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Everything posted by Mark1066

  1. I take it you are claiming to be unaware of the fact that cannabis can negatively impact brain development in younger users then? You probably also think that COVID-19 vaccines contain microchips that are used to track people. ????
  2. Your arguments are nonsensical. First you intimate there can't be a problem because no states in the USA have rolled back legalisation of cannabis. Then you use alcohol and tobacco as examples of greater problems that need to be dealt with before worrying about cannabis. Can you tell me which US states have recently rolled back legalisation of alcohol or tobacco? If none of them have, then, by your own logic, they must both be safe. Also, I'm not sure why you think USA legislation should be held up as some kind of shining example to the rest of the world? Look at the ridiculous gun laws and the fact the per capita murder rate in the USA is 20 times that in the UK. That Americans have yet to make the connection suggests a serious lack of insight at best. The end of your post is the most ridiculous example of whataboutism I've seen recently.
  3. I love a nice walk but not when it's 38 degrees Celsius outside and I have a large suitcase and bag with me.
  4. Exactly. I never understand people who boast about how poorly they live in Thailand. In the same way, I don't understand people who come on here and boast about how much they spend every month either. I remember some German guy on here who was always boasting about his ridiculously high (IMO) electricity bills every month as if that somehow made him better than everyone else.
  5. Unless you are a medical professional, you have no business making these types of statements. Some people encounter addiction issues with benzodiazepines and some do not. In many cases, they provide important therapeutic benefits.
  6. Don't let the fact your post has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of the thread stop you from sharing your opinion. It must be a compulsion at this stage I assume.
  7. Like the true face of the United Kingdom? Knowingly letting Russians launder money in the City of London for decades. Not even the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014 did anything to dampen their enthusiasm for dirty Russian money. The Americans are no better: they've been happy to let Russians pour money into real estate for years. And you have the temerity to call Thailand an 'utter disgrace'? The hypocrisy of developed Western nations is, in my experience, only exceeded by that of their deluded expatriate citizens in South East Asia.
  8. A significant percentage of people who undergo laser eye surgery experience complications. I understand the OP is asking primarily about something else but since it has been mentioned, I would urge anyone considering laser eye surgery to do extensive research first. And if you have had such surgery and experienced no complications then that's fantastic but in no way does it negate the fact that a lot of people are not happy with the results. It's only around 5% apparently so if you like playing the odds it's fine but if you don't, then maybe it's not the right choice (5% equates to around 1,250,000 unsatisfied patients so far).
  9. He probably meant that nobody would know, and certainly from my experience it is only other foreigners that get their panties in a twist about these sorts of activities.
  10. Does one need to be an English teacher in order to be literate nowadays? I know the world is dumbing down by the minute but I'm sure we can aim a little higher than this.
  11. What do you mean 'No way do I trust Thai banks'? What do you think they are going to do with your money? Most people who make statements like this don't actually have any money to deposit here.
  12. Whoever is confused at this post must have learning difficulties.
  13. I have never seen so much terrible advice all in one place. And from people who claim to have half a century of experience, which makes it a whole lot worse. The information about tuners is total nonsense. Virtually all cheap clip-on tuners have a chromatic mode nowadays (in addition to other modes) and whichever mode you choose, it will not affect the sensitivity of the tuner. How could it? Just absolute rubbish. Of course the nut can affect more than open strings. If it is too high, the 1st 2nd and 3rd fretted notes will almost certainly sound sharp when you fret them. It's not physically impossible for the 12th fret to be perfect and for there to be intonation issues at other points of the neck either. In fact it's almost guaranteed to a certain degree as the guitar uses equal temperament tuning. They can only ever be relatively in tune and never perfectly (although it is not normal for all the fretted notes to be sharp of course).
  14. You're really stretching to try and prove a point here, even though you must realise you're wrong. I've worked with many people in the building trade here in the past - seen plenty of Burmese and Thai Yai labourers. Not once did I meet one in a position of authority. If you want to argue whether they might have been bricklayers rather than unskilled labourers, that's just splitting hairs really, and with no real reason apart from your intense desire to nail someone to your politically correct cross.
  15. I know what you are talking about. My point was that it doesn't matter what Thai immigration officials think about your dual nationality or how you use your passports. As long as you come in on the Thai passport, they cannot refuse entry. So why would there ever be a need for a bribe in this situation?
  16. You don't need to bribe someone to let you in if you are Thai. I am not aware of any relevant legal provisions for refusing entry to Thai nationals - are you?
  17. This is a pointless comment. Your good experiences don't negate other people's bad experiences. In my youth, I drove while exceedingly drunk on a number of occasions. I never had an accident but I don't go around telling people that it must be safe to drive when you're drunk because I never crashed when doing it. I'd also have to question your assessment of being a likeable guy when you clearly lack empathy with your fellow humans.
  18. That's not the reason at all - they have absolutely no business or interest in whether you plan to divorce your wife. What a strange notion. It is to check you still qualify for the extension you already have. If you do not, then you have broken the terms of your visa.
  19. Maybe his wife has a job.
  20. You shouldn't be using an ordinary onshore bank account in the UK if you don't live there so I don't see a problem with that at all.
  21. Why don't you simply use a debit card issued by a local bank?
  22. The problem with both platforms is the backend code was written by dribbling morons. There is no provision to search for fish food in speech marks so you only get results with that specific phrase. When you enter 'fish food 20kg', both websites will return every single item that features the words, 'fish', 'food' or (not and, or) '20kg' in either the title or the description. In other words, both sites are relatively useless.
  23. Why not just use a local Visa/Mastercard? What's the point of messing around with their e-wallet?
  24. AliExpress is not a 'dumbed down version of Ali Baba', it's the retail side of the business. Most vendors on Ali Baba are wholesale suppliers.
  25. 5 years LOL? I read it, with accompanying notes from a verse-by-verse exposition, in around a year. If there's too much information in the Bible, I guess we need to shut the Internet down right now?
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