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Everything posted by theshu25

  1. He as usual has a concept of a plan. The village idiot cannot even tie up his own shoe laces,so what show would he have of a plan.
  2. Agree,not much this total know all does not know.
  3. Should have hit the mongrel 3 times harder.
  4. Totally agree with you,The orange animal is a scumbag of the higest order. Can only hope he gets jail soon.
  5. Needs a psychaiatrist and quick.
  6. Animal cop should be gelded then thrown in slammer for life.
  7. Either that or a 10 year stint in jail with some other sickos, which i am sure he can and will relate to
  8. Because the normal person can only put up with so many lies and crap that this orange grifting,raping,conmanspouts on about daily.
  9. Class act all the way ,the orange grifting raping conman.
  10. I think he is more sad then funny. I actually feel sorry for this Trump follower.
  11. Most overated actor in the history of acting.
  12. Hope thius Russian scumbag gets serious jail time for this sick act.
  13. And the reason he is bashed daily is because the village idiot desevres it. The raping grifting,conman is pure evil and yet millions cannot see it.
  14. Compared to voting for the raping ,grifting ,conman ,lying orange scumbag,she is the only choice they have.
  15. I see all the watchs have very small hands on the dials ,same as the orange animal grifters hands. This is how low the grifter is saying people have never ever had it worse then now for money in the USA,yet the animal still trying to rob and grift everyone.
  16. The guy would do well in Thailand as more villages needs idiots like him and a few have been missing lately
  17. Geld the animal with a blunt razor blade then life ,no parole jail.
  18. The village idiots true colours came out in that debate. The moron has the brain capacity of a gnat.
  19. Totally delusional grifting con artist.
  20. Your icon is no more then a village idiot that cant even tie up his own shoelaces. He is nothing but a grifting conman scumbag mutt that is taking money of good people to pay his own bills.
  21. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 86 seconds  
  22. Throw the animal in jail for 5 years. Just the fact he was even invovled in that crap deserves jail time. Sick animal.
  23. Totally agree,very very strange.
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