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Posts posted by Ketyo

  1. If they opened the borders between Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar at first, that would be sensible because there's not much virus going around in them countries now.


    Keep the border closed with Myanmar because of the threat from Muslim conferences which attract a lot of people at close proximity. And the one with China because they are still having outbreaks and the people travel in huge groups - there could be too many people to control.

  2. "But he warned that a second wave of the outbreak had hit many other countries". Not really.


    I suppose this dude always support his opinions with incorrect facts because he believes Thai's don't watch news. 


    The kind of second waves in Singapore, Korea and Japan were really local outbreaks that were contained, not real second waves. And in each case they were managed by test, trace and isolate. They were expected to happen.


    And will happen in most countries and in Thailand. And will probably happen 2,3,4,5... times. There will be outbreaks. It's inevitable.


    These outbreaks should be managed by test, trace and isolate. Not by national lockdown.


    But we don't know whether the Prime Minister is intelligent or authoritarian.

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  3. Of course there will be an increase in infections. When they relax measures more virus will spread. They just have to find a level that they are comfortable about. And do contact tracing and local lockdowns for outbreaks. They can't keep the economy locked fore ever. People won't have any money. I honestly think Prayut thinks he is supposed to get to zero transmissions. But that would require a level of lockdown that would kill the economy and kill people. 

  4. The two main losers from this pandemic in my opinion will be the reckless right wing populists who didn't take care of their people in an attempt to keep their economies going like Bolsonaro, Trump and Boris.  And the control freak right wing little Hitler authoritarians who used COVID as an excuse to grab more power for themselves and restrict the freedoms of their people through threats and crackdowns... like Prayut.

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  5. The bad news is we have never made a successful vaccine against any coronavirus. And there are a handful that affect humans - a couple cause the common cold, then there is SARS and MERS, and hundreds that affect other animals.


    More bad news is that a candidate vaccines for SARS caused the disease to be worse. It was unable to stop the virus and caused the body to attack its own cells after getting reinfected with SARS.


    The good news is we have never really tried very hard to develop a coronavirus vaccine. The SARS research was stopped early after the disease was eradicated. The MERS one in development hasn't been finished. No one wants to invest in a cold virus.


    And with about 100 teams looking at COVID vaccine there are some chances. Some scientists are confident. The woman who runs the trial in Oxford, UK is already testing on people and says she will know by September whether it works. And she says she is 80% confident it will be effective.  But who knows whether she has caught the British government disease that affects Boris Johnson and a lot of his government including scientific advisors. Lying.

  6. I actually believe Prayut treats the Thai people just as he treats his underlings in the army. With disdain, hatred and anger. All his government does is issue orders and threaten punishment. Doesn't he know that in democracies the government rules with the consent of the people? Why do the Thai people put up this this. Are they really so weak?


    At least the dictator in North Korea loves his people. So it is said.

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  7. "Damaged the image of Thailand"

    So they are not investigating the case because a person was murdered, they are investigating it because they don't want their image to be damaged.  


    This is exactly the type of thinking among the authorities that gives Thailand a bad image.


    Everyone who knows Thailand knows its image has been damaged beyond repair since 2014 by the authorities.

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