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Everything posted by Mark1066

  1. Of course, they're dumb. Most of them are Americans after all.
  2. 120 is all the USA has 'given'. Now they want 3 times that back nearly. Stop propagating your presidents lies, it's pathetic.
  3. I had to Google that. Thank goodness I'm not from a country that hunts its citizens worldwide to tax them.
  4. Maybe he already had a bank account. They don't check whether you are on an overstay so I don't see why he would need help in that respect, or with the transfer of funds.
  5. Only on sly geezer could a thread about a foreign man being on a 10-year overstay turn into an attack on the character of every woman in Thailand. You really are pathetic. There's no indication that he even lives with a woman in that article and in my experience, it is nearly always another foreigner acting as the snitch.
  6. I moved here unwillingly 14 years ago and it's never been a great place to live in my experience. It was dull and boring when I arrived and it still is. The expat population was (and probably still is) significantly older than it is in Bangkok. Walking around Airport Plaza when I first arrived was like walking around an old people's home. Every single Westerner I saw was well over 60. There's nothing wrong with being older of course but if you're under 50 and still active, I don't think Chiang Mai is a good place to live. I mentioned some of my concerns on this very forum back then, which included food, and was met with hostility from posters, one of whom went so far as to claim the choice of restaurants in Chiang Mai is every bit as good as the choice in Bangkok. I gave up trying to have serious conversations on here after that. The city is dirty, unattractive, congested and attracts the type of visitors I could cheerfully strangle: posers, hipsters, digital nomads and neo-hippies who wander around SEA in search of authentic experiences, man. It also attracts the type of expats I dislike: older Westerners on a fixed income who are unable to see the irony of their bigoted attitudes, having chosen to emigrate here. Most of them pair up with a native girl whose history is better left undiscussed and slowly drink themselves to death.
  7. I think you're wasting your time. People who enjoy smoking weed that costs $4 a quarter are not interested in quality and have little to no idea what they are talking about. I've seen posters on here proclaim it's better to buy cheap, less potent weed and smoke more of it than to pay for 'top-shelf bud', because it still works out cheaper. So, in effect, they are saying they value their wallets more than their lungs. You can't teach people like that anything.
  8. At least the air quality is good now 🙂
  9. Stopped reading after "fake pandemic" as my time is precious, unlike yours.
  10. Is that "normal Thai" as opposed to "normal American", which would be major aeronautical manufacturers lying to the authorities about using nonconforming parts in planes? Personally, I find it a lot more worrying when the world's third largest aeroplane manufacturer plays fast and loose with passenger safety.
  11. Laos has a slightly lower, i.e. better, Gini Coefficient than the USA so maybe go to the States instead if you want to see inequality?
  12. You have no idea what day it is actually - you just take it on faith because someone told you what day it was years ago. Days are just words we made up - you make yourself look incredibly foolish with such comments.
  13. At least it's more entertaining than the bigoted comments about Thai IT that preceded it. As usual, Westerners with zero skills think they can suddenly turn their hand to anything once they reach these shores. Can't tie their own shoelaces in the West but here, they can run international retail operations, run governments, solve the country's economic issues and revolutionise the educational system (which is so much better in the West - that's why you are all such huge success stories.
  14. What are you talking about? I've seen plenty with more than 800 watts of power - there's a 1,400-watt Samsung Microwave on Powerbuy's site if power is all you want.
  15. No, the reason it's being ignored is because it doesn't fit the anti-Thai narrative of the bitter, piss-poor westerner brigade that frequents this forum. Try punching a bouncer in the red light district of a city in your home country and see what happens. You're not even fit to be called men, you're a pack of pathetic, whining babies.
  16. Either you enjoy lukewarm soup or miniscule portions.
  17. Why don't you find another hobby, you nasty little toad? I can't imagine how empty your life must be that you have to get your jollies trolling retirement visa threads on here.
  18. Do you have reading comprehension issues? Nowhere in his post did he suggest that he paid for any land. For all you know, his wife bought the land and house. You love to come on here and try to force your own world view and experiences on others don't you? Maybe try getting a life.
  19. You clearly have never been in this position. If you can pay the fine at the airport you don't get detained. No need for second flights, lawyers or any of the other rubbish you mentioned.
  20. I've never been asked either. Too many people on this forum who think they know everything, based on their own very limited experiences.
  21. Why are you making assumptions? I see nothing in the OP to suggest he did this.
  22. How does your answer stand? You said there was nothing that low "unless you go back to the crash of 1997" but it was before the crash so your answer made no sense at all.
  23. Can you quote where it says in the immigration regulations that the 40k is specifically for supporting your wife? Just because they assume a foreign woman will be supported by her Thai husband, it doesn't follow that they expect a foreign man to support his Thai wife. All it proves is that they expect Thai men to support their foreign wives and foreign men to support themselves. To assume any more than that is pure conjecture. Up until recently they didn't even care if you kept using the same 400k in the bank to support visa extensions based on marriage, which puts rather a large hole in your argument doesn't it?
  24. Perhaps they objected to the chauvinistic tone of the OP. The 40k is to prove you can support yourself, not your wife.
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