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Posts posted by cookieqw

  1. 2 hours ago, jamie2009 said:

    I thought they were going to stop Baht buses running on Soi Bukhao ?

    One of if not the busiest 2 Lane Soi in Pattaya,, no side walks, when one stops the traffic all backs up, there are no bus stops and some times pedestrians have to walk in the middle of the road to get passed them when they stop.

    The Council need to decide to wether too enforce it or make it access only for delivery, Baht buses and scooter taxis and people who work on the Soi.

    it used as a rat run mostly by scooters to avoid either 3rd Road or Second Road.


    i like the way the traffic gets backed up, it never lasts long and their are very few altercations, if that was uk their would be fists flying in no time at all, never mind the honking

  2. 12 hours ago, bannork said:

    After the bus driver handed himself in to the police a urine test showed traces of amphetamines. A quick reading of this bus driver's history revealed he had been arrested for possession of amphetamines 5 times since 2002!

    Why was he allowed to drive any vehicle, never mind a public bus?



    i thought they had put in place a system of control, or was that just for the mini buses

  3. so they know many of these buses are not fit for purpose but they still let them operate,   i think the drivers take yaba so they have the speed to run away when one of these buses, that are allowed to be on the roads by the current government fails.   not so daft after all.

  4. On 22/03/2018 at 8:46 AM, Eric Loh said:

    Just a year ago, Prayut in his momentary wisdom tell rice farmers to cut production and switch to corn. Most farmers ignored him and duly rewarded now. Farmers know best not Generals.,

    i think diversify was his message, he wont be happy that hes been ignored, could be another song coming. 555

  5. On 22/03/2018 at 7:04 AM, Annunaki said:

    I agree with this.

    There are so many times that I have bought powdered ingredients (bread mixes, cake mixes, poultry stuffing, etc.) only to find out that there is a Thai sticker stuck directly on top of the cooking instructions.

    If you try to remove it the instructions under the sticker will come away as well.


    I have no plans to join the 'Pattaya balcony jumping display team' because I know that my demise will be through starvation from not being able to cook my scoff. :biggrin:


    On 22/03/2018 at 7:18 AM, HLover said:

    That miniscule selective short attention span may throw a wrench into online shaming.

    Red Bull heir who?


    On 22/03/2018 at 7:04 AM, Annunaki said:

    I agree with this.

    There are so many times that I have bought powdered ingredients (bread mixes, cake mixes, poultry stuffing, etc.) only to find out that there is a Thai sticker stuck directly on top of the cooking instructions.

    If you try to remove it the instructions under the sticker will come away as well.


    I have no plans to join the 'Pattaya balcony jumping display team' because I know that my demise will be through starvation from not being able to cook my scoff. :biggrin:

    you actually buy stuff that has cooking instructions covered up ?  its a good thing they dont cover up the the items name then !   555

  6. 23 hours ago, Thian said:

    no the international driverslicense is valid for 90 days, you have to do a borderrun and it's valid again for 90 days...isn't it?


    That's whay they told me...well actually (in holland) they told me it's valid for a whole year, when i asked about that 90 day rule they couldn't answer me and had never heard of that strange rule.


    Where can we read those rules on a official page?

    in the uk can only get international driving permit, lasts for 1 year,  no such thing as an international driving licence.

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