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Posts posted by Kelsall

  1. 9 minutes ago, jany123 said:

    That’s not really what the link says... or even implies.


    rather, it’s clear that her changing position reflects an awareness that the republicans in the senate will betray their oaths to office, and not vote to impeach, ergo a trial is moot.


    all the trial is likely to do is officially note who voted which way, for posterities sake... her suggestion is to simply replace a partisan vote with a censure motion, which will establish the same thing.


    that said, with rudi’s Ukrainian mates seemingly willing to provide audio tapes of conversation, not to mention mcgahn having to testify, this could be the tipping point, a la Nixon and his recorded gaffs.


    Personally, I pray that the trumps health scare, of the last week or so, is something minor which does not prove fatal. I would hate to see the trump die, thereby  escaping consequence for his high crimes and misdemeanors.

    There will be no impeachment, no trial in the Senate.


    Also, from the article, "Democrats still don't have the strong case they're seeking to justify removing President Donald Trump from office" 

    • Haha 2
  2. 1 hour ago, heybruce said:

    Trump asking/blackmailing a foreign leader for election assistance is not significant, but Democrats employing a UK investigator for opposition research is.  Got it.

    Whatever Trump did is not significant enough to impeach, according to some key Dems.  ICYMI, Schiff is backpedaling, and then there's this, ICYMI:


    Michigan Democratic Rep. Brenda Lawrence, a prominent supporter of Kamala Harris who has previously supported the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, abruptly announced Sunday that she no longer saw any "value" in the process and called for her fellow Democrats to throw their support behind a symbolic censure resolution.



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  3. 10 hours ago, davidupatterson said:

    Great. Thanks, everyone! 


    I haven't dug into the details yet (like cost) but even if it's more expensive than getting a new passport in the US, this certainly works out to be more financially advantageous than going back to the US. 


    Just one last question: Will my new passport say that it was issued in Thailand? 

    The cost is the same.

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  4. 2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    So far, Trump supporters have been behind Trump's refusal to allow former and current high ranking officials of his administration to testify because of the claim of Democratic bias. So we'll see if the Senate subpoenas those same people and if the Trump administration complies. 

    The post doesn't mention any of those people.  It mentions Adam Schiff, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and the so-called Whistleblower as those Trump expects to testify.

  5. 2 hours ago, Saint Nick said:

    Isn't that a photo from an Apple- factory, that Trumpp opened today?

    Except...it was operating since 2013?


    Pray remind me: what is Biden to testify exactly?

    ...oh nevermind!

    You and yours have been asked that question ad infinitum and your answers were somewhere between >crickets & tumbleweed< to a bunch of BS, that has nothing to do, with the case at hand!

    Oh well...Happy Hour is calling! 

    Ask Webfact about the picture.  It's his post.


    The Senate will determine who will testify and why.  I doubt if they will be contacting you for approval.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Kelsall said:



    “We would expect to finally hear from witnesses who actually witnessed, and possibly participated in corruption - like Adam Schiff, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and the so-called Whistleblower, to name a few,” Gidley said, referring to House of Representatives Intelligence Committee Chairman Schiff, who is leading an impeachment inquiry into Trump."



    FINALLY, we will get a SOMETHING burger out of all this!

  7. 14 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    Its obvious you have a feeling but its not based on logic or reality.



    “We would expect to finally hear from witnesses who actually witnessed, and possibly participated in corruption - like Adam Schiff, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and the so-called Whistleblower, to name a few,” Gidley said, referring to House of Representatives Intelligence Committee Chairman Schiff, who is leading an impeachment inquiry into Trump."



    • Thanks 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Skallywag said:

    I still do not know why GOP keeps deflecting from the articles of impeachment.  Schiff is not a witness, the whistleblower is moot, as are the Bidens.  This is about POTUS withholding appropriated military aide from the Ukraine.  Only those who participated in this action since May 2019 will be allowed to testify. period


    FYI, there are no articles of impeachment.  There may never be.


    Should there be articles of impeachment, though, anything in the Republican held Senate will be by their rules, not yours.  I have a feeling they may not agree with your assessment of who will be allowed to testify, or who the interrogators will be.  Trump himself might be allowed to question witnesses.



  9. 4 hours ago, Silurian said:


    So there it is..."full trial that ends in an acquittal".


    That will be the final outcome in the Senate. It doesn't matter how many witnesses or how much evidence continues to pile up against Donald, he will be acquitted in the Republican controlled Senate. Senator Lindsey Graham has stated outright that he isn't watching or even paying any attention to the House impeachment investigation.


    There is absolutely no evidence that will convince the Senate Republicans to oust Donald. They have already made up their minds even before the Senate trial. Mitch knows this and will just play along. Party over country is the Republican mantra. It has been their mantra for years now and continues to drive their actions.


    The writing is on the wall. Impeachment by the House, acquitted in the Senate and setup for re-election as the victim. The stage has been set. The actors are in place. The outcome been foretold.

    The thinking is it will be an acquittal what the Dems have presented so far is all they have.  And...it IS all they have...basically nothing.

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