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Everything posted by theshu25

  1. Well, it has got form for being a compulsive lying scumbag.
  2. He won't have to change much,already carries on like an old woman.
  3. Hr is trying to grift. No sympathy at all.
  4. They should has castrated the animal before he left thaialnd.
  5. Totally agree,this winner cannot help himself on any subject. Muct be very hard to be that pefect.
  6. The idiot would not get a job mopping the floors, Need a brain to do that.
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 71 seconds  
  8. Bye Bye and who cares.
  9. The guy is a complete f idiot. Coul;d not even dig a hole in his backyard.
  10. i call BS on the whole thing.
  11. They didn't last time the orange idiot was in office,so why would they pay now.
  12. Totally agree,they are f.......
  13. I am the same as you,These idiot s will get all that they wished for and more.
  14. Yes,that was a once in a life time gift, Now the idiot has lost everything because of trump.
  15. They all need a good kick up the ar....se
  16. If you hang around withs dogs long enough,you will get fleas.
  17. I think it is more then no sleep. The fact that he is a brain dead moron may have somethign to do with it also
  18. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 53 seconds  
  19. The idiot makes an arse of himself every day,so whats new.
  20. Yes,he is very similar in style to his cult leader in the crap he spews daily.
  21. New meaning to the word tosser.
  22. 2 Cons. what a team .
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