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Posts posted by Ketyo

  1. At least someone in the Government knows that Tourism is the goose that lays the golden egg.


    But it's not Prayut. he has been trying to strangle it for years with his early bar closing times and late opening times... what's the point of all that! It's not like the people spending in bars at holiday destinations are prevented from working. He's just stopping them from spending. What a moron!!

  2. Wow.  And Thailand has a couple of case some days and zero cases some days.


    And they still have a curfew and alcohol ban. The government doesn't know that they will NEVER get the number of cases to zero every day. Not until there is a vaccine. Which could be a year or more away. And that people have to live.


    Even China cannot get its cases to zero - and that's a communist dictatorship whose people are not free.


    Thailand is getting like one of them African or South American dictatorships. The ones that are run by stupid, uneducated dictators.....where the country ends up as a basket case and everyone is poor except for a few corrupt government officials who steal from the rest.


  3. There is a lesson here for all.


    Do not use CIGNA health insurance. They are a bunch of cowboys.


    They are double the price of many alternatives and claim to be a Rolls Royce insurance company.


    But they only pay out around 50% of the time. Some other health insurance companies pay out 95%. There are loads of complaints online about them not paying out.


    They have an internal rule book with many detailed rules to help them deny payment and they will not share those rules with the customer.


    They have a very aggressive sales team and incredibly poor claims management team. And they are dishonest about what they have done or not done. 


    I used them one year and had 2 completely separate claims that were genuine and covered according to my policy. But they said they had found some internal rules to deny the claims.


    There is a famous story of a guy who needed a liver transplant but they denied the claim because they said the treatment was not accepted by some medical group in the USA. The guy died.

    • Sad 1
  4. Most logical countries enter a state called "only minimal social distancing required" when the level of Covid is the same as in Thailand. It is the stage 2. The one above stage 1 where there is zero Covid in the country!


    Thailand still has a curfew and alcohol bans in place and a military dictatorship that is scared and doesn't know what to do next........




    I honestly believe that Prayut doesn't understand the situation. At this level of COVID he is supposed to control local outbreaks by test, trace and isolate...   not by blanket national emergency lockdowns that destroy people's livelihoods and the economy....




    Doen't he know that he can NEVER eradicate the virus from Thailand... until there is a cure or a vaccine... is he waiting for that to happen.... he might be waiting years...  by which time the people will have rioted


    What a moron!!!

  5. They can open many of those venues behind closed doors like the German's and Koreans. Though obviously Thailand government is about 30 years behind and has not yet entered the modern age.


    I know that Prayut is a scared old man with very limited intelligence.


    But even he should see that its possible with new technology.


    If the people wear masks at the outside bars there would be no problem.

  6. This is not a job for the National Security Council. It is not a National Security issue. It is a health issue and an economic issue. The only thing the security council is going to so is recommend more security. But since the army is in charge Security is the only thing they know about.


    The main advisory committee should be The National Health and Economic Sustainability council.


    You don't want to be in country where the army is in charge in a health and economic crisis!!  That is for sure.


    I understand that those old generals are well into the age bracket where they can die of this, despite the boot polish in the hair. But they need to think of the future of the country.



    • Like 1
  7. The numbers from the UK are correct as far as the government says. Their foreign secretary claimed the reason that the UK numbers are so high is because the UK has the best statistical office in the world..  ???????? ..


    And then it turned out they have not counted 10,000 deaths in old people's homes whose death certificates mention "probable COVID" but they were never tested.....

  8. “Initially, we will focus on reducing study time in the classroom, parents’ readiness, and relieving the burden of sending children to school, which will also help to reduce traffic congestion,” she said.


    Because the good thing about children not going to school and people going to work is that there is no traffic congestion? Is that the logic here? Well now that we know this, let's ban schools forever. Then there will be little traffic.


    Amazing. She is paid to say sensible things when politicians ca't be trusted to do that. What hope does Thailand have!!

    • Like 2
  9. "It could take up to four years,” he said, referring to the time needed to develop and distribute an effective vaccine or medicine to combat the virus"


    This guy is an economist not a vaccine expert. He knows as much as anyone how long it will take to develop a vaccine.


    As for distribution he is probably very wrong, given the hundreds of millions of dollars the US and Europe are already pumping into vaccine manufacturing in preparation for the day.......

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