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Everything posted by theshu25

  1. I would be fairly certain the OP is taking the piss.
  2. the freak should have taken up ladies boxing,then i would say go ahead Love to see it get a hiding by real ladies.
  3. Probaly wouldn't be able to carry it,too heavy.
  4. We all know how she feels as you would get on anyones nerves.
  5. I would imagine they all failed becuse he has to be the biggest loser to ever step foot in Thaiuland.
  6. He is a grifting ,coman,rapist disgusting excuse for a human being.
  7. This has made my day for the filthy scamming rapist grifter to finally get whats coming to the animal. Yet he will not do 5 minutes jail,thats the sad part for me.
  8. Why are you questioning a person that knows everythign. You cannot win.
  9. Another one of 100s surmmising about what happened. When no one really knows the actual truth yet.
  10. Dosn't matter where the idiot is from. He is a loser and i for one hope he gets a few yrs in the hole.
  11. The Op is nothing but a whinging p..... , never ever his fault,always someone elses. About time he ha da good look in the mirror.
  12. Wish the idiot would have a pernament break. Nothing but crap posts.
  13. Wow,a lot of assumptions here.
  14. I get pissed of with the peopel that have to reply to every joke and add their own bit onto it.
  15. Totally agree,when will this loser get the hint that no one gives a ff bout his pathetic exsistance.
  16. Totally agree.Love to see the orange rapist ,grifting conman get 5 years.
  17. Why do people reply to this pathetic troll.?
  18. Roid rage and a bad round of golf,no wonder he finally exploded. Nutter ,of to jail for him.
  19. And a rapist ,lying grifting conman as well. The animal is all one way,his way.
  20. Totally agree.How can the USA vote for a rapist,grifting conman,
  21. Wow ,you are going to be busy today then. Lots worse have been said about the animals.
  22. Brilliant summerisation of the filthy grifter.
  23. The Op is nothing but a grub troll seeking attention.
  24. The ginger idiot is not even a royal person. Ask his real dad.
  25. What a loser this idiot is.
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