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Posts posted by cookieqw

  1. On 11/02/2018 at 9:55 AM, sambum said:

    Except when you live alone in the house and take a long holiday, and then you only get 10% discount. And if you live in, for instance Zone A and you have a garden, you are not entitled to a "green" wheelie bin to dispose of your garden rubbish (weeds, dead plants etc) so you have to make your own arrangements for disposal, as they refuse to accept it as normal household waste. But if you live in the next street along, (which backs on to your house) which is in Zone B, you can have  a "green" wheelie bin for your garden rubbish even though you do not have a garden!  

    Except when you live alone in the house and take a long holiday, and then you only get 10% discount

    OH MY BUDDHA !!!

  2. 9 hours ago, Happy enough said:

    you see i don't think that looks menacing. to me that looks like some thai copper who doesn't want to have dark skin. happy for him to wave me past. but if he pulls me over and wants to talk to me then he should remove the face covering and sunglasses before speaking to me. i would be fine with that. don't want to get a ticket from a stormtrooper

    or breathe the fumes

  3. On 03/03/2018 at 11:01 AM, SerenityLane said:

    Yes, it is a common practice for banks to screen payments and require you to provide documents if they get suspicious. That's how I thought it will end when I came to bank first time after hold.

    But in this case bank did not mind transactions, instead police initiated freeze for investigation and it is different process.


    I have seen many traders in Thailand who require buyers to handwrite note that they are buying bitcoins and authorized to use funds. As well as their ID.

    Possibly police routinely search for people dealing with bitcoins in Thailand and rip them off.

    Yes, it is correct name for it because right now there is no regulation of it and they have no grounds to prosecute me. I can't wait to hear what they will say to my lawyer.

    I am not a bank nor doing sales regularly thus I do not have to obey AML/KYC laws right?


    i would love to know the price you got when selling them

  4. 9 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    This is an extremely complex subject and there is no way that any foreigner can  fully understand all the dynamics involved.

    Thais have the same range of IQs that other people have in other countries. However, Thais are taught from birth that respect of their culture is foremost in their life. That, in itself is a good thing as Thai culture and all of it's intricacies does produce caring and upstanding citizens.

    Where it all goes awry is the use of a single educational model that forces students to learn by rote, never question and never develop an inquisitive mindset. Throw in the face issue and you have a very one dimensional academic product.


    My step daughter is a great example of a Thai student who is gentle; having a deep respect for Thai culture; religion and the family unit. An excellent student who excels at very difficult subjects but never asks Why about anything and keeps most opinions to herself. She is becoming more outgoing as she moves into University but the teaching methodology is the same- lecture and tests and results.She will succeed in Thai business  but have a hard time thinking outside of the box and moving into an international environment.


    The Government controls the educational process and therein lies the problem. Teachers are trained under the Government system. There is no divergence; no discussion of anything that could possibly be considered controversial and therefore no way to achieve the ability to think and thus have a divergent opinion.


    IMHO- Thailand has good natural resources; a willing population who with proper training  an education can succeed and excel.  My step daughter actually on my urging gave an opinion and had the right answer- "We need a new generation, younger and with new ideas to take over". Maybe there is hope.

    wonderful to hear the right answer  ___  lets hope its not to long off   _____    

  5. 9 hours ago, BobbyL said:

    I find that highly confusing unless your children also hold a foreign passport. 


    If you refer to freedom in their own country, highly debatable depending on their upbringing and family. 


    If you refer to freedom to travel and work abroad etc, also highly debatable as Thai nationals cannot easily travel or emigrate around the world. 


    the richer you are the easier it is i suspect

  6. 1 hour ago, Justgrazing said:

    Analysis .! What can you tell from a bit of smoked out filter .? .. We has just come back from Patt' beach having spent most of the day there and we didn't detect any toking by way of the smell of smoke carried on the breeze .. We did observe those who wanted a chuff retreat to the promenade bit but they were only a few .. 

    not banned on Patt beach yet 

  7. 37 minutes ago, Thian said:

    If it's allowed to smoke i will, if i have to go to a designated smoking-area i'll do that.


    Maybe they should make restaurants for smokers and separate ones for non-smokers? Same for kids who cry all the time.

    they have in the UK, all smokers are in the garden so no fun out there for non smokers anymore, dont get me started on the fact they actually stink of cigarettes

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  8. 2 hours ago, robblok said:

    Of course i put there if possible.. its not always possible. It might look as if I don't like farmers (partly true) but that is because i grew up in a farming community and know how militant they can be and often wanted to be bailed out by the government. Just like here in Thailand. I rather have farmers that are doing well so they are not pawns to anyone who offers them the best benefits. 


    I prefer that they were taught to be self reliant instead dependent on handouts. I of course understand its not always possible but there are also a lot of farmers that are to set in their ways and hate to change. 

    you're not French are you ?

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