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Posts posted by Ketyo

  1. 8 minutes ago, outsider said:


    Wow, that is really, really stupid. And an equally stupid notion, to think that people are straining against their leashes, waiting to jump on the first flight to Thailand as soon stay-home orders are lifted around the world. The days of being on most people's bucket list, are gone. With or without the <deleted>tarded 14-day quarantine. Now put your skirt back on.


    Speaking of stay-home orders, your neighbour Malaysia, which have been praised by the international community for having one of the better responses and control, are still nowhere near lifting anything. They have been under the order for one month since 18 March, and have just extended it for another two weeks until end April. And it seems they may extend for another two weeks into the middle of May. So, don't get overly excited because of lower case counts for a day or two. Again, keep your skirt on. I think we're not out of the woods yet.


    Malaysia's problems come from clusters linked to religious muslim festivals. The same in Indonesia. There is no comparison with Thailand.

    • Confused 1
  2. "Large department stores may have fewer risks, compared to small air-conditioned shops, the doctor said. Also, entertainment venues that are usually packed with customers, such as pubs and restaurants, should be the last to be reopened, he suggested"


    The doctor says that small air conditioned shops are no good for corona but large air conditioned shops are OK. I would say that outdoor venues are better than both.


    Outdoor restaurants and beer bars should be the first to re-open.

    • Like 2
  3. 7 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Now there is an explanation from people involved directly in the situation. Here we have a spokesperson from the Covid-19 control centre and a director from a research institute. Still we have the TVF Negative Brigade that puts themself over all of this and knows better. Hilarious! When is it time to understand that stupid looks stupid enough?

    You will never change the TVF Negative Brigade. They hate the Thai Authorities for treating the public, including both Thai people and foreigners as children. And at the same time behaving as children themselves.


    Intrusive and bullying, ineffective and expensive. An assault on individual liberty that does not promise any greater good.


    Back home, governments are more likely to treat their citizens as customers, service users and beneficiaries of government services with a right to question how efficiently and effectively their taxes are used. 


    But 40 or 50 years ago, before new public management, western authorities were similar to the Thai ones today. That's why the TVF Negative Brigade look on the Thai Government with such negativity. They can't believe people still have to put up with this <deleted>.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  4. This 'fake news' came from a real story in France a few weeks ago. That story said the authorities recommended paracetamol rather than Ibuprofen for fever since they came across a single case where the patient got very weak after taking Ibuprofen for fever. Though I believe the patient was a child.


    And the other point "However, there are cautions when using this drug [Ibuprofen] so it should therefore be prescribed by physicians"


    So they are saying that Ibuprofen is a drug that should be prescribed by physicians....that is Fake News. Is there a country in the world in which Ibuprofen is only available on prescription? I could only thing that some extremist Islamic countries like Saudi or Iran would have such rules but I doubt even that.


    The current Thai authorities treat their people like infants.

    • Sad 3
  5. "It urged people to stay home during this Songkran festival, keep distance within the house and wear a mask"


    Really!! Stay 2 metres away from family members in the same house at all times and wear a mask indoors. In a country where mostly, large families live in small rooms in a really hot humid country.


    He is recommending something that is impossible and illogical.  Is it the most stupid recommendation of all time?


    We need to have a chart of the most stupid comments from Thai public authorities. Keep it live and public online so that they they think about their guidelines and policies before announcing them.

    • Like 1
  6. "They should travel by ordinary, rather than air-con, buses in order to reduce risks of coming into contact with the virus"


    So then open places should be better than closed places with air conditioning and recycled air.


    The beer bars should open pretty early on then - at the same time as the small outdoor restaurants. 

  7. "The country reported 111 new coronavirus cases on Wednesday. They included 42 Thais repatriated from Indonesia who had travelled South Sulawesi province for a religious gathering last month before the event was postponed."


    Wow 42 is a lot. No wonder the number jumped. Even though it was cancelled they all got it from being together. Religious festivals seem to be one of the main causes of cluster events. Many cases in Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand came from that big Muslim festival in Malaysia. About half the cases in South Korea are linked to that Christian cult. India is now seeing spread that started off in mosques. And moronic religious leaders in Iran and the USA insist on keeping places of worship open.


    Why would God target those people who go to worship his very feet? Funnily enough Covid-19 spreads in the same way that it would if there were no God. 

  8. Wow. Shuttering hotels. So he is not satisfied with the affect on the hotel sector of the current restrictions. A minimal level of economic activity should continue through the crisis such that the spread is contained, the health services can cope, and a minimal number of companies and individuals go bankrupt. But shuttering hotels could kill of the hotel sector. And also affect industries where people have to travel for business.


    Maybe if you are in an epicentre like Wuhan its warranted to have such a hard lockdown. But Kalasin? Kalasin governor must be really scared about the capacity of the health services there. To want to kill off the economy.

  9. China did the following 


    - Had 1800 teams of 5 people each doing contact tracing after testing. Thats 90,000 people on test and trace.... contacts were quarantined or hospitalised

    - Had a harder lockdown than many places for people in general; people tightly restricted to homes and all but essential businesses shuttered; immediately banned gatherings

    - Shut down all public transportation and even private transport in heavily infected areas

    - Ramped up their health facilities quickly... after being overwhelmed in Jan and Feb they had enough critical care capacity by March

    - Insist on things like wearing masks when people have to be in proximity

    - May have been using experimental/uncommon medical techniques not available in other places; for examples Favipiravir, and using transfusions of plasma from people who have recovered


    As far as I know, countries such as the UK are just doing a few of these things  and even then only partially

    • Like 1
  10. Prayut doesn't understand the time lag in this.


    At their ministerial conference late last week he agreed that while ever there were new cases every day it shows that the lockdown is not strong enough. So they keep implementing more and more measures. 


    But in reality it not the case. They know the full effect of a lockdown on case numbers only after a couple of weeks....after the incubation and illness period before people report they are sick. 


    If the numbers of new cases is going down already it means the measures are already working to slow transmission enough to stop community transmission over time.

  11. 11 hours ago, ParkerN said:

    If you get caught, do you have to get a haircut like this guy? fate worse than death...

    A cop told me a couple of years ago that Prayut has ordered all the police to have to have haircuts like that to look smart and military-like.


    And he said that a lot of undercover work had to stop because all the criminals could recognise the cops now.... 


    I don't know whether Prayut has any good ideas, but the mandatory short haircuts for police is not one of his best.

    • Haha 1
  12. Please remember that Thailand is a developing country.


    And that Prayut and Anutin went to school in the 1960s and 70s when school was still a day care centre. They were never taught about critical thinking.


    The Thai leadership and government are 40 or 50 years behind the developed world in the way that they treat people.


    Wait for the transition.. after Covid...

    • Haha 1
  13. Stupid people in charge of a third world country. But we know they are uneducated.


    It will be better to go to a country where the people and the leadership are educated.  


    Remember that Myanmar was wealthy before the military took over.


    Now that the military have taken over in Thailand, the country will go down.


    LoF. Land of frowns.

  14. So...


    Stay in Thailand run by an uneducated moron who is scared of foreigners and hates them or...


    Return to the UK where they were late, underprepared and overconfident


    And run by a fruitcake who doesn't listen to experts (Cummings) and a student of Ancient Greek literature (Boris)... and now have over 500 deaths every day....


    Hmmm... where is the leadership?


    My guess is that after this crisis the people will get rid of populist idiots in charge 

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