pack of liars.


    Still for comic relief and connoisseurs of the absurdities of Thai bureaucracy one has to treasure the following comment in the stable door/fleeing horse department.



    "The Thai Interpol later asked their UAE counterparts about details of Yingluck’s flight to the UK but had still not received a reply"




    We do not comment on whether an individual is in the UK or not. Border Force will consider any applications for entry in line with the Immigration Rules,” the embassy responded when asked to comment on the matter.

    seems your first paragraph is wrong ! ! !

  5. 36 minutes ago, Fore Man said:

    I find that statement extremely hard to believe.  Thai society follows the shape of a huge lopsided bell curve, with the agrarian masses arrayed nearer the lower end and another, but smaller concentration of Hi-So’s at the top. The emerging middle class cluster however, is growing in size and importance. The simple truth is that farangs generally indulge in more costly habits and needs than a typical Thai.  Thais have no need to fly outside of Thailand for home visits and only the truly wealthy take expensive foreign vacations.  Most middle class here enjoy their vacations..if they can even call them that,  within the national borders. If they could live more simply, farangs would easily have more wherewithal than an average Thai and even in spite of their spending habits, I see clear signs that they do live a higher standard than their local counterparts.  Don’t even get me started on how dual pricing can dampen farang lifestyles here. The country tends to be influenced by the exceptions brought to our attention by the media, and there is definitely an unfair skewing of statistics when the news is bombarded by slovenly, drunken or crazed foreign behaviors. 

    Yes dual pricing ?, aimed at farangs because they earn more, not aimed at Thai elite tho, who are head and shoulders ( in wealth ) above any farang who visits Thailand

    dont know of any other country that discriminates as much as Thailand

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