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Posts posted by cookieqw

  1. 3 hours ago, shackleton said:

    I seem to recall news a while back about some Israelis running a business in Phuket or Koh Samui  with out a business permit 

    seems foreign gangs are everywhere Russians  Brits  ect

    so much for good guys in bad guys out they are every where

    When I put my house on the market the estate agent told me their was a lot of buying going on by Israelis , this is in a small town in east anglia UKi

  2. 8 hours ago, Thunder26 said:

    I don't really care about elections, but it really gets me when they keep telling lies. It would be better if the Army was honest and said that there wouldn't be any elections until further notice :)

    Yes , I’m a farang so this really is not my business but honesty is a very strong ally. WATCH this space 

  3. 9 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    Funny, I would ask the same question of you... Do you not get it?


    If they do not need a mandate from the people, why have they promised an election? Why did they go through the farce of a referendum? Why not just say "we are in charge. Period!"


    Because they cannot.


    Thais have demonstrated several times in recent years that they are willing to come out on the streets if pushed too far. True, with enough force they could be pushed back, but at what cost? Thailand is dependent on trade and tourism; if they push too far, the economy tanks.


    Even if the above doesn't happen, the Junta needs economic progress to stay in power (you can do your own research as to what happens to non--democratic governments in low/no economic growth scenarios). If the economy isn't doing well, pressure builds and builds and builds and eventually it bursts; can I suggest you look into the reasons behind the 'Arab Spring'?


    If the Junta thought that it didn't need elections, it wouldn't have them. What it is doing now is trying to create a situation where it can 'win' an election and have it validated. If it was not necessary, why do it?


    It is true that you can govern a place for a while using oppression, but there are limits. And, the Junta is bumping up against those limits...


    Have they ever come out against the military 

  4. 5 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Disgusting piece of s++t ,makes me ashamed of being British, when i read things like this.

    He deserves to die very slowly.

    Never be ashamed of being a Brit, acid is being chucked about all over the UK at the moment, not by you, me or 55 million other brits, but what you could be ashamed of is all the do-gooders who come up with excuses for these sick b—-stards

  5. 4 hours ago, jimn said:

    What complete nonsense. You can either have a daily weekly or monthly plan. You dont sign up with AIS for anything other than a monthly plan which with his 200 baht he couldnt get. Daily and weekly promotions are bought ad hoc and do not repeat. If the OP just uses data without a promotion he will quickly use 49 baht at which point they will send an SMS to say he now has free 512mb for 24 hours.

    I have weekly 99 B repeating

  6. 3 hours ago, Old Croc said:

    The Singapore passport is very popular for forgers as it is the second best in the world for visa free access to other countries and holders are generally accepted without close scrutiny.. They do however, have biometric versions and special security features. A forged document wouldn't pass inspection at most modern airports and countries.

    I wonder if they would try to use the fake ones just to see how good they are. Seems to me like it would be beneficial 

  7. They gotta be joking, PILOTS !!!    I was at sea for 20 years and upon arrival at port a PILOT was put on board to navigate us to the berth, these PILOTS were qualified Master Mariners,

    I’m sure that not one of those so called pilots in Phuket would be allowed to take a ship in to lam chabang ( excuse spelling ) .

    PILOTS.   don’t make me laugh 555

  8. 2 hours ago, Slain said:

    I wonder how if the Thai folks that do manage to visit say UK ,and upon entering a London museum would be charged while all other nationalities get to go in free?

    You can accept paying extra if you are a tourist maybe in tourist area, but to look at someone and charge you more because of your race is racist. Same with food stalls and shops.

    Ok, maybe its' their right to do so, but they need to be told how welcoming it is not.

    As you said it’s racist —. That’s how backward the country is

  9. 5 minutes ago, foxboy said:

    There is a fundamental difference between Thai National Parks, attractions, etc. dual pricing and restaurants dual pricing.

    A restaurant charging MORE for farangs is taxing them for their 'perceived' ability to pay more

    Attractions charging LESS for Thais are merely offering concessionary rates as they are LOCALS not TOURISTS and are 'perceived' to have less disposable income. I'm ok with this, just as I am with children and OAP's being given concessions in my country.


    A restaurant choosing to dual price, however, should CLEARLY DISPLAY THE PRICES (Thai and Farang) first, then the customer can decide if they want to be ripped off! Doing it sneakily should be a criminal offence

    But she said prices are displayed at table

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